So I came to wikihow wanting to finding tips on how to identify trannies in public. Instead of that I get a bunch of cancerous lecturing on how sexuality is 'fluid' and that I have no right to find out oh and that there are no clear cut physical traits that differentiate trannies from 'cis' people because people's bodies are very 'diverse'.
Tranny identification and the corruption of wikihow
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Maybe you should write a guide
The article in question:
Also, so what are the most obvious 'tell' signs that some guy is cosplaying as a woman? Discuss Sup Forums
Sexuality is fluid though, I understand why straight people have gay flings but destroying yourself with genetic changing chemicals and lying to yourself is just stupid.
The thing is, you'll never be fooled in real life. Never. The only tricky pictures are angled down glamour shots with favorable lighting and filters to hide jaw lines. Have you ever seen a candid picture of one? Nope.
Not really knowledgeable on the subject hence why I wanted a guide in the first place.
Best way to tell for me is to look at the size of the shoulders and the hips. If the shoulders are noticeably wider than the hips it's probably a tranny
This is the most reliable, shoulders are always a give away.
I have a simple, 100% effective tranny detector.
I look at them using my eyes.
if she has an adam s apple bigger or about the same size as yours, mebbe she is a he. if she has an iceberg bulge it is best not to stare at her south seas.
>You'll never be able to identify a trans person through physical attributes alone
This is a cross-section of what trannies look like in the wild.
And keep in mind - these are the 'best' pictures they have.
If you're going to say you're 'not sure' you can spot them, then I don't know what to tell you, friendo.
Thing is, I wanted to cross-reference this video with some other source and find out if it's bullshit or not.
they dress like a teenage slut or something out of sissy porn
Ask your questions there. They are more expert than us.
>there are no clear-cut physical signs that you can rely on
Wow What abumch of ugly cunts. I saw one who looked passable but I bet that would change IRL.
>come here and suck this chicken
But then you have a look at olympic swimmers and begin to wonder...
>Stop worrying and relax. There are many other things to worry about that actually warrant worry, such as STDs.
Adam's apple
Wonder what exactly? She has more prominent shoulders than I do.
You can't OP. The collective mass said so.
>So I came to wikihow
Why did you do it dumbass
1. Does she look like a man?
2. There is no step two.
That pic is proof she juiced. There's another where her veins are sticking out like fucking Rambo's and her muscles are ridged.
Ugly cunts, her and that one that made fun of the QT Slav
Exactly why shoulders are not a good indicator. How underage do people have to be to not know about the swimmers V and that the perfect swimming body, even for females, is wide shoulders. This doesnt make biological women suddenly trannies
>"I don't get it, all my friends say I'm beautiful, why don't guys want to fuck me?"
It's sad, really.
I saw one too; then I remember the mostly-passable trannies I've met and the voice is a big giveaway; they move like men too.
Adams apple is also not a good indicator
1. Both men and women have them, its just usually more pronounced on men
2. Some women do have pronounced adams apples . See pic related
Here's the thing; if the future prospect of a serious relationship is on the table a tranny can't hide forever. Because when you talk about kids, just specifically mention your intention to eventually have biological children of your own.
Boom, Checkmate. Traps BTFO
So by trait, 'she' really is a guy? So everyone is being lied to?
But I do know about how most professional swimmers have triangle like bodys. I'm going to assume that's she a female because she is competing in the fucking female race.
1) Hand size.
2) Middle finger to ring finger ratio. Women usually have longer forefingers than ring fingers, men are usually vice versa.
3) Hip indent point relative to navel. Women usually have their hip indents well above their navel, due to their childbearing hips.
Everything else can be surgically altered, changed, hidden with makeup etc, but these markers are harder to take care of.
But by far the biggest tell is when she whips out a big fat 10 inch cock, because for some reason all trannies seem to be hung like monsters.
Well, she does look somewhat like a tranny, so not the best example.
No she's in the female race you thick cunt.
So this proves that shoulders are not always the best indicators. Really all you have to do is ask them how often they menstruate and if they use pads or tampons. If they refuse to answer they are trannies
>she does look somewhat like a tranny
but she isnt
> so not the best example.
