How did America become so great?

How in the shit did America become so great? It started off as this little country that somehow broke away from the world superpower at the time Great Britain, eventually going on to surpass Great Britain.

When our president speaks, the world listens. Our GDP makes up 22% of the global GDP. We have the strongest military, & a constitution that other countries attempt to replicate. The world follows our elections. We dominate the olympics.

I take pride in being born in Bosnia & I'm fairly Liberal, but thinking about how great America is makes me proud to be raised here desu

Other urls found in this thread:

Diversity and multi-culturalism.

A shitload of empty space with tons of resources and the relative peace that comes with it access to two oceans, and acting the vulture in the world wars.

And now Trump is going to lose and I'm going to killmyself. So fucking great right.

People from all over the world made it great.

Immigration and entrepreneurship.

All over Europe and partly Asia*

A generation of genius political philosophers getting great deals on large expanses of territory from empires that were too embroiled in wars to control them anymore.

No. All over the world. Asia, the Middle East, Africa, Latin America

The best immigrants aren't white

God those uniforms are fucking stupid. Why do we always do that blazer bullshit let alone have fucking Ralph Lauren design them. Seriously we need comfy awesome clothes like some other countries had.

You know the first naturalization act passed by congress in 1790 required every immigrant to be white?

It wasn't until 1965 that the US changed its primary immigrant stock from Europeans to the rest of the world. Ironic how everyone looks at post-1970 America as complete and total shit.

Basically had the opportunity to be European and cultivate the fruits of European success, but also had the opportunity to stay out of European wars and destruction - allowing them to profit off these wars, too.

Because they encouraged individualism and freedom.

A bit of these

However the key was the idea that being an American was not based on race but on citizenship. Anyone could be an American as long as they rallied around the IDEA of America.

I dislike the idea of people saying America is for whites when it is not. America is for those who follow our ideals and want to protect that idea and make this more perfect union more perfect

Never knew Filipino's were that wealthy, reasons why?

Diversity and tolerance toward other white Europeans. When they decided to expand this idea to non-whites and non-Christians, things started going down hill.

>Ironic how everyone looks at post-1970 America as complete and total shit.

You mean just you right? Because people still want to come here

Honestly the US is all about hedonism and self-absorption today. It's why so immigrants come here, to take part in some economic ritual for themselves or their family.

The idea of an actual homogenized western society, which what actually made this country great, is dead. We're basically just fucking a barely alive corpse at this point. The immigrants of today will not carry on the tradition that European ones did.

nurses can make a lot in overtime

Diversity. They called it a great experiment

You're looking at ethnic groups who make up single digit percentages of the total US population. It's actually no coincidence that these groups would be more successful, considering the US only takes in borderline geniuses from third world countries.

This doesn't change the fact that India is a shithole and 99% of their population is not elligible for US immigration. The few that are here are the exceptions, obviously. Compare an Indian's average income in India vs the white minority and you will get similar results. This data is useless.

Played it safe in WW2.
That's all.

Because you helped us in world war one.
That's literally it.
Before then you where scared to even talk to anyone from Europe.


American encouraged doers to do their thing.
You want to try your luck mining? Sign this form, pay 20$ tax and you can do that.

You want to open a factory? Sign this other form and you're golden.

Completely irrelevant. We're talking about the ones that come here. And they're better than European immigrants. I dont care about the ones in their homeland.

Is that why more Mexicans are leaving the country every year than coming over?

America was made great by masses of white German Christians and anyone claiming otherwise is a fucking demon who should be slain.


Next question?


Is that why we still have millions of immigrants from all over the world that come here? What about the 30 million legal and 11+million illegal Mexicans that are still here?

Also citation needed

How's life as a Bosnian in the U.S?

I heard Seattle has a big Bosnian community.

America was never great


this seriously. we take the best of every culture and country. only the hardest workers and the most adventurous people make it here. all of our ancestors were immigrants at one point that took the risk to start a new life in a new world. this spirit is what makes us exceptional

What data chart would list all these countries then simply list white??????

