I live in Portland, OR and the homeless population is getting out of control

I live in Portland, OR and the homeless population is getting out of control.
What can major cities in the US do to help resolve the homeless crisis?

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Send the homeless to Mexico, problem solved.

Unfortunately Leaf, humans have rights. Trust me I'd like them to be gone. Let me give you a situation that happened to me
>go to laundromat
>homeless schizophrenic man is harassing people outside the laundromat
>call cops on him
>cops come
>basically tell us that they can't do anything unless he's blocking the doorway to a business
So basically homeless people can just pitch a tent damn near anywhere and do what they want. This shit is getting out of control.

Depends on where you live, most cities have loitering / disorderly conduct laws.

If you knew your law you could've cited it and requested the officer arrest. The cop probably did nothing because he is familiar with the guy and knows he's a major pain in the ass.

Send them to Canada so Canada can collapse sooner

Well I don't live in the heart of the city that's for sure. The suburb I live in is fucking awful and between the methheads and gang bangers cops don't really do jack shit around here. They love to drive around the Hillsboro area tho and jerk off in their squad cars when there's absolutely nothing going on over there.

Fuck Portland. I'm live close by, and I can say it is getting what it deserves. It's what the fags and hippies that live and dominate there want.

I've been homeless and I volunteer at a shelter and I'll tell you that some sort of life skills class would do wonders. Most of the people I deal with come from varying degrees of broken homes so they didn't have parents to teach them how to do basic shit in life like use a washing machine or fill out a resume and they're not very well socialized so they may not know how to talk to people and build a network. They've been around shitty people all their lives so that's who they surround themselves with now that they're adults. None of them know how to save a dollar so everyone that works while staying in our shelter is required to gives us a part of the paycheck for safe keeping until they leave.

My shelter doesn't take in anyone that uses drugs or alcohol so I'm actually dealing with the more motivated type of homeless that people don't see, and that's the type of shit we're dealing with.

Stop aid.
Except for the mentally ill which you could do nothing for anyway the homeless will quickly get off the street if people would stop enabling them.

>the Left Coast
>having any sort of aggressive law against vagrancy

Yea but the fags and hippies aren't the people feeling the effect of the homeless people. It's families that are already poor like mine living on the edge of the city that are feeling it.

Ship them to guam

Most hobos are so because they got kicked out of home and never bounced back financially. A lot of them start out as kids.

I think what proposes is legit, teach them life skills that aren't dumpster diving and hope they get jobs and start socializing with better people

>a hobo should be arrested for exercising his right to free speech
wow fucking american liberals and their "your rights end where my feels begin" bullshit itt

Fuck off leaf he was harassing people and yelling shit about killing people.

in the city
city of santa monica
lots of rich people
they're super cool to the homeless

Have winter

>living in portland

well there is your first mistake.

unfortunately since you say you are poor moving away won't be easy unless you just say fuck it and pack up and try some place else but you are backed by beaverton which is yuppie central. Further from that is Hillsboro and lower middle class which recently has been seeing a boom in pajeets crawlin about (thanks intel!) and its thug season again.

outside of that you've got forest grove which is poor white trash meth head town, further from that is innawoods and neighborhood watch style small towns (based).

further from that is the coast region, which is a little more affordable if you look at cheap apartments but again tweaks and low lives are now more common out there.

I'd advise either heading towards central Oregon or going closer to Idaho.

I got fucking screamed at by a homeless asshole for refusing to buy him food.

But of course we have to keep Portland weird and everyone jobless.

What's that, yankee? You don't like the First Amendment?

I've literally never seen homeless people in Eastern Europe but Eastern Europe gets shitted on for being supposedly poor... rofl

Salt Lake City (and Utah overall, reddest of red) pretty much eliminated homelessness. They gave them apartments.

It's actually cheaper.


>At that conference, a founder of the Housing First philosophy, Sam Tsemberis, told him that chronically homeless people cost the government a lot of money when they're living on the street, because of services like emergency room visits and jail time.
>HUD estimates that annual cost as between $30,000 and $50,000 per person.

holy fuck i make less than that and live pretty comfortably

Lots of homeless up here in Vancouver too. I'd say that hard drug use is an issue with approaching 100% of these people.

I'd be curious as to how that works out. The last building that I was in had an arrangement with different social agencies. Homeless and mentally challenged people were given apartments that were paid for; social workers were to keep an eye on them. Anyway, it was a disaster; the reason that I ultimately moved out. These guys don't have the ability to exist among regular tenants in a normal apartment. For every one there are a host of their buddies, there's petty crime, damage. Maybe different from the Housing First example, but they would share a lot in common. Again, it was a disaster.

Pacific nw doesnt have a homeless problem.it has a faggot problem.

Abolish handouts and let them work or starve.

More mental asylums. Figures vary, but somewhere around half of the homeless are mentally ill. Send them to an asylum for 6 months, get their meds worked out, and then transition them to halfway houses.

You are playing on ez mode. Come to LA.

As a fella living in Hillsburrito I would like to see them all relocated to the governors mansion.

Help your white brothers. Anyone can fall on hard times.

sounds almost like femincunts claiming that being yelled at is rape.

What the fuck does he need a tennis racket for?

I hope every homeless person in the moves to Portland or San Francisco and just makes it as horrible as possible.

It's only going to get worse anyway. Enjoy that underground hyperloop transport to work rich hipsters, the bums own the streets now.


I was just in SLC yesterday. Still plenty of homeless running around. So glad to be out of that shithole

>Express your opinion is First Amendment

>Yelling at people that they will die is not First Amendment

Fuck off leaf. You guys are far worse than Aussie.