Its a great example. Here is a woman who by all the rules postulated ITT should be a tranny, and yet, we all know she is not. This shows how these rules are not even close to being that good.
Don't talk shit. They may just not want to share that information with you. Asking anyone that question would be unsettling if its the first time you meet.
Why do people who can't pass even try to transition?
I understand they want to be the opposite sex, but if they can't pass in the first place, they're just going to look like some kind of freak.
Olympic athletes aren't good benchmarks, because all of them are so ridiculously doped up on PEDs. Anyone trying to deny this in 2016 is a fool.
Shoulders, back, neck. No woman looks like that naturally just from swimming, but they can do if they are taking test, GH, etc.
I knew a friend who beat up the local tranny.
We all still laughed at him for somehow not knowing it was a dude.
He roughed the dude up pretty good though
adam's apple
man hands
hips not wider than shoulders
I'm also a grown man without any visible adam's apple at all (which Sup Forums has in the past actually doubted, so I grant that I might be unusual there).
OP, I am of the opinion that the #1 most reliable way to identify trannies without having to straight up ask is to just listen closely to their voices. Male to female transgenders masque their voices by raising from their natural speaking tone (average—somewhere around a G2) to a slightly higher pitch (maybe D3) and adding a LOT of breath to hide the natural overtones of a male voice.
The exception to this rule is those trannies who speak exclusively in falsetto and have developed it to the point where it doesn't sound like a male falsetto any longer. The tell here is that they'll never dip into their natural register if they can help it, and women don't actually speak in head voice at all times anyway since like most human beings they use most of their vocal range in normal speech. The countertenor tranny will seldom dip below "her" break.
Obviously not the first time you meet.
>Why do people who can't pass even try to transition?
Extreme delusion. These people sit in their hugboxes with other ugly trannies who tell eachother all day they pass as women and they start believing it. Its the worst kind of circle jerk
Here, take a look
Now remember not all trannies are this bad and i had to go out of my way to find all of these, but im willing to bet atleast half of them are this bad
Yes, but watch this video, it's supposedly done by a forensic scientist who goes on to 'prove' that Michelle Obama really is a tranny. If you look at my post you'll understand.
>2) Middle finger to ring finger ratio. Women usually have longer forefingers than ring fingers, men are usually vice versa.
I was going to call bullshit on that, because my forefinger is clearly a lot longer than my ring finger and I'm clearly a man. But then I remembered that I had my ring finger broken as a child and checked the other hand. And here the ring finger is indeed longer. So all is fine.
So your friend just decided to best up some tranny that he assumed was female.
Better safe than sorry.
FUCKING CHRIST. there needs to be a publicly accessible database/registry for these degenerates that they MUST be in. or at least their ID card should have a symbol to classify them a trans.
that pic related looks like anne frank crossed with Gaston
which is why i don't want to be fucking a gay dude that trannied into a female. STDs, you fucking article.
my detection rate is only about 90-95%.. that's pretty disturbing
Honestly trannies make up less than 0.02% of the population and since virgins on Sup Forums have trouble talking to women anyways, your chances of accidentally ever hitting on one are next to nothing.
I knew it! I knew he looked like someone from a kidsmovie
Fucking lol'd at all the ones with receding hairlines and 5 o'bong shadows.
Just bring a real women along for reference and compare their bodies, if there are too many inconsistencies, you got a tranny.
he actually looks more like Lord Farquad
No, he asked the guy out thinking it was a female.
We didn't say anything because it would be funny.
He ended up pummeling it after a few drinks and finding out she was a he after kissing it.
Pretty funny all together even after the law got involved.
I still wish I could have been there to see it.
Germanbro is humbly asking for story on this?
I just started watching this video, but I'd point out the caveat that there are very significant differences between races in terms of sexual dimorphism. Black africans have higher testosterone levels than caucasians, who have higher testosterone than asians, etc.
Wikihow has got to be the shittiest place to look for advices
All the things they say there are the most tasteless feelgood fluff i've ever read
the one on the right has no hips.
I think you're confused about the finger thing.
Ring fingers being the longest finger is extremely rare.
I think you mean compared to the index finger, not middle.
they often sound like gay when with lispy/deeper voices, not women.
