Chris Wood is Mon-El on SUPERGIRL

It's happening.

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nice, called it last thread

modern origin storytime because I'm bored



people watch super girl?



YouTube tier comment, congrats



>Actual superman
>Supergirl in CW universe
didnt watch the first season cause of how garbage it is
hope they stop with the teen drama bullshit cause the cast is getting interesting


This is amazing. DC finally is making a claim in Marvels White Dude Named Chris monopoly. He looks like the same exact mold too





>This is amazing. DC finally is making a claim in Marvels Asian Dude Named Chang monopoly. He looks like the same exact mold too




I'm literally only watching for Legion references so this is good payoff

It's not Arrow, and that's good enough for most.


Not exactly. I think Supergirl is still a separate universe. Unless they'll merge them or have two different LoSHs (would be neat.jpg) it might actually mean no Jenni with Flash ties, which would be lame.

told you


So, what, there never happened to be a pencil near Mon-El while he was on Earth?

pencils are graphite

They're merging universes, CW has been playing up having all the heroes together.

maybe the crossover is that? or Flashpoint somehow does it

As long as they don't retcon Superman out that would be cool.

Best girl hype back on, why is she so perfect?

Someone will have to make a list of every DC characters that has had an appearance in the DCCWverse in the last few years, including Supergirl and Constantine
Speaking of which, Ragman confirmed in Arrow

I think Comicvine usually notes it on their page, also wikipedia.

Actually we find out in Legion of Three Worlds that Jenni isn't even from the Earth the Legion she is a member of is from. So it could easily be a situation like that.

I actually did forget about that and I'm going to post that spread in the "what would have happened with Johns' Flash run without the reboot" thread now

I really love how the CW shows made the B-List heroes the big guns.

I'd like to see Mon El live action but (a) it makes less sense to use him especially with the crash landing part of the story given that he's from Superboy's past and there's no indication that the Legion ring we saw in Clark's fortress is not Clark's.

Plus which CBM (which is essentially click bait) is quoting Bleeding Cool and there's no reason to believe their guess is more than a guess.

who is mon=el

>it makes less sense to use him especially with the crash landing part of the story given that he's from Superboy's past and there's no indication that the Legion ring we saw in Clark's fortress is not Clark's.

You've jumped to too many conclusions. Obviously it would just be that the timing of Mon-El's crash was moved to later. It wouldn't affect Clark's ring. It's possible when he had his teenage adventures with the LoSH Mon-El just wasn't pulled out yet and maybe he has an adventure with them as an adult where it gets fixed. Clark sometimes does visit them as Superman too, not just Superboy.



I'm worried about it moving to CW, but I guess I can give this season a shot and see if anything's changed with the move that brings it down.

The pod is a fake-out and contains only a selection of fine cakes sent as a delayed housewarming gift.
Mon-el will arrive in a time bubble already immune to lead and ready to get involved in love triangles.

I hope Superman doesn't die. Just be off planet or whatever if they need to bench him.

God that was dumb slap in the face to the Post ZH team

The Retroboot team stole Gates too

Lemire did the smart thing and basically just had all the ones who weren't doubles join with the Retroboot.

This is absurd. Lead is so damn abundant in our modern society.

They're straight up doing COIE. Flashpoint is going to trigger it somehow, possibly by reversing the ending the finale of Flash S2.

Sometimes it's just the lead in the atmosphere that's enough to kill them though

I wish but given how easily they Effed Up Jay Garrick ....

When's Flash?

Why do the evil versions have the best costumes? I'm still mad about that.