Guys, I'm sorry, but I have to stop supporting Trump. I want him to win, I really do...

Guys, I'm sorry, but I have to stop supporting Trump. I want him to win, I really do, but he keeps giving the media ammunition against him.

Another leaked email comes out, and he covers it up by saying Hillary should be assassinated on live TV.

The media is always against him, and you can't say you support him in public without getting your face smashed in or spat on.

I can't do it anymore, it's an uphill battle and I need to bow out from following this race.

Godspeed to everyone who is still going to follow it. Let me know if he wins :)


it's okay leaf
we all know it's over

Jesus, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail..

Fucking leaf

Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail..

Jesus, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail..

Me too leaf. I wanted to leave after that comments about muslim family but i stayed. After 7 days without controversies i thought that he learned from his mistakes, but he didn't.

I am also his supporter but i can't take it anymore, i can't watch him destroying his campaign. I will be on Sup Forums but i will hide all threads about Trump, i know that he will fuck up again and again and again.

It will hurt so much when i see that electoral map going blue, and all because he couldn't control himself for 3 months.

Goys how do I filter Leaf Flags?

a fucking bait

Looks like you Hillbots broke and sent the same thing twice

At least they corrected the record.


I feel you. I can't handle the anxiety of following this race but I also can't stop watching. I just hope that if Trump keeps playing the game so poorly and not having any coherent strategy except "lots of rallies" that when he loses, there will still be some hope for Western civilization.

Seriously he's a fucking retard, how did he become a billionaire?Oh yeah his father...

wtf I hate trump now

Canadian shill gtfo

Staying late at the office for Hillary?

Good for you. Enjoy your overtime. You've earned that special interest money.

I've seen this same sentence in 3 different threads now.

Oh yeah Trump implying 2nd Amendment voters fight politically for their right is bad. But Omar Mateen's dad at a Hillary rally is nothing.

pure coincidence

These fucking shills

Hmmm really makes you think

> assassinated
He actually was calling for second amendment proponents to lobby hard for their rights concerning the nomination of Hillary justice appointments. He said they were the only ones with enough lobbying power to shut down her appointments. Why does the left always go full foaming at the mouth retard over everything?

>The media is always against him, and you can't say you support him in public without getting your face smashed in or spat on.

This is exactly why Shillary will win.

Normal people don't like to be labeled and the media exploits this to insane lengths.
>Hey you like trump? Then you are a racist, sexist pig, and nobody will like or talk to you ever again.

Such is the power of blatant corruption.

Jesus, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail ffs..

He's not wrong.

Good ideas wrong man. If he loses it will at least prove you can't buy your way to presidency.

Talking about leaves, bolivia, if i pm you can you perhaps send me some of that powder you guys are good at making?

upHilll ;)
Get it?

>shill shill shill shill shill shill shill shill shill shill

oh my fucking god you RETARDS it's just people trolling because it's fucking fun, anyone can tell most trumpfags are triggered 10x harder than SJWs, and you guys make it easier every day

To clarify, I dislike both candidates, I'm leaning towards trump because muh warhawk shillary, but I've been shilling CTR shit these past few days anyway because the butthurt is just that tremendous

>go to healthy food store
>told a bunch a liberal faggots panhandling outside that a vote for trump is a vote for world peace
>half of them anuerism over trying to defend hillary
>then i told them that most anti-trump voters appear anti-white and anti-western, some were quiet while i said this
>i could hear lifelong friends, once musing over hemp products and grateful dead, now realizing they have mortal differences
>finally for kicks i ask if they are from any native american tribes?
>finished them off and i left the health food store full of butt ravaged hippies

>Shills trying to call other posters shills.

Do us all a favor and just don't vote, you're too much of an idiot to be trusted with that responsibility

Jesus, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail..

There was a time during the primaries where we all thought Trump had lost but he fought back and won by a wide margin.

Don't worry, Trump will start winning again.

>how dare he not be agitated by the adamant belief that there is an ongoing cyber attack on Sup Forums

>but I've been shilling CTR shit these past few days anyway because the butthurt is just that tremendous
Stupid prick, you risk dooming us all.

I think Trump will be a terrible president but I still want him to win.
>Trump wins
>Hillfags kill themselves
>Trump destroys burgerland
>Trumpfag kill themselves
Besides, the charismatic, populist leader that appeals to nationalism usually wins and Trump is just that.

Jesus, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail..