tl;dr one of Hilary's aides, Huma Abedin (married to Anthony Weiner), used Hilary's private email account. This is illegal.
tl;dr one of Hilary's aides, Huma Abedin (married to Anthony Weiner), used Hilary's private email account. This is illegal.
indictment when?
Kek bless this thread
wow mang is it happening? its happening i can feel it.
but wait...
do you feel it?
>what flight u on
Deposition to check if huma lied under oath
To understand how fucked that is
[sorry for stealing your post, just thought it would be important to have at the top of the new thread
Calling all the workers from building 786.
PSA: I left you a report about this website and how to get easy (You)s. Also don't forget to remember your ID, or else there will be no payouts!
>pic related
what the fuck
ayy lmao
>This is illegal.
this is VITAL
it's fucking nothing
of course her aide had access to the server. of course comey knew that.
assange hasn't got shit. unless it would be enough to get the english to hang the queen, the feds wont so much as open an investigation on clinton.
It'll take at least 1-2 weeks. This leak is only about ~2 hours old, and it has to filter through the FBI's bureaucracy up to Comey and Lynch. They're the ones who will decide if Huma takes the fall for Hilary.
But other things could happen. Huma's loyalty to the party is going to be tested, she could spill the beans herself to save her own career. And Hilary can't order a hit as it would cause all of her other friends to desert her, as well as cause a problem in her home state (NY) as Huma's husband is none other than Anthony Wiener (who retains a lot of connections and has zero loyalty to the party after they hung him out to dry following his sexting scandal).
Blood is in the water and someone is going down. The only question is who.
Is that you Marisha? If so, please tell Mr. Goldberger your new Telephone number so he can save it in our database!
don't let this shit slide
?what's wrong with that
What flight you on nigga
Nothing will happen because of the spineless people we have in the FBI who should prosecute her.
bill. someones going down on bill.
called it
Isn't huma her lesbian girlfriend?
The only thing that will come of this is Humas arrest. Hillary won't be touched.
>Initiating roll sequence
Kek what are you doing
AFAIK Huma doesn't have the same SCI, so yes, allowing her access to information above her clearance is illegal. But... did she intend to? Lol.
Oh, MANNN, this will surely stop hilary
Said noone ever
But women can't break the law, shitlord
Previous thread here
Hillary literally letting a terrorist's daughter handle her email account
shieeettt she's fucked
Anyone else find it strange she typed it huma and not Huma?
>wait for it
You don't get it, it is illegal for non-classified personnel to see classified materials. Hilary's server itself was deemed "grossly incompetent" by the FBI, this is downright criminal. Right now Huma is going to roast, the only question is if there is evidence Hilary knew. What did she know, and when did she know it? This is exactly how Watergate pulled Nixon down.
Basically, either Huma goes down or Hilary.
OK Mr. Schultz, right after I finish sacrificing this chicken to Moloch!
But she didn't knowingly break the law!
who the fuck is "huma" ?
This is illegal and all, but to create the outrage needed to end this bitch we need wikileaks to drop the shit where she illegally sends weapons to people or directly solicits a bribe.
Are you guys naturally retarded?
>wait for it
shills are taking dubs from us
She swears loayalty not only to the party...
Turkish American Business Development Council President
>Gokhan Ozkok
who is also a Clinton Global Initiative Member
>check those digits
and vote HILLARY
>this is illegal
No one will care and her poll numbers will actually probably go up, fuck this.
one of Hilary's aides:
she is also married to a prominent "consultant" (re: former politician) from New York:
She probably had the same clearance. TS/SCI or above. The only thing now is Huma testifying like those other cucks.
Huma has top secret classification
check these digits, Trump will win
Shill guys. Huma was just sitting on the toilet when she realised that Hillary had not turned off the computer and she was polite enough to tell the guy that Hillary wasn't there at moment.
Is this a new email? A new leak? Is it starting?
INB4 Huma is found dead
So... Huma goes down, let's be real here. This is all implying anything actually comes from this and it isn't just ignored.
If you bump this thread and reply to this post, a CTR shill will have his/her mother be killed in her sleep.
holy fuck these people are idiots
but nothing will happen. They're untouchable now and people gonna get disappeared.
There's literally nothing wrong with egregiously violating U.S. federal law and routinely mishandling classified materials.
Today's the day, my fellow Kekerites.
Today, the fruit of our labour has been unsheathed for all to see - our tireless work and dedication to the cause has ultimately resulted in what you see before you. Let it be known throughout the masses that Kekism is truly the defining trait in a man if he considers himself to be of a virtuous mind and cleansed soul.
