What does pol score on the Adverse Childhood Experience Test?


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>was your mother or stepmother ever abused?
>nothing about father or stepfather being abused.


Men can't be abused, shitlord. Check your FUCKING privelege.

Scored a 3.

Got a 4.

what the fuck i got a 5 i wanted to feel all smarmy and privved up but it turns out i'm basically a nig

le men's rights :^)

5. My stepmother ruined my teenage years and I can't wait to just cut her out of my life. Either when she croaks or my dad finally gives in to all his ailments.

She's a poisonous viper. Never seems to have anything positive to say about anyone unless she's actively benefiting from them in some way, like her current employers.

She's taught at least one of my stepsisters to be just as useless and self-serving, too. I haven't talked to the other one for a while but she seems alright thus far.

A lot of my autistic, OCD behaviours can probably be traced back to shit she did

got a 4.

wheres the fucking score sheet? This is just a number, it tells me nothing about my risk level or placement amongst others who took the test.


An eight.

>This is just a number, it tells me nothing about my risk level or placement amongst others who took the test.

Welcome to your first lesson on why most 'tests' are just bullshit nonsense


I got a 1 because wife beater dad.

I bet you're drowning in pussy from all the white knighting you do on the internet.

>According to the Adverse Childhood Experiences study, the rougher your childhood, the higher your score is likely to be and the higher your risk for later health problems.

Totally ignores the link between low IQ individuals being shitty parents and low IQ individuals having shit genetic material in general ie. health problems

the lower class is generally inferior in all measurements of human ability, health, and life outcome

I got a 1, but that's only because my grandfather drove my aunt to suicide.

The complex algorithm used to compute your score is +1 for every question you answered yes to. Fucking retarded




>if you don't see women as THE ENEMY TO BE FOUGHT AND EXTERMINATED you're a white knight

If a woman abuses you you're a weak man

>I got a 1, but that's only because my grandfather drove my aunt to suicide.

What did she do to upset him?

Its called child abuse you dumb fuck

4. Why does it specifically ask about physical or emotional abuse towards a mother? My mom cucked my dad, screwed him over financially, and still had the nerve to complain and then ran away. But I guess that's okay for a child to witness.


6 for me

I got an 8....did I win?

I got zero, which I guess means that I am natural born psychopath instead of a conditioned sociopath.

>I bet you're drowning in pussy from all the white knighting you do on the internet.

No, actually I'm just not a faggot

Men's Rights supposes that men and women should be treated equally. That is leftist ideology at work. Don't you see? Men and women are different. Women abusing men is possible, but men do not deserve the same level of protection. Men should be strong and fight. Women are to be protected by men. But on the other hand, they shouldn't vote and they should stay home with the kids

Or you're neither and just trying to be edgy.

lol at any degenerate who grew up in family scoring 1 or more

I'm just basing it off of another online quiz I took.

None of these online quizzes are actually accurate.

>All those questions

You'd need to be genetically predisposed to degeneracy to score above 0.

You don't actually get stronger than a bad mother until you're in your teens. That's when the worst abuse comes because then they play the victim while constantly bringing nothing but negativity to your life. Not that I've experienced it but I know what it must be like from others.

I got a 2.

kill her. i would
its not that hard to get away with a well planned murder

Got a 2. The only thing that ever really went wrong as a child is that I was sexually molested. Now I'm 24, obese, have low self-confidence, hate social interaction past a certain point, regularly consider suicide, and try my best to push my current friends further away subconsciously.

I also have a great job and a university education, though. I might die lonely, prematurely, depressed and bitter, but at least I won't be poor.

I got a 1

nicest person you'll ever meet....



Why does it only ask if your dad hit your mom? My mom tried to stab my dad on at least 3 occasions that I recall, and that's in line with the fact that most single sided domestic violence is female on male.

He wanted her to marry someone he picked, she didn't. He kept on pressurizing her, and she hanged herself. I found her body.

And what are you to do? If you defend yourself you go to jail. If you call the police to stop them you go to jail.

0. I don't come from a degenerate family

I got 8. I moved from my parents to my pseudo-grandparents because mom committed suicide. Lit.

This is why mom needs to stay at home and keep the kids away from creepy relatives at all times

Have some kids and raise them right. Forget about what happened and do it right


Doesn't account for school bullying
Shit test

I got a 1 from depression/suicidal thoughts but it wasn't from my family so I don't know if it counts.

That fucking sucks.

When I was visiting India I was talking to a Sikh woman about her boyfriend in front of a Hindu child.

The woman said "SHHHHHHHH you can't talk about boyfriends here"

Scored a 3.

My mother is bi-polar and has days where she was depressed and angry; her dad was an abusive alcoholic who gave her PTSD from watching my grandma get beaten too. She never put her hands on me though and my dad always kept her in check when it got bad.

I had a good childhood otherwise.

why did she commit suicide?

>take our test to find out if you had an abusive childhood
>question one:
>did you have an abusive childhood? (y/n)

kek, you got molested, you faggot.

It was probably because her son was a failure. Why else would they turn into a Sup Forumsack?


>Why else would they turn into a Sup Forumsack?
To be more like you?

Meh, 3
-Father left before my birth.
-One brother went to jail and took drugs.

Eh, it's not always a bad thing. I was molested by my hot cousins. I hated it then because I was at the age where I thought girls had cooties. Now I jerk off to their FB photos while remembering them reaching into my pants and putting my hand on their butts.

Feels good to not be fucked up

3, it's all good.

Did he wait in the car, or just drop her off?

I got a 6. Am I the niggest? My parents were alcoholics.

> Before your 18th birthday, was your mother or stepmother:
> often or very often pushed, grabbed, slapped, or had something thrown at her?
> or
> sometimes, often, or very often kicked, bitten, hit with a fist, or hit with something hard?
> or
> ever repeatedly hit over at least a few minutes or threatened with a gun or knife?
What does this shit have to do with me exactly?

> Your ACE score is 4
> because living in Soviet and ealy post-soviet Russia while you are Russian

I own a house, a car, a motorbike, a boat, and am the most senior person at my job. I'm still a failure on the social front.

I got where I am by not having the social skills to let people down lightly and just tell them they're wrong to their face. People assume I'm confident and a harsh negotiator when in reality, I'm just a shitty person who thinks about killing themselves twice a week and hides their anxiety behind making people afraid to approach me.

Fucking ACED it!!! BOOOM!

You Niggers dont know nutin! Check yo mutherfukin privelage dawg!!

Psychological trauma from watching it go down

Top fucking kek Dad, posting from mobile so you'll have to imagine my face

Got a 3
>father died of leukemia
>had some trouble in the house because of a NEET older brother


My parents used to slap me and shit when I was little. That's about it.

T-Tyrone? Is that you?

>Men should be strong and fight.
>fight back against a woman
>go to prison for years
>everyone vilifies you and thinks you're a disgusting piece of trash for fighting back against a woman
>life is ruined
Get fucked white knight faggot. Woman can be just as abusive as men you piece of shit.

5. Didn't provide anything to interpret score. This is retarded.

You're no son of mine.


Got an 8. Seems to be the norm.

>tfw traditional nuclear family
feels good man

are you experiencing psychopathic tendencies?

I got a 1. Terrible test due to only female sided abuse. My mother abused my father because she faced zero repercussions. My father once got the police involved and ended up jail for the night or two.

Eventually they got divorced and my mother died. My mistrust of women is probably due to that seeing how the law doesn't pertain to them and only there to punish men.

scored an 8 AMA

do you exhibit psychopathic tendencies and traits?




I got a 1, just for that question about being physically hurt, only spanks though

How big is your dad's cock?
What does it taste like?
Does it hurt?

some yes ive loosely been diagnosed aspd in the past

I got a 2 because my sister attempted suicide and my family loves banter.

what do you consider biggest contributor to that?

I got 1

Got hit as a kid when I did something retarded. Nothing worst than that

21 male and if you met me its hard to tell i mean i come off as semi normal just a tad bit odd

Holy shit I love being white.

Real talk, though, I grew up in the brokest-ass part of the rural south, so I'm lucky to have had as good a family life as I did.

being molested and after that living in homeless shelters as a kid

attention whore or real?
try to describe it

Ding 6

I grew up in a military family and got yelled at during morning training every day. Also got hit once in a while if I was being a little shit.
I grew up perfectly fine, I'm polite and hold a good job with a degree. Also served in the forces.
Its perfectly fine to hit your kids for punishment, but not anger.

who molested you?
mother,father... ?

most psychopaths have had most of these experiences presented in the test.
Mostly like basic things regarding lack of empathy all the way to full out black out/ psychotic snaps. Then again there are some people who don't exhibit those traits. Its interesting.

Stay strong my friend, the world sucks ass

a family i was staying with it was a male who was probs 8 or so years older than me

I got a 1 all because my parents divorced lol

> Psychological trauma from watching

Is 5 good or bad?
I genuinely had a mostly happy childhood but the way the questions were put made it seem pretty bad