ITT asian americans

ITT asian americans

wassup bros

Other urls found in this thread:

How is gyopo life in korea?

Tbh as a group we asian americans are probably the world's shittiest beta asians, and that's saying something. There's exceptions but the general trend is that so I disassociate from my asian american identity and just learned fluent native level mandarin and associate with my FOB side.


I quite like asians. You arnt annoying. You seem to just keep to yourselves and do your own thing. All the asians in ireland are first gen slant eyes though.

I have fucked like 5 hot korean chicks here. I'm white, 6 foot and a chad. u mad?

no because while you put on a condom, we impregnate ur women with the next generation of supreme gentlemen

how can u even compete?


> fucking asian women
> posting on a mongolian cave painting forum

being a "chad". congrats for having sex but it's pretty rare to encounter bro chad type guys here. maybe on /sp or /fit though.

dude are u a korean manlet. no white girk want to bang u brah. im sorry.

Apart from the majority of them voting left, they are pretty cool.

ur mother wanted 2 bang me n that's why ur mentally ill son.

gyopo life is top tier if you speak good korean, as is anywhere I suppose.

although I think life is better as chinese american than korean, purely because theres the korean meme that comes with it. lol

do they though?

kr here

where u from famalam
sacramento here

Most based Asian in all the world.

holy fuck how can one man be so based

bullshit. majority of them are hard working conservatives.

Are there sources to back that up?

why are asian americans so much more based than asian canadians?

asian canadians are fucking annoying while as asian americans are chill as fuck