Now is the time to ram home to people the dangers of this woman. It is our responsibility; nay - our DUTY to tell our countrymen as to what this vile and disingenuous traitor and warmonger has done behind closed doors.
Ours is the higher ground, my fellow gentlemen. We speak from the plane of informed data while they and those who follow them surmise with every passing breath. This is our chance to finally regain some ground and make the people see as to what a vile harpy stand before them in plain sight.
Kek is with us all, never forget this.
Is this something ?
m8s is this a new leak or just a new discovery in the old leak?
Exactly. I am all about burying her ass but Huma most definitely has a TS/SCI...sorry anons
but does she have the *top* top secret classification (ie the exact same level as hilary), and does she have the right to read emails not addressed to her? The answer is likely no to both.
>and it has to filter through the FBI's bureaucracy up to Comey and Lynch.
They went through the fucking emails. They already know Huma hand were down the secretaries digital pants. They know she used the emails and all the other illegal shit that went on.
Comey stuck to the letter of the investigation: Classified documents only. He and his team DELIBERATELY turned a blind eye to this and any other illegal activity because THEY DO NOT GIVE A SHIT.
Stop being such a complete faggot. At best this story will hold Clinton's feet to the fire for maye a week if the media fail to cover for her. But hell will freeze over flavoured strawberry before Comey and Lynch so much as decide to look in the direction of those emails ever again.
The Deep State will not turn on its own.
It's hard to get a legitimate answer here on Sup Forums anymore, but I'll try.
I'm genuinely curious about what kind of reprocussions this could actually have. Will anything come of this? Or will they say it's all behind us? I'd like to get a real answer from someone, hopefully explaining the chance anything actually comes from this.
feels like home. kek
You're assuming the FBI even has the integrity to force them to choose a fall guy, I don't think they do.
Does anyone have the one where they talk about faking polls?
It won't be ignored, thank Congress. If the FBI doesn't move fast enough they can drag Huma in and question her themselves. This is where a trip-up can happen and she can (inadvertently or intentionally) bring it all down.
This is why you vote GOP, so that the House can call people in to testify. They got everyone by the balls.
>and her (((poll numbers))) will actually probably go up
what are rigged polls
Literally nothing will happen
Even if she did why would a fucking aide, a gopher, a run of the mill bitch position, be given higher clearance than congress
>daily reminder Bush hired Comey
the gift that keeps on giving
ALright. Bump for justice.
Nope. Just trumpkins scared that their joke of a candidate is getting destroyed in the polls. So they're grasping at literally nothing in the hopes that it takes down hillary. Which it won't.
Why would she have a top secret clearance, the server wans't used for secret emails only personal stuff, rite
>Basically, either Huma goes down or Hilary.
The more important question is ---- How many times did Huma go down on Hillary?
>I'm genuinely curious about what kind of reprocussions this could actually have.
None. Huma is Clinton's personal batman at the public expects her to be privy to the Queen's chambers. The media will not bite, and the public don't know enough to push the issue, and computers are still magic to most people and the rules do not apply.
>Huma Abedin (married to Anthony Weiner),
Jews and molsems always in cahoots against the white man.
I'd like the answer of a true american patriot. Not a fucking cuck bot like you.
Who said Huma didn't have clearance?
TS/SCI Poly is across the board even at her level. Even some low end dudes that have access have TS/SCI Polys user
Congress has the right to bring anyone in to testify before them. If they lie in front of them they can get indicted. No indictment? They drag Comey back in and he pleads the 5th. Then they drag Lynch in and she pleads the 5th. Who does she report to? The President. Congress has the votes to both Impeach and Convict Obama.
Do you not see? If the FBI doesn't do their job Congress will have a showdown with the President. They got the votes, the will, and soon the evidence for it.
Bump, hope to kek something happens
Huma Lied under oath.
Pg. 29-30.
>Q Okay. When you were working at the State Department, other than your account and your account, did you have any other e-mail accounts that you used at any point for work-related matters at the State Department?
>A I had a Yahoo e-mail, a e-mail account that was purely a -- a personal account where -- that I rarely used. But there were occasions when I forwarded State Department press clips to that account to be printed.
>Q Okay. And any other e-mail accounts that you used when you were at the State Department?
>A No.
So let me get this straight.
>Huma has access to Clinton's account
>Huma has ties to extremist groups
>Extremist groups have ties to Iranian government
>Clinton's account named that Iranian spy
>Iranian spy SOMEHOW got discovered and hung
Shows that Clintons super shady email set up was totally compromised as her aide had access to it, to the point where she would email others admitting they weren't talking with Hilary.
It shows that she could have been sending emails without disclosing she wasn't Hilary or that she could have been viewing classified info without clearance