>that somehow broke away from the world superpower at the time Great Britain

Yeah. Mainly because Britain wasn't the world superpower in the 18th century and Britain's two main rival European powers sided with the USA and fought British forces from the Pacific all the way to India whilst, in the case of France, bankrupting itself sending vast quantities of ammunition and equipment to the Patriots.

Doesn't make such a good national legend but there it is.

As for how did it become great? It inherited a prime position in international trade via links in Britain (that were reopened after the Revolutionary War almost as though nothing had happened) but with the new ability to remain neutral and trade more freely, that helped it grow rapidly.

It was also the most politically stable nation on it's entire continent and thus occupies a fuckheug landmass with no realistic rivals and was ideally placed to capitalise on the European powers kicking the shit out of each other in two consecutive world wars.

How can the USA even compete?

>European Union
>Had to form a union of countries ready to kill each other to even compete against the US
>Still can't their shit in order and doesn't have a unified military.
>US dominates the European Union's military, politics, and economics..
Damn the US doesn't even have to compete


Diversity is a weakness, not a strength. Freedom allows us to overcome this severe weakness. We would be much stronger as a white nation.

Well, it all started in 1776... please refer to the internet for further information on this.

Yup, we work hard in USA, well a majority of whites and small minority of minorities.

No, when our current president speaks, only dumb niggers and braindead liberals listen anymore.

If you are of white descent, you are more than welcome in USA, come on in!

Because America imported and still is importing the best brains in the world. Today, your shitty basic education is mitigated by importing Asians. Look at the Silicon Valley and your top universities. They run on rice and curry.

>Bretton Woods

Basically after WW2, every country was is in the shithole, except the US. The use was basically given leverage in negotiation deals in having the dollar as reserve currency and the US to become the only Navy to control worldwide trade. Bretton Woods is probably one of the best American deals next to the Louisiana Purchase and the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo.

We just sit back and enjoy the shitshow.


Pay debts

>Completely irrelevant
According to what? Your opinion?
>We're talking about the ones that come here
Evidently we're not, since the data compares Whites who were born in the US to third worlders who immigrated in their lifetime.
>And they're better than European immigrants
Again, according to what? The data does not support this claim.
>I dont care about the ones in their homeland
Because it goes against your narrative, I know. The fact of the matter is, if the US immigration standards let in everyone from India, their average income would reflect that of the average native of India.

WW1 + 2
pic related

>How did America become so great?

Stolen German technology.

He turned himself in to the U.S military, calling it stolen is a bit of a stretch.

Sure thing ginny, you first...

There are many but strong sense of conservative values is definitely up there.

If I had to say it even now the US is still fairly conservative compared to much of the world.

yeah and they need to leave

More people=strain

not at all true. This is a jewish lie. It was invented in a play by a jew to go to the mass public and they have ran with it ever since.
America is great for a few reasons.
The more free a nation the more potentiential its citizens have of doing great things.
2) its huge
Thats about it.

>hamburger doesnt recognize my flag

I have no citation available, but from personal experience, those statistics are "conservative", possibly skewed.

I can stand behind that

In America whites are al one group. Thats how bad it has gotten here. Meanwhile Asians get 30 options and niggers get 50.

Pic: Stolen stealth fighter.

Again, the US did not accept immigrants from third world countries until 1965, meaning that the vast majority of Americans from these countries are first generation immigrants who were subjected to harsh selections for intelligence. As opposed to the native Whites who are automatic citizens simply by being born.

These small, highly concentrated selections of nationalities are not representative of the average success from their respective countries.

By maximizing individual liberty

they let man do as he wished and when man is unleashed what he can create is great.

My apologies Hungary.

Here, have a cute picture of a puppy, and sorry again.

