Has being redpilled made you happier?
Be honest.
Has being redpilled made you happier?
Be honest.
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You can overdose on red pills.
That's like asking if educated people are happier than ignorant ones.
>being redpilled in Germany
Take a wild fucking guess.
Never changed my outlook on life
I know things are shit but I'm not a BUSTA ASSS NIGGA who lets it get me down
>My Flag
Guter Witz, Max!
Happier? Nah, not really. Not until this dog shit world somehow gets dragged out of the pit it's in.
It depends, really.
If you think that fighting back with propaganda or facts is futile, then no, you'll be miserable.
If you dedicate part of your life, or your whole life, to helping the world and redpilling people, then you'll be happier knowing you made a difference.
I'm happy that I'm red-pilled but being red-pilled doesn't make me happy. What makes me happy is putting things I can't control aside for periods of time and enjoying the little things.
No, I wasn't happy before the red pill and I've always been aware of the "secret society" but reading a lot has changed how I think and how I view the world.
The pursuit of truth is not done for happiness. If you think you are doing it for happiness I would say you're probably not even on the right path, but you're going down some fake red pill path.
Yes, before, I was ignorant and didn't understand what was happening. I am happy that I grew up from being a child, and I am likewise happy that I was redpilled.
No unhappier, but it's still for the better.
When the elites finally decide to reset civilization with their automated death bots and I'm lined up with others over the burial ditch I won't be crying my eyes screaming "why?", I'll just sigh out "bout time" and let it all go dark.
Ignorance is bliss.
No, about the same. Only real difference is that LOLocaust movies used to make me sad, and now they don't.
Redpill is a lie
not in the slightest, wish i could guzzle down 500 bluepills and be a stupid liberal
Nope, but i would not switch back.
No. Tried redpilling my friends but now i have no friends.
how do you cope with it without being called a nazi in your Alltag?
God no. I wouldn't go back for anything though.
Made me really happy. But also made me realize how stupid people are and want to be. On one hand you have these blue pillers living in their fantasy land, on the other hand you have these red pillers thinking everything is a delusion. Like they believe they are living a Truman Show.
it does at first but then you realize you're surrounded by blue pilled people and they are can't be convinced
Im more autistic and depressed than ever before, but I'll never go back.
I feel you Danebro. I'm hesitant as fuck to say anything to anyone I know for fear of losing otherwise good friends. Can't seem to meet any redpilled people outside of Sup Forums though.
Only the final one, when I realized that fighting is futile and decided to #YOLO
Yes. Real niggas love the truth. Fake niggas hate me nawmsayin
Anyone who says otherwise is weak willed and their will didn't grow with their knowledge, as it should have
happier about myself, less happy about the world
Not at all. I'd rather not live in ignorance though.
Yes, but here's the thing. I realized Sup Forums was full of shit and that being an edgy contrarian about everything was a terrible way to go through life.
So I decided to embrace half the things Sup Forums impotently rages about, and it turns out I'm way fucking happier. That was the real redpill for me.
>being redpilled in Germany
care to explain?
No. I am weak and feel too bad about the fact that the majority of people live in total ignorance of politics and how it ultimately affects them.
Well, at least it seems the apocalypse will come sooner than I thought. I can have that to look forward to. Until then, it's the alcoholic jew for me.
>caring about some matrix internet meme "truth"
you people are pathetic
No, it has made me a misanthrope, and depressed about the future of humanity.
I would still do it all over again though.
>say something even remotely 'problematic' or against the government in public
>get raided by the police/fired/sued/etc.
selfish bump for more answers
it helps to avoid shit in life where normies would get trapped.
>tfw you are watching the absolute destruction of your culture without the filter of ignorant liberal bliss
I'm happier that I understand what's going on around me, but sad and angry that it's worse than I could've imagined.
Just cynical as fuck.
why do u ask if you already know the answer Du Arschloch.
Seriously you act like there is nothing we can do.
It's left me wanting to put on a suicide vest, grab an AK-47, run into the nearest gathering of SJWs and go down in a blaze of glory.
Yes, but it needs some time to understand how you can use it for yourself.
And dont do too much at once!
Made me depressed just thinking about the West.
You guys are literally the hope for Human advancement, yet you're committing all these stupid things now.
Guess even if you have high IQs doesn't mean you aren't stupid too.
No, but I wouldn't have it any other way
Sounds pretty blue-pilled.
Guessing you were a "nimble navigator"?
Yes, but I don't subscribe to le rebbill meme.
Not really.
but i at least see through the shit.
Happy people have no incentive to find truth.
i was miserable before Sup Forums at least now i feel informed about what makes us miserable.
I am happier.
But its mostly because I'm an older man with disposable income and can literally do whatever I want.
All I need is some social power and I could be the Patriarchy. Feels good.
i cant even watch tv now without seeing the liberal bias. i dont watch less tv, im just pissed off more
I think if you become red pilled then you have a duty to get involved to indigo things to the best of your ability.
>get red pilled
>get helicopter pilot license
My power level is increasing, yes. I literally don't give a fuck about people's opinions anymore, it's great. I just do what is fun, and that is currently voting for Trump
Shia (((LaBeouf)))
But then goes full Bobby Fischer
Some people take it harder than others
yeah sorry I already knew the answer for everyone on this board.
I wouldn't be surprised.
Too aggressive approach?
I'm doing it slowly, making jokes about swedens expert on islamophobia joining ISIS etc.
More aware of what's going on the world? Yeah
Happier? Nahhhhhhh
No, because ignorance is bliss.
