Trump supporter here. I'm switching to Clinton after today. He lost.
Trump supporter here. I'm switching to Clinton after today. He lost
Thanks for correcting the record.
Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail...
Speaking of tax returns, did you hear Donald Trump is refusing to release them because Donald Trump has donated to NAMBLA? That's what all the best sources, the most tremendous sources are saying, and if they're all saying that Donald Trump donated to NAMBLA, well, I can see why Donald Trump would want to cover up his donations to NAMBLA. I'm not claiming that Donald Trump donates to NAMBLA, but that's what these excellent sources are alleging, that Donald Trump does indeed donate to NAMBLA.
>Trump suggest to shoot Clinton
>Clinton actually shoots staffers
Yeah, well.
You shills have been here for so long and you still type like effeminate faggots.
Haven't you assimilated our mannerisms yet?
I think it's funny. I don't care who wins either way, I've given up completely. Like Rorschach said just let the liberals drown in their filth, something new and better will rise out of the ashes. The only thing left is to wait for the collapse. Donald won't win but even if he did he'd only prolong it for a bit.
Still he's amusing as fuck though.
Here you go. Study this image. This is who you're supporting.
>0.38$ deposited to your account
We dont get paid to assimilate.
Did you hear Bill Clinton actually was on the Lolita Express hanging out with a know pedophile?
>le dont revolt goyim that'd be rather impolite
post yfw libcucks are scared shitless
>trump knows he cant win against the rigged system
>master plan is to inspire and incite the people into revolt to burn down the corrupt system instead
7D chronomanical intergalactic hopscotch thinking
>TRUMP belongs in jail
republicans have been doing this for decades
Clinton may say racist things, but Trump actively gives solace & shelter to racist beliefs. There's a world of difference between the two.
Here we go again by taken out of context
>what brain dead libs think "He just told people to kill Hillary"
>what he actually meant "2nd ad people can do something aka protest or resist"
This isn't the first time I've seen this posted
Fuck off CTR
Come on. You're anonymous. You don't have to play dumb.
LOL why am I the only one thinking this benefits Trump? I mean just look at all the attention he's getting from media.
Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail...
No one believes you
Kill yourself faggot.
I am now a #therighttokeepandbeararmsshallnotbeinfringedmissile
Going from Trump to Clinton?
Yeah, definitely a shill
Either way it's funny how the (((MSM))) instantly jumps to assassination. Paranoid fucking kikes.
Of course, if Shillary does win, I hope someone does put a bullet in her.
Isn't protection against corrupt governments literally what the 2nd Amendment is for?
Thank you for correcting the record.
Do not engage with OP in any form! This is a paid shill post, its only purpose is to flood this board with pro-hillary shit.
Leave this thread immediately, DO NOT REPLY AT ALL, even if OP tries hard to bait you. They are being PAID to waste your attention.
(replace spaces with dots)
if a scotus judge fucks over our 2nd amendment then we'll have to use it to keep it.
this spaghettio gets it
Last time #GOP was reckless w/loose rhetoric on gunsense
Clinton shills really need to get on the same page
>republicans have been doing this for decades
k lol
I've seen this exact sentence in 7 threads now.
Are you all sitting next to each other in cubicles staring at a SCRUM board?
He's losing though. Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail..
They're not even giving the whole line. He was talking about Hillary packing the Supreme Court so that she could take away people's rights. Trump is making a joke about how people might react to their rights being taken away.
Since when is taking away people's rights okay but defending them not?
When the British tried to cross Concord bridge, the patriots didn't deliver a particularly sharp rhetorical barb, they shot the fuckers.
Me too. Trump went over the line. I'm sick of his dumb shit.
>literally a retarded democrat made her a potato and we now have a ship named after a potato
You were never a Trump supporter, so fuck off Hillshill.
