defend this Sup Forums oops i forgot that Sup Forums isn't a hivemind so oh smart indiviuals enlighten us.
Other urls found in this thread:
*farts* of 'scuse me
Guns are physical goods
Replace abortion and gay marriage with physical goods and try again, like drugs and explosives
Also what's that about birth control bans?
I mean how are gays going to get married if gay marriage is banned?
Do they think just saying "oh we're married lol" is an actual marriage? If they ban gay marriage thats that, it wont hold up in a court later.
I agree however that if you banned all forms of birth control and abortion there would be black markets for those.
Only the libertarian ideology is consistent on all of these criteria.
>Sup Forums supports the GOP evangelicals meme
Fuck off.
Birth control, abortion, and gay marriage are not constitutional rights. Owning a weapon is. How is this even debatable?
shut up kid,if i give you the link will you storm the front or stay on your Sup Forums safespace.
> stay on your Sup Forums safespace.
>black market abortions
enjoy dying of infection
But none of those things are banned.
The comment has a point you know, people will always find a way to get the things that are banned.
I am a traditionalist when it comes to abortions, they are way to expensive and complicated. A quick shove down the stairs is far more effective and very cheap.
I'm an atheist, and if we wouldn't do anything to fuck with the Islamic religion, why is it okay for us to fuck with Christian beliefs and rules? It's THEIR religion, if they don't want gay marriage, it's their choice. Sure, there should be unions for couples, but NOT marriage.
It's fucked up how we live in a free country yet we're forcing Christians to accept gay marriage. If you're gay, then guess what, that religion isn't for you. According to your religion, you're going to hell anyways, so fucking leave it. The government just needs to create another form of "marriage".
when did I specifically argue for the banning of Birth Control, Abortions, and gay marriage? I don't remember any of that.
And no one said to ban birth control, kek.
Because you can totally buy gay marriages and abortions from that shady guy on the corner of the street, right? And nobody except Muslims (who vote for the left anyway for their gibs) are even attempting to ban birth control.
I am guessing you petition your government regularly to make abortion legal and birth control widely available ay?
None of those things should be banned.
Holy fuck
A fedora who gets it? No way. Someone remind me what the current year is?
Defend this
Birth control: not banned
Abortion: not banned
Gay marriage: not banned
Then why should we ban guns???
those are the bread and butter of Sup Forums meant to trigger your dead brain by other Sup Forumsacks kys.will you raid the cuck if i give you the link. plus he is egyptian not even american.
But don't want any of those thing banned, Achmed?
Nobody here actually says ban birth control. As for abortion and guns, guns can be used for other purposes such as hunting and target practice, abortion is by definition killing unborn babies.
>Nigger country
>thinks the world cares what it thinks
thank you slavboi,don't forget to visit your babushka before the weekend.
Would you mind showing me where in the US Constitution that gay marriage abortion and birth control are included as rights?
If I ever have a scarecrow infestation I will call you.
why are you trying to convince me.are you stupid try to convince fellow "american" who tries to ban guns with that logic. i am doing the fight in your place and this thread is just for buying ammo.
How well is the war on drugs going? Also, how is birth control not physical?
I don't support banning any of those things
good comment just like what this guy said
None of them, except for guns, have an Amendment dedicated to them in the Constitution.
Here's your second (you) since I responded in the other thread.
Banning birth control does not cause side effects that are worse than just allowing birth control.
Banning abortion does not cause side effects that are worse than just allowing abortion.
Banning gay marriage does not cause side effects that are worse than just allowing gay marriage.
Banning guns leaves responsible citizens defenseless against the criminals who have no intention for follow the law. It also leaves them defenseless against a tyrannical state power.
Marriage is not a Christian institution you autist.
Show me the amendment for birth control, abortion, and gay marriage
I want a ban on none of these things yet still am a conservative.
I mean fuck. I live America where you're supposed to be free to do what you want as long as it's not hurting the other guy.
>pro abortion.
Yeah cause I don't consider it a human being until it's a separate being. Until then it's a parasite
Yes. Your anus has been fitted with a tracking device without your knowledge.
Libertarian here. Nothing to defend. I agree.
Lol just dont have sex
But I support abortion as a way to keep the nigger population down, don't think marriage should be a government function, and use birth control...
also, fuck off shill everyone sage this thread
Guns are a constitutional right, none of the other 3 are. On top of that guns are the only thing on that list with some form of restriction nation wide, so fuck whoever made this picture.
>doesn't realise amendments are literally amendments as in they are amended onto the constitution
Gay marriage could be amended tomorrow, so would you defend it?
Not saying it isn't physical, just that it isn't banned
Is it?
Also I wouldn't know, never been in the rounds
I think this is really nice question and should be answered by amerifats
>what is amendment 9
>tfw you're not for banning any of those things
Implying anyone shills for the evangelical neocon bush era shit republican values.
Trump is the new american conservative and the new conservative doesn't give a fuck about abortion, contraception or fags. Degeneracy is to be looked down on, but it's not our problem to control other families.
I don't care about birth control, it isn't banned, the government just doesn't want to use tax dollars to deliver it to you. Go buy it yourselves you lazy fucks
Abortion is literally the greatest thing ever... for non-whites. I couldn't care less what some nigger subhuman does with their unborn child, but for Godly white families, there is literally no reason to get an abortion. They would wait until marriage to have intercourse, cognizant of the responsibilities they are going to undertake.
Gay marriage argument:
Hahahaha how is birth control real hahaha nigga just close your legs like nigga turn off tinder haha
because owning guns is a right,
birth control is a privilege
abortion is a privilege
state-recognized marriage is a privilege (Christians only need it be recognized by God, not the state)
Can't remember the last time the state supplied armament through a program the same way they do abortion or birth control...
