What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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French people.

Allowing the french to have a say on this

it's a fucking leaf!!!

God that flag is so cool.

French colonies, too many niggers and Muslims, all the Yankee leftist faggots of the north congregated here.

John A Macdonald should've erected a wall


Fuck I keep forgetting to use my real flag

I agree that's a boss flag.

Marxism brought in by the Trudeau family.

started with this guy.

They you let a whole bunch of Mexicans, Philipinos, Indians, and other shit skins in, while discriminating against eastern europeans.

Now all the easter european professionals are fucking off, and pretty soon Canada will be just full of shitskins and chinks; who are buying up all the condos with their US dorra.s

Let us go then. We're the ones with a balanced budget right now, Faggots.

Need to go back to our roots, show Queenie the finger, and form The Republic of Canada.


Or we could profit of the Brexit to strengthen our relations with UK and unify into a republic of Commonwealth states.

Peru should never have put a leaf on their flag.
Now they are filled with chinese, cuckolds and zoophiles.

got to appease our Chinese overloads.


do you really needs the queens saggy tit to suck on?

We tried letting you go once but you came crawling back because you wanted to use our currency.

Good luck with that most canadians support the queen.


Jealousy will get you nowhere.

And the french.

Most Canadians rely on CBC for their news. :(

Not all use cbc.. I find it to be pro libreal.


i just find it to be pro stupid.

That too

I don't want to suck on her mutilated jew cock either.

You prefer Michelle Obama's firm BBC?


This wasn't ever our flag you edgy numale faggot go back to pleddit. we flew the union flag for the first century and before you spout off about the ontario flag it was adopted after the maple leaf. If you want to know why we ditched the union flag google 'suez crisis' and the uk abandoning her allies to look inward and at europe.

Red ensign was only used during war and on merchant ships we didn't adopt a distinct flag like the aussies and the zealanders because up until the events after WWII we just seen ourselves as an extension of the UK. Canada shares very little if any blame for the split.


Simcoe County is still 95% white rich and on some of the best land in the world. Only 90 mins north of Toronto as well.

>wasn't ever our flag
It was our flag dumbass.

I use to live there and.. its not all white :/

lmao fagget nice wiki screenshot we flew the union flag above parliament it was never our official flag the only reason idiots like you think it was is because it was our war and maritime flag.

Side by side with the Red Ensign.


idiot there's only one pole on the peace tower also nice canadian education I don't know why there's been a wave of plebbit faggets lately screaming >muh flag when if we went back to the 1950's we'd go back to using the union flag and that even the ontario flag came after the maple leaf. google the suez crisis we didn't have a choice but to change our flag the uk sold out her colonies and lost the bet big time.


you don't even have a source for this shit and for whatever reason they were doing this (99% chance it was remembrance day) the union flag was still flying 100m above this picture. god you edgy faggets are ruining this born fuck off and do a google search first not knowing what our flag was and then bitching about like you're an expert is beyond retarded.

then kindly return the 200 billion dollars you got from western Canada and fuck off, frog.

Constitution. Maple leaf flag. Jews promoting immigration so the properties they bought up from 1960-1990 go up in value.

If only you still had that old flag, the muds colonising the country would be a GOOD thing

Nothing. Canadians are fine. Unfortunately there are like 2 turbo autists who may or may not be Canadian trolling almost every thread as liberals. I know its only like 2 because they both post the same way. Obama Canuck spams like a retard and the other just posts mundane liberal caricature responses as soon as a thread starts. Otherwise the Canucks are fine.

The Hungarian from Alberta is terrible too, all he does is post anti-French things.



Only because the retard who wrote up the Churchill Falls contract never heard of inflation.

Il y a quelque chose que je ne comprends pas. S'ils vous haissent et vous traitent d'assistés, pourquoi veulent-ils vous garder?

>corrupt media bought off by the LPOC and NDP
>The greater toronto area with a collective IQ of a stump
>the entire eastern half of the country is ac welfare state subsidized by Alberta,Saskatchewan and British columbia, and Ontario became a welfare state thanks to a decade and a half's worth of liberal incompetence and corruption
>enelected senete, so the PM can stack it with his bum buddies.
>our prime minister is a complete and total idiot

We don't want to keep them Ahmed, we're stuck with them. We gave them the opportunity to separate years ago and, in typical French fashion, they pussed out. Now speak English.