5 cents to sell your soul to the devil
>I'm switching to Clinton
Hey CTR, I know you guys are kind of late to the party on this but the whole "I used to be for Trump but am now for X" thing was kind of done to death back during the primary, that's where the #cruzmissile joke comes from. I'm just suggesting you try something new, this is just going to get you made fun of.
Racism is racism dumb fuck
Oh, good to know that I can go around shouting all kinds of racist things and not be labeled as one. I'll just say I don't believe what I'm saying, and it's all good, right?
I've seen this exact sentence in 7 threads now.
Are you all sitting next to each other in cubicles staring at a SCRUM board?
You were never a supporter, faggot.
Trump's campaign is literally for people who can handle bantz.
How can you say this? Were you only voting for him because of poll numbers? How stupid.
Kys faggot
thats it now im a #clintoris
Sage goes in all fields, retards
Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail..
no one believes you
Yeah I've stopped supporting Trump. Stein it is!
What did she mean by this?
Wtf I hate the second amendment now
>Calling for the assassination of a presidential candidate
>Trumpets will defend this like him asking Russia to cyber attack the USA
I've seen this exact sentence in 7 threads now.
Are you all sitting next to each other in cubicles staring at a SCRUM board?
Holy shit the shills really are scared.
A month ago trump saying this would have been celebrated/memed by everyone on Sup Forums.
Sup Forums has changed recently, an increase in shills by like 200%.
I mean, holy shit...shilled Sup Forums seems so autistic right now.
Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail..
He's doing everything he can to make sure he loses but these fucking hillbillies are literally eating this shit up oblivious to his plan. He doesnt have long before the election, expect even more of these incidents as the election draws near.
I was a Hillary supporter until today. I saw how foolish the Democrats are and now I'm supporting Trump
Sarah palin was constantly on tv also.
The jew is afraid.
They don't care about racism. They care about attacking white men, of racism accusations is a useful tool in that end then it is used because it works not because they give any shits about racism.
its reminding me of what Sup Forums was like at the beginning of the great flood
>Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail...
he was a right winger who is a follower of another right-winger David Wynn Miller
why would you destroy your eyesight for 0.38$ typing shit you dont believe yourself for hours.
i see more anti-trump posts than pro-trump posts on Sup Forums now.. i don't know what's happening. seems like the
only uncucked place on the internet is /r/the_donald, think im gonna take a long brake from Sup Forums
Same. That piece of shit is done for
>Trump reminds everybody of the explicitly stated reason for the Second Amendment
>Media explodes with diahrrea of misinformation
I'm sure this won't go over well with the 60+% of people who know what the 2nd amendment is for
>america 60% meme
interesting that that is the same amount of people who support the right to bear arms. isn't it.
/r/the_donald is filled with faggots
>hillary administration
>not a tyrannical government
CTR shill get out. Saged
What are you talking about?
Where do you get assasination?
What part of the 2nd amendment do you think refers to that?
Shoo shoo. Seen this post in the last 10 threads
glibly advocating political assassination is not grounds for dismissal
That wouldnt be listen on a tax return, you fucking shilling cuntrag
There are 90 days until the election.
>Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail...
If you're brown or a Jew, yes
Yeah for real, that was fucked up. I now legitimately think the "controlled opposition" theorists were right all along.
Wtf I hate NAMBLA now
Hillary said in 2008 that Obama was going to be assassinated for being black anyway, so that's how she was going to win the primaries.
Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail..
I dont see what the national association of Marlon Brando look alikes has to do with anything.
wtf.... I hate the 2nd amendment now
"I can't believe any of you are sick enough to have agreed for one second with anything I said. For me to suggest to tattoo marks on people's bodies, have them wear armbands, put a crescent moon on their driver's license on their passport or birth certificate is disgusting. It's beyond disgusting.
Because basically what you just did was show me how the German people allowed what happened to the Jews to happen ... We need to separate them, we need to tattoo their arms, we need to make them wear the yellow Star of David, we need to put them in concentration camps, we basically just need to kill them all because they are dangerous."
Wew. This response is copypasta.