This is too good.
Fresh Off His Campaign to Make Socialism Great Again, Bernie Sanders Buys $600,000 Summer House
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At least he's using all those bernouts money on something more respectable than they would. They'd only waste it on more vapes and nose piercings
So he sold an old family home and bought a new one, ialways asumed he came from wealth for obvious reasons, dont see what is so shocking
Hahaha, he fucking ripped those idiotic Bernouts off.
They should seriously (and I'm not kidding) fucking kill themselves
oyy veyyy goyim ya didnt think i was serious did ya?
>Fresh Off His Campaign to Make Socialism Great Again,
should have given the house to needy negroes.
>ialways asumed he came from wealth for obvious reasons
see, the funny thing is that he didn't
Its even funnier when I remember he endorsed Hillary.
This is only shocking to people in flyover states. If you live on the coasts 600K is just what a house that is not a peice of shit costs.
Again, it's
fucking kek. This is indefensible lmao. Seriously, there is NO excuse for this. He really did rip off all his supporters. Guess Clinton has a soul after all, endorse me and i dont kill you and you get some gib me dats for a super expensive house
yes came debate that. the problem is his so-called principles align against frivolous spending when there are people in need.
What about all his downtrodden "brothers and sisters"? I thought he really cared about the little guy. And what about his carbon footprint? Can't he just live in a small apartment in the city. Suburbs are unsustainable, but summer homes in the midst of fragile ecosystems is A-OK?
Is this what I gave up my pizza and tendies money for the year for?
It shouldn't be surprising to anyone that he is just like every other socialist that ever lived.
works in congress...sorrounded by millionaires? one of the best jobs you can get in gov..... SO JUST BECAUSE HE SAYS we should tax richer folks DOESNT MEAN THAT HIM BUYING A HOUSE MAKES HIM A HYPOCRITE. infact it makes him a leader because he himself would pay higher taxes for the greater good.
fuck off shills you all lost it sanders was the only one who could have saved us now you have an ape selling us out and a literal demon
voting for a guy that lends him campaign money then pays himself back with campaign contributions. projecting much?
$600,000 isn't a whole lot for a beach house...
Privileged cocksuckers!
>$600k is a lot of money to a late-career professional
>$400 million is a lot of money to the world's largest military
poorfag detected
>So he sold an old family home and bought a new one
THIS SOON after the election? Give me a break.
This is indefensible. Sanders was bought out and has tainted all left political revolts for years. Next election, the democrats will simply rip themselves apart.
Oh no, someone that's made around $170k for the last 25 years bought a $600k home in fucking Vermont
2 cents
>scam the goyim out of money
>time to buy a summer house
Champagne socialists are the fucking worst.
How many refugees can fit inside a Bernie Sanders summer home?
Would've been critical meme-leakage had it been the correct figure.
ITT: children who have no concept of money and property ownership. 600k for a lake house ain't shit he had to use his jew haggle racial abilities to get that deal. Middle class move for one of the most honest and hardworking politicians of all time. Why would anyone be up in arms over this? Centipedes your ships falling apart and you're just lashing out at anything...
>Trusted a jew
Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail...
You can't make that shit up
>600,000 dollar house
Old people that have worked their whole lives can afford houses, user.
If he were going full Clinton he'd buy a place that's actually nice.
>This is indefensible. Sanders was bought out and has tainted all left political revolts for years
Sanders hasn't changed it's just that the retarded strawman leftist painted of him has finally crumbled under sanders doing what he always has
Bernie has like 5 summers left of his life, why dont he just rent a new one each summer? Whats the point of spending all that money on something you wont get to use but a few times?
He's a socialist they have no concept of conserving wealth.
because he is a capitalist
I stand corrected
600k would get you a 100qm house in germany with a small garden, it isnt that much desu
We'll he now has three houses. Isn't this the kind of thing his supporters were going after?
It is when you claim that wealth should be redistributed.
How do people become champagne socialists anyway? Did Sanders inherit his money?
He got rich off of politics. Politics is the most NEET of all jobs out there. Makes me want to be a politician.
Lol feel the bern
Why didn't Bernie opt to pay more of a millionaire's fair share instead of buying a third home for summer retreats?
It's as if he doesn't believe his own bullshit or something.
I was wondering what he was gonna do with all that leftover change from naive college kids.
>I'll make college free if you give me money
>doesn't make college free
>buys new house instead
I think you mean greatest.
>Be Bernie
>Say things like, "Climate change is the single greatest threat facing our planet. The debate is over, and the scientific jury is in: global climate change is real, it is caused mainly by emissions released from burning fossil fuels and it poses a catastrophic threat to the long-term longevity of our planet."
>Buy summer home in the sticks
>Commute in private plane
This proves he was paid off by the Clintons
Democrats don't keep their campaign money, it goes to the DNC
Why does nobody care that this is evidence that he was paid for his endorsement of Hillary?
Based hill. How do I get these hillbux?
>The DNC follows the rules!
Either which way campaign funds cannot be used for personal use.
I'm surprised no one is correcting the record
>honest and hardworking politicians
I bet you actually believe that, too
>I need you to give me money to fight the one percent
He paid for it straight cash