Are dabs more degenerate than smoking plant material?
Are dabs more degenerate than smoking plant material?
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I really wanna try DMT, but why is weed bad compared to DMT?
It doesn't matter
Can't wait to try some of that
Its the ONLY non degen way to toke, famalamadingdong
I'm sorry but what are "dabs"
i don't keep up with degeneracy as much as i should.
honestly seems less degenerate but still is degenerate. Doesn't really smell and stick to the clothes like people who smoke blunts and in my experience people who smoke dabs aren't the obnoxious 420 blaze it fags
its concentrated weed, its much more potent
But I have full control over myself when smoking weed, always have. I just kinda like to watch myself being THC-d.
Where can I get DMT anyhow? I was thinking of just going to the darkweb but I can't be bothered with buttbucks
lol don't listen to this German, there's a very good chance you'll be screaming or laughing uncontrollably with no memory of it, making you look like an idiot to everybody in the room.
But yeah it's not a chill and hang out drug, it's the very definition of a trip.
that's like asking if Lamborghini's are more degenerate than Honda civics
It's always nice hearing someones opinion about something they've never experienced :D
Very trustworthy! I'll take your advice friendo :D !
Depends on your dose. If your body is never allowed to reach a natural equilibrium of endogenous cannabinoids and receptor levels, you are fucking up your body/mind and your personality, enthusiasm, confidence will become washed out.
consuming anything other than cannabis or alcohol for recreation is most definitely degenerate
Dabs are the best, most non-degenerate way to smoke. They're better for your lungs, and you smoke far less than you would if you were smoking bud.
I took 2 hits of windowpaine in 1993 and never fully came back :[
Be careful, kiddos.
I hear so many stories of stupid kids doing this while thinking its just like weed. They end up in the emergency room for week 'cause they took a big hit then thought they were dying.
even speaking ironically that type of wording and emoticons is just life ending for me
Jesus man, what a trip. I'm sticking with DMT
Degenerate? Of course. You're still a pothead.
That said, dabs are probably not the best thing to smoke considering they are most likely full of butane or other solvents. You're smoking an oil either way.
Being in Colorado there's plenty of products and I've probably tried them all. I've actually lost a lot of interest in pot lately as a result.
However having done DMT every weekend for 6 months, I'd highly recommend it. If you can follow instructions you can make more than you'd ever really need pretty easily.
I couldn't have been more sarcastic there. I only go there in extreme cases.
Blame the Turkman
the same has been happening for years with people eating edibles they couldn't properly handle. this isn't really new just more of a fad since 2010 or so and with all the recreational/medicinal legislation it is only expanding further
Yes. In the same way that drinking whiskey/vodka ect is to drinking beer or wine
I know its all good man
had to delete my post got worried that talking about drugs is illegal :(
doing drugs makes you a degenerate yes
>They end up in the emergency room for week 'cause they took a big hit then thought they were dying.
Can you direct me to where I need to go to get dabs that will get me high for an entire week?
I'm usually only stoned for about 2 hours.
>german education
Cannabinoids occur naturally in the body, you german cuck
there are no real rules here, if you get banned enjoy it kek
...Totally not a gateway drug kids
Yeah it's the weed equivalent to cocaines crack
just because it's more potent doesn't make it "more addictive" idiot if anything it makes it safer to consume compared to plant matter
learn science you twat
anyone been sick off dabs? fuckin amateurs can leave plenty of butane thus causing excessive cough. In a two year span, I'd say 25% of this shatter bought was poorly purged.
You mean this post?
Because DMT ist present in many species (animals, plants and even humans) all around the world. You are in a dream state during the trip, so you dont act wierd, you dont do stupid shit and if somebody sees you they will think that you are sleeping.
Furthermore DMT isn't a recreational drug. The trip is extremely intense and you will just need some time to think about the stuff you witnessed
Absolutely, it's pushing the drug to extremes and the people who support it do things like take dabs after they buy some before they drive home. If a dispensary is selling wax they are giving out hits after you buy some. It's exactly what dabbers think of society.
Fuck you im going to get as high as possible and do anything I want.
why don't you go to a medicinal club where they have some semblance of quality control? I am not saying that every club ever has the safest and cleanest meds but if you are smoking oils that are green, murky, poopy etc. you are doing it wrong
What dispensary does that?
People who smoke buds do the same thing.
Every single one ive been to in los angeles
some cities like based SF allow dabbing areas. others do the shit you just explained: dab and drive.
Find a reputable dealer with good shit, or go to a dispensary.
Well it doesn't actually get you high for a week but it is strong lasts a good 6-8 hours.
Insomnia and heightened paranoia post-trip is what makes stupid kids spend a week in the hospital. They say its to detox but really doctors/RNs are just trying to peddle anti-psychosis drugs.
I went back to bud. I missed the taste and smell. Nothing like a good whiff of that dankness, but I suspect it's largely because of long time conditioning (smell associated with the high itself).
textbook slippery slope fallacy
It's irrelevant which is worse.
They're both degenerate.
Feel bad OP
for sure, and I've just stayed away. been back on just the herb and edibles. some clubs pull shady shit like show you a sample only to swap it out at the check out. medicinalfag, here.
guess what? you go to the shitty sketchy ones
haha I have been to plenty of dispensaries in and around LA and only the shitty ones have "hash bars" and are handing hits over the counter
get fucked noob
only the shadyest and shittiest club would do that
I watch my oil being weighed in front of me.. unless it is pre weighed and I am inspecting it anyways
please just don't give your business to shitty clubs. and don't blame the oils.
It's very very rare and you have to dab a gram or more (which is almost fucking impossible, fucking retarded potheads) but there have been like 3 cases of people getting serious brain damage from it.
do you need approval about what is and isn't 'redpilled'
fuck off pansy.
i don't even know what that shit is, but it reminds me of when I clean out my ears.
so let me assist you in sleeping at night - me, an anonymous internet user you will
never meet does not care that you remove earwax from your ears. how does that suit you pal
If you need to smoke wax or shatter or whatever to get high, you're doing it wrong and you have a problem.
Dabs are far superior to smoking bud, thats for niggers.
it is impossible to get any toxicity from pure THC
>been like 3 cases
>no source
is this a jewish trick?
also drugs in general are degenerate and not redpilled but a life of drug abuse is potentially the end result of being over-redpilled, and I think it's slightly better than suicide/going on a rampage
a lesson learned a year ago, friend. I was a newfag to the 60% THC products. Better to buy bulk deals than $30 g's.
its the opposite.
its turning an herb that alot of people think smells overwhelming into a medicine.
>are garlic pills more degenerate when i can just eat lots of raw garlic?
What you got from those 2 hits was latent to begin with and would have been brought out during any time of intense stress. It was your biology, not the acid, you silly fucker.
What is DMT like?
Any stories ?
I'm on DXM right now so the concept of degeneracy in regards to drugs is probably different for me than most
Truth. That german fucktard doesn't know shit. 99% of posts here are based on government propaganda.
....okay I smoke too much for "bulk" lol and 30 dollar gs are the absolute sweet spot.
As in I paid 30 dollars for the gram I got yesterday that looks far superior to OPs pic.
that gram can either be smoked in 24hrs or I can make it last past thursday when I get paid again. It's a little thing called self-control
dabs is super nigger
anyone who does it might as well smoke crack
honestly no reason to get defensive I just dabbed like 15 minutes ago, I'm just saying that it's POSSIBLE but on leaf it isn't. And yeah it's not because of the THC it's because of the chemicals left in it if it's poorly made.
It's the same fucking drug. So it's a gateway to itself? The only difference between this and regular plant material is how much you need to consume.
>you are in a dream state during the trip, so you dont act wierd, you dont do stupid shit and if somebody sees you they will think that you are sleeping.
>you are in a dream state during the trip, so you dont act wierd,
cringed so hard I got facial nerve paralysis.
Can't dab, asthma, sends me into a fit even with my inhaler like a dweeb.
as someone who dabbed for 2 years straight, and then stopped and resumed to just occasionally smoking the flower, I have to say yes
it is degenerate in my opinion
but I have my reasons
Absolutely :)! Figured out it isnt illegal lol.
"seshing" = "opium den setting"
yeah no I am not going to read that bullshit seriously, sorry
Just because the site is obviously biased doesn't mean the event they're trying to take advantage of didn't happen.
I don't understand why it's so hard to believe someone who did 6 grams of shitty street wax with butane left in it all at once almost died
what is a dab?
Yeah that's not my DMT experience at all.
>90 proof whiskey is a gateway drug because it's so much more potent then beer or wine
>So then 10 proof beer is just fine for children and can cause no addiction at all
Yay ya. What up youtube youtubeeeee whatup! Jolie Ollie coming at ya, from customgrow420. The 18+ channel designed for cannabis patients and adults.
Whiskey is love, whiskey is life.
The hell is a dab?
He's such a disgusting human being.
Glob of THC extracted from the cannabis flower.
I would rather see proof from a medical journal and not some scare piece written for the media.
"distilled" THC, for vaping
consistency of paste
HUGE potent dose
For me it was like; ''Remember user, if you let go of the kitchen corner, the spaceship will fly out of control''
Funny as shit. Never did that ever again. I'll just smoke some pot and play vidya, the space trip was a little too much for me.
>being this punchable
people like this make me embarrassed that i enjoy a single dab on a saturday or sunday after my 40 hour work week
The fuck. I sometimes partake in the inhalation of marijuana for recreational purposes but have never even encountered such a thing. Sounds alright though.
Oh my god. Congratulation on making smoking pot sounding like an afternoon at the museum.
If you have clean wax it is the best thing if you're going to use. I love a small dab after a long week.
It's exactly analogous to that. Beer and wine are in a natural fermented state, weed is in a natural grown state. Beyond that they are not tampered with. Then degenerate humans come along with their need for more and further process the plant material to be more concentrated, or further concentrate the fermented beverage.
I never found dabs to be that potent, and I've done it a shit ton throughout the years. I don't smoke too much either because a bowl or two of bud still fucks my world up
Hell yea, this guy rules
So "dab" is just hashish/resin?
Why are you talking like niggers?
I had a dealer in Reno who damn near killed himself making a batch for me when I was coming down there from Elko to pick up some bud and his hash oil. Burned over 70% of his body, his life is fucked now. Dumbass did it in his fucking trailer.
A fat dab will keep you high for 24 hours.
Dabs are good, but BBC is better
I wonder what his parents think of him.
>it's literally impossible for drugs to have any effect on your brain chemistry
>everyone who develops a psychosis using drugs would have developed a psychosis without taking drugs, 100%
Thanks for the insight doctor.