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This is fake and you know it. Hilary is in fantastic shape and is far healthier then the bigot Donald Dump. I would not be surprised to hear that Donald is dead next week with his poor health.
Better luck next time Trump pet.
>"mini seizures"
>no letterhead for an elite clinic
This is the laziest honeypot I've ever seen
0.5 shekels have been deposited into your account
>Thanks for Correcting The Record
le bump
>Being this butt blasted that Hilary Clinton is going to be the first female president of the United States
Sup Forums has officially moved from crazy uncle to legitimately retarded tier
REAL source pls
where are the original dox?
>Being this buttblasted that something you don't agree with could be correct
Fucking Quebecixicans. Literally kill yourself.
The Twitter was deleted
They're hunting for me. They're tearing apart all the arms lockers and checking them to see if I used them for pictures. People are having their hands photographed and compared. All because you guys had to keep posting about that fucking laptop.
But I have to risk it all to get this info out. This is CRITICAL INFO that can CHANGE THE ELECTION. It came to me straight from my friend who EAS'd into an analyst position at a certain intelligence agency. Turns out it's his job to watch you guys and create threat matrixes. You could say he's kind of a big guy who is good at explaining stereotypical badgers to his boss. He knows you guys need this.
They want to stop you from having it, Sup Forums. But listen & believe, then share and keep them from sliding this. The paid shills are everywhere but you guys can stop them. You're like a million john connors fighting in the digital resistance. It's an honor knowing that you have the back of the country I'm sworn to protect.
Also I embedded hidden tricks into my post yesterday to throw off the investigators trying to track me down. Shills will try to present them as 'proof' that I'm a psyop. Don't even give them one single stinkin' (You)
>having a rudimentary knowledge of Microsoft Word
>posting fake docs on a website called ""
wew lad ye've done it this time
top zoz
These threads need to be banned, this is the 12th time today this shit has been posted and it's fake.
Will you fuck off? sage reported hidden.
>inb4 hurr shill durrr hurrr hurrr shilly shill shill mcshill
kill yourselves, all of you. stupid cunt wanks.
Careful bro. Exposing the truth about the Clintons might make the Clintons cause an unfortunate accident that results in your death. Just ask the guy who sued the DNC.
>Lisa R. Bardack, MD
>Chairman of the Department of Medicine
Except that's not her title. Her actual title is "Director of Internal Medicine". Someone fucked up while making this. It's a pretty good fake, but it's still fake. However, that doesn't mean we shouldn't try and convince the normies that it's real. If people on twitter start going off about how Clinton is basically a dead man walking, the masses might eat it up.
You're wrong boy.