When they have two X chromosomes.
and the video cites serena williams as another example of the finger dilemma, which supports my point here. African females are more naturally masculine in MANY ways.
> Moreover, genital reconstructive surgery has come such a long way that many who undergo it (not all trans people do) are indistinguishable from those who haven’t.
trannies think you won't notice their inside out penis
Sorry yeah you are right, ring finger to index finger.
Bruce Campbell's not looking so good anymore
What if she straight up is a man though? XY.
She could get karotyped and prove it in 20 minutes in a lab, but she has always refused.
I'm not saying she isn't. I just don't find this particular range of evidence to be conclusive so far given racial differences, especially since this video also claimed serena williams is male.
How many of these involve a >6" inch dick suddenly popping out of nowhere?
Getting pretty tired of traps having bigger dicks than me. Someone on here reckoned they all use pumps before doing shows etc.
a lot of these just look like ugly women
Mate, six inch is slight above average.
If you think trannies have big dicks, I'm worried for you.
We thought it would be funny to let our friend find out himself what the tranny really was.
He got drunk with it, made out, and found out during the date and proceeded to beat it until the bouncer and a few others held him down.
From what they told me, he flipped his shit and clocked the guy in the nose before taking him to the floor and getting really violent.
He was arrested and got quite a few charges.
It was pretty hilarious.
>Someone on here reckoned they all use pumps before doing shows etc.
Iv met a lot of traps with decent sized dicks. No, they dont use penis pumps. Most of them hate having big dicks
Trick question. You should never be so desperate as to date something that ugly. Move to a different area with less men or something if you have to.
Just make sure your date knows a few things up front
Having kids is important to you, as passing on your bloodline is a big deal.
That you're not really into alternative life styles
And you dont like body mod and plastic surgery because it changes "what god gave you"
If they stick around they probably arent trans.
Its not conclusive, but I find it strange that mObama has far more muscle than bObama. Maybe she just works out far more than he does, but then he slips up in a speech and says "Michael and I.."
I had a side by side beach shot but I can't find it.
>Random picture of Chris-chan hidden in there
Nah, traps are just a) typically anorexic and petite, so the dick appears bigger and b) giant exhibitionists so doing the shows really gets them off and the more aroused you are, the bigger you get.
I'm just noticing that every tranny webm I see posted usually involves some monster dong, porn star length.
Probably just selection bias, but eh.
How do you meet so many traps, you date them?
I doubt regular ones would pump, but the ones recording themselves for camshows might do.
Many high performing female athletes just have abnormally high testosterone. This is either naturally or through doping
I feel like this is a symptom of how brainwashed modern liberals are. They really do believe all the nonsense that politicians and other SJWs spout. They really think all the refugees in Europe are from Syria and they're mostly women. They really think illegal mexicans are just poor farmers who want a better life and never abuse our welfare system. They really think you can just walk into a gun store and buy a full-auto AR-15 with 10,000 rounds of ammo for $100 and no background checks. They really think it's impossible to tell if a woman is trans.
it's kinda sad. They've lived their whole lives being lied to by everyone and never once question the lies.
>Most of them hate having big dicks
I'm not a tranny but an ex I had actually said my dick looked too big on me and it made me feel really weird. I'm not even well endowed, just skinny.
Barack is an effete fuckboy so that's not much of an accomplishment. Again, I think Michelle could be a man, it's definitely possible. But it's just that this video isn't doing a good job of proving it.
Her voice sounds sincerely feminine.
THAT explains it
>implying theyre attractive, even if they pass
She is Chloe Moretz?
I meant the gif..
attempted suicide I think
>Barack is an effete fuckboy so that's not much of an accomplishment
Yeah, I agree its no proof or anything. But I would love for someone to snag one of her arm hairs during a meet and greet and send it off for testing. Jesus can you imagine the shit storm that would follow from such a revelation.
Good theory. Probably some camera angles or something as well.
Those sisters have been in the public eye since they hit puberty. Do you really think back in the early 80s some parent figured they'd dose their kids with hormones so they could become tennis stars more easily? Especially knowing those hormones would actually hinder their performance?