Oh wait, theres the reason this shit thread exists!
He's right though, Republicans are ridiculous and just want to ban things they don't like and keep the things they like.
All three should be legal.
Who the fucks wants to ban birth control?
Abortion should be banned like gun crime(robing a store and shooting the clerk)should be banned, not because it prevents it but so we can punish those who do wrong
Gay Marriage was never banned nor is banning gay marriage a position anyone hold, Banning gay marriage =/= giving gays tax breaks for no reason or forcing churches to host gay marriages on there private property
the bait is stronk with this one
>*tfw you weren't asked to ban them and you would not be asked to ban guns.
if you were a burger of course,sad you are a tea spoon.
None of these things are banned Ahmed you don't know shit about American politics.
lets put it another way
Birth control? PAY FOR IT YOURSELF!
better arguments please. this is meant for discconecte from reality lefties.
>implying hunting isn't killing
Christ you must be a bad hunter
>implying killing something that ain't alive is murder
What a stupid argument. Marriage has literally existed for millennia and has always been about recognition of a bond between two people
you need a thesaurus
>it's a right
that could be changed tomorrow
I was wondering how long it would take for a Constitutionalist to show up.
>hurr muh piece says of paper written over 200 years ago is more important than the lives of millions of people
You know the amendments aren't written in stone, right? They could repeal the 2nd just like they did the 18th
guns are needed for public and private safety. abortion, gay marriage, and birth control are not.
>inb4 back alley abortions
literally Darwinism at work
There's nothing to enlighten. Here are the only correct viewpoints:
Birth control? Can't ban it. People will get it anyway.
Abortion? Can't ban it. Women will get them anyway, except much less safer.
Gay marriage? Makes no sense to ban it. It doesn't hurt anyone to give people more rights.
Guns? Can't ban them. If they do, then only the criminals will have them.
The libertarian position gives you the correct answer. Every. Single. Time.
Don't waste time considering any other political viewpoint. You'll always come back to the libertarian view in the end.
>birth control
Stop being a fucking whore and use a condom
who gives a shit
>gay marriage
sodomites who will burn in hell but go ahead
do you have anything more to say to the egyptian faggot who posted this in a us dominant site and got aprreciated.
Guns are our defining characteristic. We are part of the brotherhood of armed, free men, like the English in the Glorious Revolution, the Swiss, the Cossacks prior to their destruction and corruption by Peter, the Dutch prior to the Second World War, the Czechs at various periods, and pockets of ur-democratic Japanese who were exterminated by Nobunaga. None of the other things you mentioned have any foundational and controlling claim on the American identity from the Revolution to the present like a rifle.
That's not how rights work. A law that contradicts the Constitution is not a law.
>Ban birth control
No one is trying to ban condoms or birth control pills
You're not even trying you fucking moron.
>literally "muh guns", the post
Greet Allah in heaven, an hero user and trigger the race war. Allahu Akbar , you will be blessed with many fuck toy goats and decapitated white children along Mohammed's side.
I don't want birth control banned.
Nor gay marriage.
I don't like abortion and don't think it should be available outside life threatening pregnancies, rape, or severe deformation or retardation of the child.
>Oh but if you ban abortion people will just get back ally abortions or claim they were raped!!!
Look, if banning something isn't going to work anyway then why try to take my funs?
>Implying he's wrong
The problems is that fags are not happy with something that isn't labeled specifically ''marriage''. They could be life partners or some shit and have the exact same benefits, yet they would still scream for ''equality'' because they want to get their gay shit in everyone face. These people will never stop demanding and exploiting.
Conservative christians do.
To keep and bear arms is an inalienable right that shall not be infringed. One has no right to birth control, abortion, or gay marriage.
Turns out, birth control, abortions, and gay marriage bans didn't work. So why would a gun ban? So far, it seems like you have 3 examples of why bans don't work.
>birth control
Love it
Part of the social contract is trying to curb murder, which is banned btw.
>Gay marriage?
Why the hell is the govt. Telling me who i can and cannot marry? Taxes? Those are fucked anyway. Flat rate across the board is the onlyreal solution.
It is the individual's responsibility to keep their govt in check and preparing for countering foreign threats.
>implying Constitutionalists aren't the majority.
Go ahead and remove the Constitution. It's meant to restrain the government, NOT THE CITIZENS. Nothing would happen to me. People like you would just have their lives shortened significantly, I'd wager... if I was a betting man. Not sure why you're in such a hurry to repeal it.
>Gay marriage
But fag marriage is literally a certificate from the state recognising your partnership. If the state no longer issues or recognises these marriages then what the fuck are you going to do? Get fag certificates off the black market and illegally import recognition from Sweden?
I mean if you fucking ban gay marriage what the fuck are they gonna do? Smuggle a marriage certificate over the border?
>implying "muh guns" are bad
but i want all four legal
>I don't want the government to force me to pay for abortions and birth control so I must be against it
Then why the fuck would you vote for Trump and not Johnson?
It's a lot harder/less safe to buy an abortion or a legally binding homosexual marriage off some dodgy guy in an alleyway
In a world where all of these were illegal
>birth control
go for it, you might fuck up your hormones; but ok
have fun sticking a hangar up your vagina you degenerate, use a condom
>gay marriage
you wont be able to marry legally, but you can still nob your bf on the weekends
look at europe, some of the strictest gun laws worldwide, still mass shootings all over the place. banning guns wont do shit in america anymore, except cause civil unrest
>(: thanks OP
You thought you were being clever but you really just gave away a free rare Northern Africa flag.
Thanks asshole.
Who said anything about removing the constitution? We're talking about amending it.