Parce qu'ils volent les choses qu'on a crée et ils disent que ça a toujours été "Canadian," c'est-a-dire Anglo. Sans nous, il n'y a rien qui est distinctivement Canadien

Speak English, you fucking frog


how's being a monolingual plen going burger?

What did you create Pierre? Poutine?

If you take the fucking brit fag shit off it, it would be a decent flag

Well, soon spanish will be an official language there.

Well you stole the name of the country, you stole the national anthem, you stole hockey, you stole the whole "lumberjack" esthetic, you even stole poutine now among other things.

Wow those are some pretty remarkable cultural accomplishments.

Wtf I hate Anglos now

And yet despite the basic nature of them Anglos never came up with their own version of these things.

You used to also claim our history for yourself but that has thankfully stopped since so many Anglos are descendants of immigrants that they have no history in this country anyway.

mapple syrup mapple leaf

Even your own flag cannot escape the eternal Anglo, my Burger munching friend


Snowmobile by Armand bombardier, C-Series.

everything east of manitoba


>though it was never officially adopted by the Parliament of Canada

>too many niggers and Muslims
t. tyrone hernandez

Canada is a dogshit country.

The only good places are in Quebec. Heck, even Alaska is better than Toronto.

I would take a giant shit on Canada if I was god.


>A brit saying something decent about Quebec
I must have won a million dollars or something

nuke it

don't let any of us survive

most of the anti-french autists probably aren't even ethnic anglos. as an ethnic anglo I'm fine with you guys, although I do still partially blame you for birthing Trudeau Sr. who turned this country into the multiculti shithole.

No its not.

>what went wrong?


99% of our land mass is tundra wasteland that isn't even habitable. Hardly impressive.

Why? I like Quebec. It's a good place, locals are friendly. Racial tensions aren't high so you don't get skinheads spitting at Indian rats. They welcome people that attempt to speak French.

Toronto is a shit hole.



es-tu vraiment français?
à ce stade, la première chose qui devrait te venir à l'esprit est : "Parce que les anglais sont stupides".
Ne te creuses pas la tête.

Quoique je dirais que nous avons les terres les plus riche du pays à exploiter si tu veux une réponse plus détaillée...

Resisted instead of welcoming the American invasion

En Français SVP

Une culture de quoi être fier? Des citoyens bourrés de talent qui savent se faire voir internationalement?
Nous avons créer le sirop d'érables et développé cette colonie au complet, si il n'y avais pas eu de québécois en Nouvelle-France, le canada n'aurait jamais été créé, comptez-vous chanceux d'avoir voler toutes nos réeussites.

Most of the brits (at least on Sup Forums) don't waste an opportunity to shit on us when given the chance. Probably because they see us like a shitty stereotype of France with the worst aspects from them, idk. Sure we have a lot in commun (we smoke a lot and drink wine). But it's a relief to see an english being kind toward us. And to be fair, I respect the brits way more than anglocanucks.

Yeah, it's a real tragedy we didn't join the country that now has 50 million niggers and 80 million spics.

French Canadians are represented on that flag actually.

>First time having a balanced budget in decades
>Brags about it

Congrats Pierre, don't blow it all in one place

Well yeah, before our Anglos started copying the Americans (but Tim Hortons Hockey Cold Weather right XDDD) they used to copy the British so it's completely correct to say that the Americans and the British deserve more respect.

wow are you serious it was the liberals in '62 that had some 4th grader win a design contest


Also fuck west Canada, passing their oil pipeline through Quebec. Trying to ruin our beautiful land.

Our roots are not republican moron

Do you mean "Us" as in Quebec? Quebecans are some of the nicest people I know. Although I know that if you don't integrate into Quebec, they'll hate you for it. You can speak shit French but they appreciate that you try. I think they go overboard sometimes like that Italian Pasta thing but hey, I admire that you Quebecans fiercely defend your culture since Cuckdeau is selling Canada's lock stock and barrel.

I still think Quebec should get independence. What do you think?

You understand the whole reason Canada is fucked by PET and his constitutional law of 1982 with all its diversity stupidness is because Quebec was backstabbed by the Federal government and the other provinces right?

Is that a real pic?

Quebec and Ontario

they are financial leeches on the western provinces they wouldnt last a week

and they bombard us with gibsmedats
