What do you guys think of gay marriage?

What do you guys think of gay marriage?

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bretty gay

If it looks like that pic then I'm in.

Pointless, there are more important problemas than mental illness

Don't see the point.


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Gay marriage. Straight marriage. As long as it's an arranged marriage, proven to bring about the best results, I don't care

Its just inheritance rights isnt it? Couldnt give a shit.

Also its gay.

Don't care.

There are far bigger problems. Mostly kikes, muzzies, and niggers.

Came here to post this.

there is no such thing

A farce. There is no reason for homos to get married.

Social issues are non-issues to me. People should be able to do whatever they want.

We should keep marriage out of government though, especially gay marriage.

>do whatever they want

My county Coosa County Alabama is the only two county in the counties that denies fag marriage.Feels good.

>1/3rd black
>extremely poor
Yeah I'm sooooo jealous

I don't care how gay's deal with each other, but I oppose treating it on equal footing with heterosexual marriage because it entitles them to government subsidies whose only possible policy justification is to create a stable environment for rearing the children that naturally result from heterosexual relationships.

Do what you want in your bedroom, fags, but keep your goddamned grubby mitts out of my wallet.

But I'm gay AND jewish. Gib shekels!

Fag hunting is a sport down here. Come out as gay and expect to be severly beaten.

Disgusting fucking cretins. The only person who deserves respect in this world is ME. I look down upon these filthy tarbreathing fucking SCUM! AAGGH it makes me so angry too see people like this. I AM THE ALPHA MALE BOW DOWN TOO ME I AM GOD

Ok let you know if I'm ever in a rural redneck black poor part of Alabama with 0 accomplishments or influence!

Pretty gay, but we have more important shit to worry about right now.

It doesn't matter if it's you or not. Your fellow fags will continue to get beaten. Most break your heart.

Don't care desu

It pushes overton window of society in the degenerate range. Not good for society that wants to survive.

But we will continue to look fabulous!

>why do you think about gay marriage op?

It's going to be hard to dress yourself after your head hits the pavement.

>bad shitposting

Even the military is run by a gay guy. Grow up, its 2016!

Don't see why anyone would care whether or not someone else got married. Can someone who's against it provide a reason why it shouldn't be allowed? Wasting tax money on a non issue.
Hard mode:
>no muh degeneracy

Yes, AIDS exists so degenerates of all races and creeds will be put out of the population.

>Violent responses to those who are different.
This is what you do for fun, why?

Actually 75% of new hiv infections are blacks. Whites rarely get it unless they abuse needle drugs.

You're just using rudimentary insults to get a few responses on an Japanese image board full of 12 year olds, what do you get from this?

Reminder that every country that is colored in this map is going to hell

I guess I'd post that fun chart that starts with obsession->anxiety->compulsion->relief. He is a nutter.

Sticking your penis in a pile of infected shit is totally normal guys. I swear!

I'm gay and I don't do that

Do you have Skype? Single?

Um, yes I do

Wanna chat?
>tfw no polgb bf

Haha trust me, you're not missing much

Why is that? Are you non-white or something?

if queers want to get married and be miserable like normal married people why should I care

Thank You for correcting the record.

If people like fruit there's nothing wrong with that.
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I'm a thin, 6 foot plus hippie dude.

There should be a gay only country. Oh wait. That would only last for a generation. MUHAHAHAHAHAH

i don't support it, but i am not against it either, as long as it's not a religious one, in that case, i think the church should be able to decide (and if i had a say, i'd be against it there)

Aside from SA a lot of these countries have their shit together. Notice Africa and much of Asia is uncolored? Don't see your point here

Oh the irony

I was joking

Marriage is bullshit anyway. I'd be for getting government out of marriage altogether, and have everyone shacked up. You want to shack up? It's you business, don't need to file form 3267a with the courthouse and have a record with the local government. Everyone files single for tax purposes and all kids go with the woman unless she's a complete train wreck. If you want alimony or child support you can buy man-leaving-you insurance like they already do in some countries.

Won't happen because women get too many bennies from getting married then divorced and any government regulation collects a constituency around it. There would be a horde of people coming out of the woodwork to defend the status quo.

So am I in favor of gay marriage? No. I'm not in favor of ANY marriage.

