Can someone explain to me the "one post by this ID" meme that im starting to see here?
Can someone explain to me the "one post by this ID" meme that im starting to see here?
>1 post by this ID
Shit Posts & Leaves
>1 post by this ID
A person make a bait thread and the OP never replies after that while other people take the bait and give it 300 replies.
For a little while holding the cursor over an id would reveal how many posts that id has made. However it seemed glitchy and badly coded so they got rid of the feature.
oh okay then
PS: now its two posts by this ID
Its a shitposting itself.
They think that when a person has just 1 post they are shills. The point is that they say that even when OP just posted the thead.
Its a form of shitposting.
It's a contest.
If your shitpost is so potent that you can get 300 replies without any further action being necessary, you win.
No they didn't, it's still a feature.
Love political threads like these lads.
Honestly, it is a case where someone, such as yourself, makes a single post, never posts in the thread again, and replying to it has no goal other than showing poster's stupidity.Usually, Op posts a shitpost, posters reply, never see op post again.
Forum slides another post which has more value the sorry excuse of a post of which this is.
Reminder that "sage" fucks the purpose of the threads.
Yes, I know I am an idiot.
man, I have about 5 threads going right now using this method
I already have you. Can you post as Marshall Islands or something?
I actually got excited for a minute
>Australia shitposts
>Classic, good one, haha, you da man!
>Canada shitposts
>british indian ocean territory
>Motto: "In tutela nostra Limuria" (Latin)
>"Limuria is in our charge"
Anyone who saves this is a dumb faggot
fuck you nigger
Ok. So clearly you are having trouble understanding the social context here. I understand, Autism is tough.
The joke here is that I said I have started 5 threads (in common core that means I am solving 1 x 5 by using addition 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 5). I did not actually start 5 (1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 5) threads because that would be a waste of my time.
That is where Canada comes in. Canada WOULD start 5 (1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 5) threads and would not understand that it is not actually funny to start pointless inane threads.
I hope this clarifies the joke for you.
They don't leave, they continue to post in it with different IPs constructing an artificial context.
>1 post by this ID
>1 post by this ID
>announcing a sage
>1 post by this ID
>this is how shills interpret memes.
were going to win lads
it doesn't work for me...
Posting in this thread once
Go away evil dogger
>Save anyway
Its essentially a cop out instead of trying to refute a pretty good argument.
If you see it, it usually means that OP made a very good point, which goes against the echo chamber consensus on pol regarding said issue/topic.
Its a pleb-tier argument for having no argument.
you gotta open the thread, doesn't work while browsing threads.