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Thanks son



cheers Fatherland

This flag contains my entire genetic makeup to perfection yet I've never visited the city for which it stands and know nothing about it.

As Europe must unite against a common enemy, Canada and the US must unite as well, for a common enemy.

All that matters in 2016 in Globalism vs Nationalism

Reporting in

Why the norwegian flag? The Nordic Resistance Movement already includes them.

it's a work in progress. the "norwegian flag" as you say is not the norwegian flag but a strong group apart from the Nordic resistance, and I thought it should go here as well. any suggestions?




i just made some OC. wow, thats better than mine!

stealing it for my format.
would you disagree?


They are dead for years.

very funy----the france bit has no flag, just a flag of france. lol. mine has an actual flag of nationalist france (nationalism francais avec sacre couer)

W-why is there Croatia and not Slovenia?

Mmm how about NO!


Just pull the:

Card if they ever question you. Kekeke perfect plan. Also oy vey Hitler wanted to genocide us. Islamic invasion is another shoah

>Europe for Europeans

Not any more.

nordfront is retarded tough.
and SD is too cuckservative

that's sad tbqhl

I agree, and America for Americans, go back to Yurope cumskins.

back to Siberia, Tonto


Your country has already been owned and made by Globalist Multikult.
It's over.
The only option of a nationalist youth who love blood and soil is open revolt.

The only option for Sweden

t. mr 60% white

>because all white Americans are the same

I'm as white or whiter than you lol

I'm looking for some fashy symbols to put on my lapel. There are some pretty cool Union Jack flags with BUF on them, but I thought that might be a bit obv. Anyone got any ideas??

oh just shut up Sven.

>not african



Why hasn't this been done yet? Most white americans can probably claim some slav heritage

Maybie Trump can build a wall alongside the mediterranean when he's done with the one in Mexico

(OP) I'm a strong holder of Iberia as White because all human history supports it and only silly girlish cultural-Marxist revisionist history questions it.

post pic off yourself then you lying mongrel

No, dude, calm the fuck down and have some tea.

ok thank you

أوروبا لأتباع الإسلام. الحمد لله رب العالمين. ان شاء الله!

الله أكبر!

Dude that's the red rose of Lancashire, my county.

Were your ancestors from here?

One of the several variations of the Ustaše symbol

i'm too lazy to please you, but the fact is, I'm ~ 50% English 25% Scots and 25% Fronch. What makes you hurt in your butt? That I'm an American white who is proud of his ancestry? ou should get used to that.

so fucking gay at this point, jesus christ.

Wow, this really make me think.

of Nazi propaganda.

British North Americans treat the Red Rose of England as a general Rose, not to do specifically with Lancaster.

أمريكا لأتباع الإسلام كذلك! أنت خنزير تناول النساء تخمر الكفار لا تستحق ولكن الحصول على قطع رأس، والشيء الوحيد الذي مثلي الجنس هو بلدك.


Pic related for all based Franzosen

entonces, as you Chileans say, vas a te whatever, amigo

You should be ashamed of yourself--if you're white...are you not Chilean White? You must be 96% Spanish-Italian-German-Portuguese to claim this


This one for the based Flamen

Stop this meme. We were never white.

Are you on drugs?

>Random Canadian says Portuguese were never White

كما لو الأوروبيين سيكون بحرية على استعداد للذهاب إلى الحرب في [السنة الحالية]، كنت كل الذكور نو ومجموعة من المثليين، عدم وجود الرجال، صور ذات صلة، ونحن نعلم أطفالنا في وقت مبكر، وأنها يمكن أن الأرجح للفوز الجنرالات الخاص بك!
اااااااااااااا!!! امسح هذه!!!! هذا سيئ جدا!! وسوف تقتل هذه المرأة، قبل لقد اغتصبها.

No, why?

And of course for all based Wallonier

No, Portuguese diasporafag. We're European, fine, but not white, and I don't want to be associate with whites.