But I prefer to be red pilled anyway, it makes me feel superior over the sheeple.
>not shouting out your undying devotion to Kek
I immediately thought of this.
Being smarter is not a gift, it is a curse.
Yeah. I'm happier knowing that if I was a leftie I'd be supporting the downfall of civilization. So even if I'm not doing anything being on the Right side never felt so right
No, ignorance is bliss...
I miss hope.
I miss believing that elections were serious.
I miss believing that we were the good guys.
I miss believing that I'd find the perfect girl who wouldn't mind me being sensitive, instead of instantly thinking of me as a beta.
I miss thinking that I could serve in the army and fight for global freedom and happiness.
I miss thinking that if you work hard you can get rich and keep what you've earned.
The redpill is suicide.
Your body lives on, but your soul is crushed under the heavy boot of society. There is no hope. There is no comrade. There is no love.
The world is dark, and this era is to punish us for what the world has done in the past.
You're evil if you want to work and get a good job, pass laws to make sure your people are safe and not the victims of a passive genocide, get a nice wife, have children and give them the best education possible, but no. It's all gone.
My heart dreams, but my mind and my body have surrendered.
I feel as though the world was lost before anyone here was born. We never even had a chance to fight back.
It's called siphoning the shit from the gold in the cesspit that is the Sup Forums
Bluepill here
Living happily smoking weed and making 100k annually.
What's the point of being redpilled when all it does it makes you realize how much it sucks to know everything?
cartoons and anime are the only things i usual watched, even before being redpilled...oh and sitcoms.
and the occasional well done crime drama.
i still watch most of it but i can see through it now.
too deep, didn't read
If you didn't have a sure hope that evil will inevitably be overcome, the red pill would sure make you, of all men, most miserable.
How do we fight the world banks, blue blooded families who've ran Earth for centuries, possibly extra-dimensional life, and gods chosen people who have the power to cuck entire nations into self-destruction through porno user?
Running around innnawoods?
Goebbles had that same outlook once user.
Jeez you guys are weak willed.
ignorance is ignorance.
you think the world is fucked up?
All of you will experience your parents and friends die in your lifetime.
be the thunder in the storm.
10 years ago most of you where probably miserable but looking back on those times it seems like better days right?
Nobody is ever happy in the now.
Cheer up guys the world needs you to.
No, buying silver afterwards has though
also webbot reports
No but it's made me more "aware" which is a good thing
I feel you, user.
People can't cheer up because of all the shit perpetuated by other stupid people in society.
It's made me richer and given me unparalleled levels of motivation. I also upgraded the girls I sleep with, but now I just want a good traditional girlfriend.
Absolutely. I'm more satisfied with myself than ever before. I'm happy with myself, my looks and my life in general.
Prior I thought I wasn't good enough, that others deserved to live and I didn't.
I'm loving life
Yes, there is always the ability to fight.
I feel like the last Spartan. I have no more country to fight for. No more family and people to impress and help. No more friends to protect and no more cause to fight for.
The only thing missing is to make that last stand.
That leap of faith into the abyss. We must die a hero and not a coward. There is always a chance we may just make it out.
But I speak from the heart, not from the mind.
My mind realizes that we are most likely doomed.
My body I have let go weak.
But my heart feels the divine providence, the blessing of hope, we must fight. We must be the last Spartans.
it can be depressing at some times, but if you take the iron pill/the glorious pill it can help. Consdidering how educated people are much more unhappy then the uneducated i would suggest to do something to balance it out.
But if i'd taken the redpill alone i would probably feel nothing but crushing sadness when i see the state of the world.
Peace is only to be found in Christ.
>be bluepilled
>don't get laid
>feels like I will never find "the one" that I can marry and live peacefully
>vote labour
>believe everyone is intrinsically good and that non-liberals are just misguided and hateful
>huge ego but very depressed
>become redpilled
>get pussy
>be aware that "the one" is never coming and the best I can do is maintain an illusion of mystique and control to make it last as long as possible
>realize the world hates me as a white male for shit that we're not even doing
>realize I have to keep my opinions bottled up because my liberal friends will excommunicate me
>hate my life and have seriously considered offing myself on multiple occasions
Don't off yourself m8.
After Brexit, redpilled lads like yourself have a chance.
Yes it did. Being redpilled makes you cool and hip in Poland, though. People will respect you as long as you don't go full autism.
In Germany you're probably an outcast even if you're moderate so I feel bad for you.
“Let your heart hold fast my words;
keep my commandments, and live.
Get wisdom; get insight;
do not forget, and do not turn away from the words of my mouth.
Do not forsake her, and she will keep you;
love her, and she will guard you.
The beginning of wisdom is this: Get wisdom,
and whatever you get, get insight.
Prize her highly, and she will exalt you;
she will honor you if you embrace her.
She will place on your head a graceful garland;
she will bestow on you a beautiful crown
Happiness comes through victory and working towards it.
Now stop focusing on the negative and abandon this thread of misery. You have no idea how many anons have been lost over the past few years working to MAGA.
Defeatist scum deserve no mercy
The perfect girl wont mind you being sensitive user. And we, as in those red pilled, are the good guys. Don't give into despair, not yet, you can still fight the good fight by raising a good family.
thanks for sharing
why the fuck are you on Sup Forums then?
No. I'm not happy at all.
I'm fucking FURIOUS that I was born, cursed with existence, into a world where evil prevails, justice is not enacted, and Honor is dead. Even worse, I am mortified that despite this awareness, this is not one single thing I can do as a lone individual to make any changes on a macro-scale.