>trump pussying out the debates because he knows he'll get stomped
>trump pussying out the debates because he knows he'll get stomped
this post really made me think
He can just get someone to shoot Hillary when he predictably starts losing
Dude is pathetic.
Trump was slaying the GOP primary debates with a LOT of tough competition. Clinton has only debated fucking Bernie. Trump will kick her ass when the debates come.
he didnt debate anyone he just flailed insults
Smart move on his part. No doubt thw debates will be biased towards Hillary and do everything they can to trash Trump and make false claims against him.
Veey smart move
Why should he debate? There's no benefit.
>article says he already explicitly stated that he will attend all 3 debates
yeah haha btfo
>leftists are terrible negotiators
I love how shills are actually doing more damage to their cause now.
He probably wants to make sure it isn't an ambush. He won't back down from the debates, it'll be easy to expose Hillary as catanonic.
Implying you sign everything that is put in front of you.
>Not reading the terms and conditions
Trump will make great choices as president
Drumpf is a mess.
What a fucking baby
There are no "conditions." There are *rules*.
Someones gonna have to explain that to his stupid ass.
>Or he can just pussy out, like he plans to
You are a cuck 100
Depends on the moderation there you fucking idiot
he means he does not want to to be a shit show like the democratic convention.. There must be topics based on what the people are concerned about this election. not the endless scripted BS that happens when you involve the DNC in anything. It must be fair. But you don't get fair with liberals. That's what he means. now GTFO faggot.
here's your (you)
>The Clinton campaign says that he's engaging in 'shenanigans' and 'toying' with the media.
And your candidate of choice is about to lose to Clinton
u fuk!
Hahahaha America is fucked Hahaha like So Dumb Hahaha
>clinton campaign says he's toying with the media
Good, fuck the media.
>plying you sign everything that is put in front of you.
I've worked as a car salesman, most people do sign everything you put in front of them without asking questions.
wtf, I hate trump now.
There's no way he will back out of the debates. It's his only chance to win.
The only debates he won was because Jeb was his punching bag, Carson was stalling and Donut Man was picking fights with Rubio and Rato was too busy attacking anyone but Trump. When Rato and Rubio double-teamed Trump, he got rekt.
Its that Hillary wants the debates to be when everyone is watching football so there would be less people watching.
You're not supposed to know that though.
Lugenpresse hard at work.
You shills never fucking watched it so what the fuck would you know. GO eat a cock you pieces of shit.
You know what fucking sucks? I deleted my gigs of dead niggers just a week ago. Thinking well I don't really need this anymore. Boy was I fucking wrong.
He was only doing any good when he had Jeb to bully. Cruz and Rubio destroyed his ass on a regular basis when he was alone with them (and Kasich).
Admittedly, Hillary is not remotely as good at debates as Cruz or as good as an orator as Rubio, but the Press is going to be on her side, and bullying and insult flinging doesn't really work when it is done on an elderly woman. Hillary might even try to bait him into escalating his tone and later use the results for ads playing it off as misogyny..
The moderators are important too since Hillary has too much over the selections. Trump will do the debates even if the dates or the moderators don't get changed, though, because he has no choice
> Cruz and Rubio destroyed his ass on a regular basis when he was alone with them (and Kasich).
Haha oh man I watched the all the debates and he was never once destroyed. I think the only time he legit got hung up was the H1B1 shit but it was clarified on his website which now no one even gives a shit about.
I hope you guys are sageing everytime you post because I am.
If he looks like hes waffling on debates and Hillary attacks/taunts him then Trump accepts to debate, it then becomes impossible for her to back out without losing. She is then locked into a debate where she will be demolished.
> instead of posting conditions
> blame trump for shenenigans
This does not even made me think.
cruz and rubio lost
and clinton has a lot more material to work with than Jeb
Hillary will have preapproved puff questions with the answers pre written for her by her writers. I wouldn't be surprised if she isn't there in person, there will be some pretext to have her on closed circuit TV so she won't have to be face to face. Doc Chocolate will be right by with syringe in the ready.
You must have missed the rest while you where repositioning your tinfoil antennae. Trump kicked the shit out of everyone, every night.
This desu.
Anybody that thinks otherwise is deluded.
And im voting for trump too.
He won't participate in the only thing that could possibly save him now?
sage and ignore shill threads
Hillary wants to the debates to happen during two football games so no one sees her fail or have another episode. If anyone is pussying out it's her
>The Clinton campaign says that he's engaging in 'shenanigans' and 'toying' with the media.
For a man who's worked inside of the media for decades, YA DON'T FUCKIN' SAY???
Total loser. What pussy backs down from a fight? what a shitty tristate-born. Where he's from they're fucking supposed to come out swinging. What an idiot.
OKay rapist
of course, because his handlers wrote his policies and he doesn't understand a thing about politics. they wouldn't let him just hurl insults at her; it would be tremendously embarrassing for him to actually debate.
>Trump is scared to debate a woman whose brain is rotting
Pretty much this.
No matter how 'reasonable' her excuse is, short of actual hospitalization, she looks hypocritical. Again.
And if her health is a factor, truthfully or not, that still provides fresh ammo.
All she has to do is bait him into saying something retarded and she knows it. She doesn't have to actually perform well at all.
>50% of pol is now anti trump
>trumpfags keep crying shill and ctr
Anyone that cares more about sports than the election is probably a retard who is not going to have their mind changed, if they even bother to vote at all.
Hillary doesn't even seem to know where she is half the time, I'm sure Trump, not a great debater, will do just fine against her.