Muzlim Mohammedans your opinion is not valid and you are not humans, please don't post here

>Not enough French

Deluded Canadian faggot wants to speak for the Glorious Portuguese

>checks flag
>this is fine
>this is normal
Never change muhammad

نحن أكثر إنسانية مما كنت الكفار، على المضي قدما، وأكل لحم الخنزير التي والحصول على الكوليسترول انسداد قلبك، كنت امرأة قذرة مثل الماعز لك الغربيين يعني أننا السرير!


Where are the Holländer at?

نادر؟ غير شائع؟ كل ما أعرفه هو أنه عندما قرأت اسم بلدك يجعلني أفكر في الحشرات مع الأمراض.

Oh man, swedish dialect really changed over the years

Mohammed the Pedophile Rides (my favorite)

Vlam/Dutch living in Germany?
it is a work in progress, what flag would you suggest for Flanders/Nederland?

Thanks muhammad that's the nicest thing anyone has said about this shithole


Go ask the average white person if they consider us white, then ask yourself who is the deluded one.

كيف هي دورة الالعاب الاولمبية؟ بلدك رائحة أسوأ من روث الأبقار بلدي، حتى أسوأ من الهند! حسنا، ربما لا، ولكن على مقربة، حسنا، ليست حتى قريبة، ولكن لك وجهة نظري.
لماذا عائشة رسمها عندما كان طفلا يبكي؟ كانت عائشة امرأة ناضجة آنذاك، من فضلك من فضلك توقف بالإرسال كنت الإساءة لي، وأنا الإبلاغ لك للحكومة السويدية
الإسلام هو النور

this shit is why i love Sup Forums

Please leave Mohamedans

Brazil is the paradise your prophet will never lead you to compared to the shithole you came from. Also, reporting us to the swedish government will do nothing, Sup Forums isn't based in Sweden

Amigo...voce esta brincando comigo. Se esta serio, quero saber qual esta merda que voce me traz, o que os Portugueses nao sao Brancos.

لا، يجب أن يترك، وهذا هو موضوع للناس الأبيض، وطي

You should. As far as leaf cities go it's nice.

مرحبا لا، التجديف، بلدكم هو أسوأ واحد جئت من حتى لو كان قبل ألف سنة.

It's also for red pilled slavic femanons who all crave white euro cock

Genetics: English_Scottish_Irish_French

German but am often in France and Belgium.
Most i know want to be seperated by gouvernment but the Walloons i know don't want to become a part of France while the Vlandeeren want to become a part of the Netherlands as in: borders
But they want to be seperated culturally and rule over their own.
Difficult Topic and the Flemish also want to keep their Emblems and Symbolism instead of adopting the Dutch Flag.

Slavic from Nederland? What is your home country? Home flag? My flag is a work in progress. I am trying to modernize it all the time

It's the only place in public i can show off Collectibles without hiding my opinion.
In Germany we can own anything, but only if it's just for """"historical awareness"""""
Nothing else.
Enjoy and feel free to share


Thank you for all this/
What is YOUR flag, friend?

Fucking scum get nuked already. All Muslims need to be eradicated. ALL

Deracinated colonials will never understand anything about ethnic identity because they are like you: some ethnic cocktail. "Whiteness" only makes sense in colonies where there is no ethnic homogeneity. In Europe it is an artificial pseudo-identity and it will fail. The only thing that can save European nations is ethnic solidarity, not "racial" unity.

Why do I say this? Because the method of social engineering that was used in the United States and Canada to erode and eventually destroy the very concept of an ethnic neighbourhood or enclave was to first drive the ethnics into the suburbs and then convince them they are white instead of Irish, Polish, Portuguese, or Italian. "Whiteness" serves to destroy actual identities, assimilating outgroups before sterilizing them politically. What you offer Europeans is ethnocide.

>inb4 Jew/JIDF
It was the Jewish psychologists funded by WASPs who performed this social engineering on Catholics in the US in the first place.


You are my brother whether you like it or not.

2) You make an elegant case

3) No. Just because you make a great, exhaustive case, does not mean you will get in the way of us. There is nothing worse in the world than an Iberian who rejects his white roots

Where the Norsk at?

Your Norsk is quite plainly there



Man, Norwegian brown cheese is great.


We should just conquer north africa and commit genocide, after all they are righful roman clay.