China = Future

The best-looking male athlete at the Olympics is Chinese where women all over the world are lusting over. You do realize that as China gets richer / eat more protein and get bigger, this is will be the end result. You can see the future in China happening now in SKorea

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Yeah saw that dude and said wow he is a good looking chinese guy, bet he slays hourly.

Lmao, you're gay as fuck for saving these pics/gifs.

You can look better than that pic with 1 year of weight training.


But how small is his penor?

How is it shattering stereotypes when 99% of gooks are short, squat little goblins?

>Breaking News: Women get wet for swimmers


Id bet hard money he has aryan phenotypes

Why do all the qts want Chinese chads now?

Hahahaha he doesn't have pictures of saint vagina what a fag

>The best-looking male athlete at the Olympics is Chinese


Is that the guy who took illegal steroids for his "heart condition"?

i'll take a small pork egg foo young and small vegetable fried rice please. two vegetable wontons too. tea too please. no extra sauces needed.

>99% of gooks are short, squat little goblins?

People in Northern China are taller than average person in the UK. Are you really that stupid that you think there is no variations between Chinese when there are 1.5 billion of them from a landmass that is larger from north-to-south than Norway is to Saudi Arabia.

He is very attractive

Is there even one female in this topic?

Because they have been on television.

arr rook same

Maybe he should marry Michelle Obama and together their 10/10 genes will make super humans. At least if what the media says is true

And we should give a damn about what or who unknown women lust for because???

This pretty much. Maybe 1 and half year if you fuck up your diet.

Typical amerifat lusting over foreign meat

What's a topic. Why is this question always so hastily asked. There's not even a dick here. Cripes how do you play sports? Oh hai boyyys do you like muh parasol? You bitch

Nope, it's an r/asianmasculinity raid. How insecure Asians are. Saging this shill thread

China will defeat the Turks.

>People in Northern China are taller than average person in the UK.
>average height is 5'7"
my sides



>No soul

Spotted the butthurt manlet gook.

what mode is this?

Joke's on you OP, I was a China-missile all along.

T.ching lao

Nah. Orlando and JB did enough attention lately and nobody has a small dick on Sup Forums


Look like you don't lift in clothes mode.

Never heard of this

>>average height is 5'7"

Average height in the UK is 175.3cm
The average height of a Shandong male is 175.44cm


>People in Northern China are taller than average person in the UK
>Implying the average person in the UK isn't a short, squat little goblin.

>Average height in the UK is 175.3cm

"The ONS said the average man in England was 5ft 9in (175.3cm) tall and weighed 13.16 stone (83.6kg)."

The average Chinese male in northern China is taller that the average Brit male in the UK

>cut a country up
>see we're tall!
If I take England alone, the average height is nearly 178.0. See how stupid you are?
Never mind the fact that your list bullshit.

>All these angry stormfags not respecting the Han master race

>White people tried. But in the end, tolerance killed them. China is the new Europe and American combined.

>good looking, built dudes are popular with women

Can't believe it.

If you exclude duplicates the population of China is maybe 10 people.

>ages 20-25
You fucked up again. UK is 178 for ages 20-25
You're comparing your youngest to the UK average

What did he mean by this?

>>cut a country up

the Population of Shandong of 100 million
the Population fo Beijing (the next tallest province/city) is 25 Million
the Population of Heilongjiang (the 3rd tallest in China) is 50 million

>looking at SKorea
I'm pretty sure that's not the kind of future I'm hoping for.

(((Anna Swartz)))

What makes you think I care what their populations are? Anyway, your northern populations are still below the UK average, adjusted for age

Pretty rich when half of Canadians look like pic.

Chinese people have higher IQs, are physically superior and are more attractive. Whitey needs to gtfo.

Chang Thundercok


that guys a mexican

In the age of bathmate you don't need to look at pretty boys and think of racial dicksizes aha

pleb yellow nigger jelly of ripped yellow nigger

That's funny because he's an American

What, did an China man steal your GF? Chinese are the master race.

Asians worship whites, this will never change. Even if China colonizes Europe, Chinese women will travel to Europe to get impregnated and have fifty white male sex slaves. Actually, that sounds pretty fucking cool now that I think about it.

muh dick

Why would a poor malnourished Chinese farmer raised in China in the 1950 be taller than a rich wealthy person in Europe? Of course the Chinese raised in relative prosperity today would be taller than previous generation.

The point is that as China gets wealthier, they will surpass Europeans / Whites in height (and attractiveness) as they bigger.

>China man

Yes, well done China, well done....


>Le chinks are people meme

Give it a break.

Zhonghua ren min > everyone else

>China "man"
>steal your gf

Talk about low-effort

>over 1.35 billion Chinese
>use one man as an example of their race

The average Chinese person is fucking disgusting, they live in filth. This is just more Jew anti white shit

>be white race traitor woman
>fall for Chinese Jew propaganda
>move there
>be average basic bitch so end up with average Chinese man
>forced to stay at home and raise kids
>live in the most backwards ass communism country
>die of cancer before age 50 of some random escalator/elevator/massive explosion doesn't kill you first

but he looks like he has downs or baka

Sorry chinky dinky, you'll still never be able to compete with white men.

>Why would a poor malnourished Chinese farmer raised in China in the 1950 be taller than a rich wealthy person in Europe? Of course the Chinese raised in relative prosperity today would be taller than previous generation.
And they are still shorter than Europeans and Americans of the same age group
> they will surpass Europeans / Whites in height
>and attractiveness
Those flat faces just aren't going to change, sorry short wang. Anyway, China is great right? So fuck off back to China


>cuck thread
The best athletes in the world who compete at the olympics all deserve to be admired, not used by fags like you to stabilize a shitty narrative that falls on it's ass every 5 minutes.

His face is too feminine. Asian men all look very low test. Got no browridge, no chin, no jaw, no portruding forehead. Too flat.

Pic related is high testosterone.

Sure thing slant eyed cockroach.

You could say the same bullshit about Brits then due to the mass rationing of ww2

>Eat more protein and get bigger
>Get richer

That's not gonna fix their control-obsessed government anytime soon.

Silly Bai gui yingguo ren. Fucking a Chinese girl results in half Chinese kids. You know where those kids will be? White countries. China is intolerant of non-Chinese. By fucking a Chinese girl, you are making non chinese countries more Chinese.

>Chinese future

>American beauty

Ni shi hei gui ma?


Damn, who's the girl?

Is China still butthurt at Australia for calling a drug cheat a drug cheat?

>that person passes as white in America


All these butthurt white bois mad that Asian men are more:

- Intelligent
- Handsome
- Physically fit
- Desirable, especially for white women

Face it. We're every girl's K-Pop fantasy and they want our cocks so bad. Get riced.

What is this shit supposed to mean?

Passes as white anywhere.
>authority on whiteness

Thought Canada people spoke Chinese. Oh well. It means are you black man.

Can anyone explain to me why professional swimmers have broad shoulders/wide clavicles? What biomechanical advantage do they get from that?


>best looking male athlete
nigga you gay

Italians do it better

It's caused by the swimming. The swimmers body thing is caused by the activity.

forget that, most of city-born chinese kids i knew were liberal and bluepilled af; and there was already a nig ghetto in Guangzhou, a size that calls for napalms.

>be short manlet
>gain muscle 2-3x faster than a tallfag

That's all it is.
>tfw tall af and no gym near by