>links italian debt
>against hungary
wew lad

Actually we sometimes jokingly get foreign flags mixed up- there's something hilarious about getting Italians and the Irish pissed off when we conflate the two, mostly because they're both irrelevant.

What has Hungary accomplished in the past century, anyway?

Piggybacking off established European powers due to cultural ties and then using the two World Wars to dismantle them. We only became a halfway decent place to live in the first place because we had such an easy time convincing big European nations like England and France to buy our shit. Once Europe was torn apart we swooped in, profited massively, and filled the power vacuum.

Judeo Christian values. Hard work ethic. Stable family structure (No harems or broken families like you see in 3rd world shitholes), individualism, right to property and free speech. Working functioning government which enforced law and order.

Natural resources hardly mean much. Yes, that did help immensely but so many other nations had vast resources and still failed.

"Multiculturalism" only worked because the past generations of immigrants adopted the values I stated above. Despite what Sup Forums says, race usually doesn't matter if they integrate properly with the American culture. 100 years ago black people were actually a hard working, family-oriented race. Sure they were poor, like most southern whites, but they built up many businesses and towns, until welfare and degeneracy fucked them up.

Capitalism, freedom.

Diversity and multiculturalism are what is destroying america, not strengthening it.

America was founded upon mercantilism not laissez faire. America had fully protectionist policies until Andrew Jackson.

Economically won ww2

>Actually we sometimes jokingly get foreign flags mixed up- there's something hilarious about getting Italians and the Irish pissed off when we conflate the two, mostly because they're both irrelevant.

But they're part of the largest economical power on the world burgerbro

>What has Hungary accomplished in the past century, anyway?

Our jews helped inventing the atomic bomb so you can kill innocent civilians and keep the world in terror, and the computer so you can brainwash future generations

Yeah, and America wasn't a major international player until wall street and the industrial revolution.
Which was made successful by laissez faire.

We haven't ALWAYS been great, and we're certainly in a sharp decline now. Unless we get somebody in office that actually wants to protect national interests and citizens interests, we've already passed our peak.

Every fucking resource imaginable.

>Diversity and multi-culturalism.
From european countries, brought by willing-to-work immigrants, not a bunch of gibesmedat

>Yeah, and America wasn't a major international player until wall street and the industrial revolution.
LMAO. We had enormous tariffs until around WWII. At least wiki your shit first.

Disagree that the natural resources of a country don't matter, it's exactly what enabled the U.S to grow as a superpower. From vast farmable land that enabled immigrants to establish themselves in the early history of the U.S to the industrial revolution where Americans could expand within their own territory unlike the other superpowers at the time who had to colonize other territories to gain natural resources.

Of course you can't ignore the political foundations of the U.S, but that is another story that doesn't necessarily mean it wouldn't have been possible to create and equally strong economic power with say more authoritarian rule.

On race, you are correct in some regard but I think the average intellectual capacity of different races tend to show a difference in productivity. As an immigrant to Norway I experienced this phenomenon in 'real time' so to speak and regardless of political opinion I think it's a valid approach to understanding that in some regard there is a natural hierarchy in who is the farmer and the doctor so to speak.

Resources (land, minerals, people, capital) and a legal framework that encouraged their exploitation (property rights, rule of law).


Founded on solid ideals with a morally homogeneous population that valued the right things.

Family loyalty.

America was great because she followed the God of the bible. She was blessed became proud and arrogant and is now a dusty whore sitting in a pile of her filth because she abandoned her God. Her new god will not save her.

Any immigrant thrives in America.

Protestant work ethic
Huge amount of natural reserves
Political liberalism (in the old fashioned sense of the word)
Military might / strong martial tradition
Love of market economics
Unified national culture
Openness to innovation
Lack of aristocracy and extreme class divisions
Beneficiaries of countless wars and religious strife in Europe

because they are the most powerful race in the world

>Pursuit of happiness
It's the American Dream.
Not the "American style"
What does that mean? It promotes people to do and acquires things, and thus people become productive.