


and nothing of value was lost


based Google

Has Palestine ever actually been on google maps? Is there a before and after?

>Pro Israel
You're lost. This isn't Reddit or Breitbart

I bet the jews are behind this.


Jews as always
>really makes you think

What flag is this?



good goys

>being pro muslim

Israeli Jews aren't American ones. American ones on the most part hate Israel with a passion all the while pushing pro Muslim and pro liberal ideals. Meanwhile Israel is the Trump Kingdom with a wall and now banning passports from Muslim nations.

>American ones on the most part hate Israel with a passion

sure thing mr. goldberg

Palestine is not and never was a real country

Too bad you are required to give then 20 billion in shekels every year

>siding with the zionist jew over your Muslim brothers

disgusting, a match made in hell

This, The British Mandate for Palestine was divided in a jewish country (israel) and a muslim one (Jordania) so palestine isnt a real country anymore

Go to a fucking NY Synagogue or an LA Jewish Synagogue. The major cities LOVE Palestine. The whole thing is fairly new because all the young Jews are taking over. The struggle of the zionists and the cucks in Judaism is worthy of reading into.

Palestine wasn't even a state before the british. It was ottoman teritory, before that egyptian. Since early civization the land has always been ruled and never been sovereign. Other than the biblical kingdom of israel

Yeah it was in Google maps and a lot of other Google software, seeing as most muslim states don't recognize Israel and flip their shit if they so much have to read it's name. In most of their textbooks and atlases they refer to Israel as palestine.

Israelis are based so I'm happy for them.

t. Shlomo


That's actually a really pretty flag. Reminds me of a more aesthetic Estonian flag.

>t. shitskins and shitskin sympatjzers

How the fuck are you online?