why is he making it so hard to support him?
Why is he making it so hard to support him?
Other urls found in this thread:
I dunno, ask the 20000 ppl who show up everyday to go see and support him
>why is he making it so hard to support him?
Because you're a sheep that actually thinks voting will make things better.
You also think that the system isn't broken and corrupt beyond repair.
>Anecdotal evidence
"Yee naw mate, iwill never allow a woman to be the boss"
thx 4 correcting the record
Jesus Christ, this nigger is not suitable for the role of King Nigger. He is a fanatic and a nigger, and belongs in KFC.
There's no such thing as a great female leader.
So it is sexism.
>So it is sexism.
There's literally nothing wrong with sexism.
Sexism is just the admission that there are males, females and that there is a difference between male and female.
If you've run out of hope do everyone a favor by not speaking ever again and signing up for adult daycare.
Why has germany become a weak sjw 3rd world shithole? I only see shills post with that flag now. RIP strong germany doing your ancestors proud there.
I honestly think its a meme at this point and we've been baited
I'm convinced this site is made up of 14 year olds who can't vote anyway. he's gonna lose worse than mondale and spend the next 8 years bitching about how hillary rigged the election. I'm not voting for hillary and i think the clintons are despicable but if you don't think Donald Trump is a complete jerkoff, than you are a complete jerkoff.
>tfw a woman is trying to replace your race with that of brown savages
Because you are a dumb shill faggot that's easily swayed by the media.
How hard can it be to be red pilled and to be a stone in a river? Jesus it's not hard at all just fucking do it you pussies.
but he's not, he's making it easier day by day?
>If you've run out of hope do everyone a favor by not speaking ever again and signing up for adult daycare.
Actually, I advocate changing things outside of the Judeo Political Process.
You see, whomever you vote for, you're voting for the Jews. Thus, if you change things without voting, you're taking the Jews out of the mix.
But go on deluding yourself thinking that the candidates actually care about you and make things better for you. Whatever helps you sleep at night, right?
Sounds to me like you're a 22 year old fedora tipper.
>I am le grown up meme
Nice buzzword
But you are wrong
thank you for #correctingtherecord
$.07 has been deposited into your account
Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail..
Not an argument
1. You're probably a shill
2. I like him BECAUSE he's a jerkoff
3. It's been painfully obvious since the beginning he's a jerkoff, how are people still pretending to gripe about it?
4. You're definitely a shill.
5. Trump will triumph
>But you are wrong
No, I'm not.
Merkel is actively trying to exterminate the White race in Germany. Hillary, if elected, will actively try to exterminate the White race in the USA.
>Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail..
Are you actually thinking such garbage?
>Are you actually thinking such garbage?
I understand it's difficult hearing these things being from Germany, where from birth you were told how evil you were because of the Holocaust.
But you need to understand one thing above all others.
The Holocaust did not happen as there is literally no evidence for it.
Once you accept that fact, the rest of the facts are much easier to accept.
>inb4 a South African Jew user comes in the thread and tells us all how evil and antisemitic we all are for denying the holocaust.
OP is right. I want Trump as your president, but he says too many stupid thing you cannot defend to normies.
can't wait until muslims take control of germany and you see the fruits of your inclusive, multicultural paradise. it will be unreal levels of poetic justice that the same people that fight so hard for women are also setting the stage for all women in their country to lose all rights in the coming decades. it's going to be beautiful and only a civil war could save you. congratulations, you're a mass murderer wielding the weapon of stupidity and naivety to lethal outcomes.
You are just a beta.
Fuck off mountain Jew you can't say shit you are allowed to have guns.
i feel like hes making it harder for normies to support him. pretty much most of pol will be voting for him anyway.
????? Are you fucking braindead? Even your racist friends here agree the holocaust happend
It's funny though. Seriously every day he says something stupid that will be on the news for the next five days. Imagine how boring this would be if it was Cruz? Or Jeb?
Trump may be a joke but our "democracy" is and always has been a joke.
>????? Are you fucking braindead?
Nope. If anything, I'm more opened minded than you are.
>Even your racist friends here
There's nothing wrong with being a racist.
>agree the holocaust happend
The Holocaust did not happen. There's no evidence for it. Though, there are some who believe it did happened and that it was justified because of what the Jews did to Germany for the decades before the Nazi's came to power.
Trump got me interested in politics and made me switch my affiliation to republican just to vote in the primaries. I really want him to win but the politically correct media is really shilling against him. And i really hope the trump is a hillary plant meme aint true. I mean any other republican would be killing hillary in the polls right now but normies dont like trump causr he politically incorrect
Anyways I have to go. Sorry I couldn't stick around to redpill you.
Here, have all the evidence you'd ever need to see that the Holocaust didn't happen.
He is losing on purpose.
He has no interest in being President, he never has.
He wants the publicity of running for President, not the office itself.
He will keep being so outlandish that not a single Independent voter will vote for him.
This election will end the Republican Party as a viable party.
When the Supreme Court is stacked with liberals, you can thank this man.
When the Assault Weapons Ban of 2018 is passed, you can thank this man
Keep it up! We appreciate the help!
Because he's a Clinton plant?