If gay people want to shack up and say they're married to the rest of the world, sure, who gives a shit? You don't have to believe them, because it doesn't have any government endorsement.

Wouldn't there be newborns in the non-gay country that end up turning gay?

>You don't have to believe them, because it doesn't have any government endorsement.
What exactly do you mean by that?

>In the United States of America, same-sex marriage has been legal nationwide since June 26, 2015, when the United States Supreme Court ruled in Obergefell v. Hodges that state-level bans on same-sex marriage are unconstitutional.

Guys! I think OP might be a faggot!

Man that would be fun. Has that been a movie plot yet? I guess it would be porn though...

Best thing ever
You should try it yourself

If only I could find a red pilled qt to settle down with. Are you offering?

Closet fetish. Should remain closeted.

Ideally you should unscramble your brain, but if you are a cocksucking megafaggot society doesn't want (I don't want you), keep your bullshit a secret.

Gay marriage is an affront to God. I don't want my society propping it up.

It's ok, it's current year after all

It's ok, it's current year after all.
Also bigger problems coming up.

Do you somehow fear if it were out in the open it would trigger something latent in you?

Why do fags need to get married?

Is it some prerequisite to sticking it up each others shit pipes?

Should be punished by instant death by hanging, on public domains so everyone can sees what will happen to them

I see Sweden is adopting the middle east's culture well. How progressive it brings tears to my eyes

i'm against marriage but not against homosex or a state recognized equivalent to gay marriage.

if it's against the church then the church shouldn't be forced to do it

Some people forget about this board being called "Politically Incorrect"

typical legion fag

Its sad but im no immigrant, and I still think this. Thats how bad things have become.
Feminists needs to be killed with fire.

Praise Allah

Where producing viable offspring, in principle, is impossible, then marriage isn't needed. Can fags produce children? No, they cannot. So why have fag marriage, change the definition of marriage and destroy the institution of marriage?

Yeah because clearly the world is underpopulated

>moving the goalposts

marriage doesn't mean shit anymore anyway they can have the scraps

what is gay marriage

A successful attack on what remains of western values and morals. Much like the sexual revolution and feminism.

It's for faggots

I notice its mostly people from Germany, Poland, and Russia on here who are against it.

The same thing I think of a round square: nothing. It's a contradiction. It's impossible and unthinkable. Gays can't be married. They can be "married" if you make marriage laws into "marriage" laws, but if I renamed your pet "Hamburger" I doubt that would make you more inclined to eat it.

And yet Canada had legalized it and the sky hasn't fallen in.

>Its a contradiction
A Paki in Germany doesn't make him German the same as putting a hamster in an aquarium doesn't make it a fish. (((They))) are playing semantics.

If Canada made freezing fire legal, what difference should it make, do you think?

>muh false parallels.

FPBP, and also the genuine reaction of 85% of people before the issue is politicized and dramatized to all hell by the media and attention whoring faggots

What is a "false parallel"? They're both things that are impossible, even if you can construct sentences, and therefore laws, about them.

Canada also legalized bestiality
>b-but muh slippery slope.
It's still playing semantics with what marriage is.

That one is more unrealistic than the other. Gay marriage is just having two people sit in front of a court or a religious building, affirm their love, and receive tax breaks, the other is a violation of basic physics.

I'm ok with it

>Gay marriage is just having two people sit in front of a court or a religious building, affirm their love, and receive tax breaks

And that isn't what a marriage is. By the way, there are no "tax breaks" for being married, there is a tax penalty because you would pay less taxes as individuals with the same incomes as you do in a combined household.

Don't care as long gays don't bother me.

Canada didn't really legalize bestiality, the SC just said that a dog licking a woman's vagina doesn't count under the legal definition of bestiality, which is a still crime.

What if we just want to swallow ur cum, no recip?

>the SC just said that a dog licking a woman's vagina doesn't count under the legal definition
>a dog licking your wife's taint isn't bestiality in Canada

It is bullshit, it serves no purpose but to encourage bullshit.

The sole reason for marriage was that two people promise themselves to eachother to create and raise children for the next generation, giving both a stake in their tribes/nations future.

With fags and lesbians you don't have this. You just have two people binding themselves to eachother for no actual reason.