Are my fellow soyboys here?

Are my fellow soyboys here?

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no, only purebred BLACK bulls here

tfw you unironically drink soymilk because you're lactose-intolerant


It would make more sense if the playstation was swapped with a nintendo, going along with the whole autistic manchildren thing.

i drink almond milk
does that count?


What? Speak english. You are on american board, so speak english.


yes I bought ps4 just so I could play persona :))

Would like to play ME: Andromeda/ Witcher 3/ RDR / RDR 2 and replay favourite older games

Call me whatever you want, I don't give a fuck.

you must be the richest soyboy in ukraine

> Would like to

> soybean is bad
Don't chemicals in chicken meat, pork and beef screw up your hormones far worse than soybean?

I wonder (((who))) is making all these threads that are designed to shame young men.

it must be Soros amirite hahaa
i wonder how much (((((((((((he))))))))) pays for these posters XDD

Any country within the european union isn't allowed to use steroids on domestic animals that are due for slaughter. The EFSA banned them a long time ago
Most of the studies showing meat and vegetables containing estrogenic compounds come from the United States of America, go figure

So the point is not that we shouldn't consume anything made with soybean, but that we shouldn't consume anything coming from the USA.

in the EU animals undergo a quarantine period for antibiotics and such for the organism to cleanse it from the system before slaughter

>preferring the objectively better console

>plays videogames
worse than watching anime τβη

of course I don't play videogames, I just use my console for netflix bruh

You mean $1500 PC


>$1500 PC
only 1500? go big or don't buy a pc at all poorfags

There's still the issue with all the decomposition products of medications in tap water... no escape from that unless you distil your own, including cooking water, so that would get quite expensive

>spending 2k on a graphics card that will be worth 200 a year later
Worse than buying a new car desu

spoken like a true poorfag. 2k "loss" is nothing a year later

>he unironically spends this much to play video games
Willing to bet you have one of those cringy racing chairs, too.

>Playing vidya at all

no and i don't even play games that much anymore, but it's always nice to have the best possible rig when i feel like playing

>tfw you unironically drink soymilk because you're lactose-intolerant
There are other options that won't give you moobs.


>So the point is not that we shouldn't consume anything made with soybean, but that we shouldn't consume anything coming from the USA.
We can get meat here without any of that shit. If you eat garbage processed foods you fucking deserve everything.

Also, males shouldn't normally consume soy, especially in large amounts.

This guy drinks a gallon of milk a day. Is he a soyboy?

>preferring console

I like Sony, I have many Sony products

It´s okay if you´re a faggot

It is a Sup Forums meme. Don't expect scientific accuracy.

there's no evidence that drinking soy milk will have literally any impact on male hormones.

Stop using that lewd diacritical mark.