Evidence I have: I lived in germany and visited KZs unlike you.
maybe he knows it scares the shit outta the elites.
and that's what we really need if things are gonna change
Yes Hillary has shown so much Honor and has breathed a new level of Integrity to the American People. 3rd party failures. Dont waste votes
lol he's not a clinton plant retards, he's done too much damage to her name with his campaign to be a plant. Kasich would be a more believable clinton plant, he and clinton at least advertise similar policies.
because he's not a good candidate, he's just an alternative to Hillary which a good slice of people dislike due to her history of dishonesty and corruption
Maybe it's just typically hard to support a candidate when his opponent's campaign is paying you?
Because you really should not vote for him
Even republicans from his own party say he is way too reckless to be a president.
OP, you're hard for him because you're a faggot
Because he's a plant by Hillary to hand over a one-sided as fuck race to one of the most unlikeable people in politics.
Using memes dont help your argumenta babys
Trump has history that is even more corrupted than Hillary.
He legitimately scummed people for money, got sued for it and lost the case:
I don't know why it seems like he's trying to throw the election. Either he realized he doesn't actually wanna be president or the conspiratards were right and he was a Clinton plant all along.
>in before "$.05 has been deposited in your account."
that's because establishment republicans know that trump will get rid of them when he gets into office. they're scared of trump because they are also globalist stooges, just like clinton. they're just trying to save their own asses, selfish but i mean what can you expect from garbage people.
Thanks for demonstrating why trump supporters have a stigma of being stupid associated with them.
thank you for your not an argument.
>Trump isn't a globalist
He's a big as fuck kike are you retarded?
>Merkel is actively trying to exterminate the White race in Germany. Hillary, if elected, will actively try to exterminate the White race in the USA.
Hillary doesn't spend a single second of her day thinking about "the white race" and neither do any Republicans in office. Not even a passing though. The only time anyone from either party gives a shit about race is when meeting with election strategists to get feedback on which voters to target and where, or when deciding on Gerrymandering. We have two center-right and kosher conservative, raceless, race-blind parties who think entirely in terms of geopolitics, party politics, pork spending, lobbyist input and economics. "Actively try" implies she actually thinks about such fringe Sup Forums metapolitics and somehow acts on it, despite presidents never passing any executive orders regarding "the white race". All presidents of all parties in the past several decades have maintained a race-blind status quo of high legal immigration, routine deportation of illegals and governing a multiracial new world colony. When politicians do step in on racial topics, its with regards to things like law and justice, not issues of birth rates or extermination (which the government has no hand in)
Abortion actually keeps the black birth rate drastically lower, if anything. Especially poor ghetto blacks who would have grown up to be criminals. But virtually anyone knows of this. Republicans, whether they know it or not, want to create a Ghetto Black Baby Boom (GBBB) via abortion bans.
The -only- party that cares about White race issues would be a natsoc party but I doubt they're on any 3rd party ballot in any state
Both campaigns employ shilling. Shilling for Trump is the same as shilling for Hillary, Stein or Johnson.
because you are a fucking moron
Just realized Bill has a friendship bracelet on his wrist.
I guess you don't want to win your arguments either then.
Because he is not a politician. A politician is flexible, malleable, and willing to be whatever they need to be to win. Clinton is a text book example.
For better or worse, Trump is Trump, a defined character and personality. His swaggering audacity was unique and refreshing in the beginning. People even said it was all some grand strategic ploy to get ahead in a field of 17, and once the nomination was his, he would cool it and win the moderates and independents etc with a more statesman like approach. He hasn't done that though, or really shown any sign he will as of yet.
I think the reality is Trump will not change it up and adapt, because this is just how he is. It got him pretty far, but he just doesn't seem to be able to BE a politician.
omg wtf i hate trump now
Your "argument" was utterly meaningless since you ignored any of the valid points that were raised in that video, explaining exactly why trump is dangerous and should never become a president
Normies literally don't matter in the grand scheme of things. Them getting offended changes nothing, and will never change anything. The world will always push past their BS.
trump is the cuck king
>implying i want to watch and respond to your gay propaganda video
I live in the states, I'm surrounded by the media constantly declaring trump the worst thing that's ever happened, i have no interest in watching your shitty video. if you want to have a discussion about this, then have one, retard. if not, fuck off, i'm not going to reply to your video, i'm replying to you.
Yeah I never liked Trump as a celeb as he gave off a greasy (((globalist))) vibe, and things like Trump U. makes me like him even less.
At best he picks and chooses a few select alt-right positions that are good because he thinks they'll stick, but is on the rapid descent to becoming another typical neocon
He tried building golf courses in Scotland, and bullied an elderly person who got in the way and complained about windmills "ruining the view". He is a globalist
>I like him BECAUSE he's a jerkoff
Is the answer to:
>why is he making it so hard to support him?
It's literally the only thing that he has going for him.
But the number of angsty teens who think people are cool if they say things mommy would get mad about? Not enough to carry the vote.
confirmed for not knowing what globalism is.
what planet have you been living on the past ten years?
>A politician is flexible, malleable, and willing to be whatever they need to be to win.
Which is what trump did about his positions
>Posting obese girls
>posting trivial bullshit
Is he well liked in Israel? I know the rest of the world despises Trump, but Trump is a huge Judeophile and Israeliboo, do (conservative) Israelis like that?
There are internal polls that the campaigns have that show insurmountable leads for Clinton in key precincts and districts all over the country. He can't win and he knows it. He was shown this information days after the Democrats had their convention. In other words--he doesn't give a fuck anymore.