What is the best ideology, and why is it anarcho monarchism?
What is the best ideology, and why is it anarcho monarchism?
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Inb4 national socialism or social nationalism gets spammed until the thread autosages
>anarcho monarchism
How is it different to Monarchism?
>anarcho monarchism
that's not soviet national socialism
How um. Does that even work?
The first ideology in the world, a form of social order that forms from social chaos. It's pretty much what western civilization is doing right now; the liberals and left wing fags are destabilizing society, leading to degeneracy, alpha-masculinity, pedophilia, etc, until a new social order takes over with one person at the top. But in reality, everyone is at the top, because monarchy works for the best interests of everyone.
/gsg/ tier.
As I said, it's the first ideology in the world. From the chaos of anarchy comes the order of monarchy. I wouldn't consider myself an anarcho monarchist because I want it, but because it's necessary.
new levels of retardation from Canada
congratulations you played this board
>he isn't an anarcho-transhumanist
Well this is the most retarded thing I've seen all day.
Have you heard of anarcho-feminism? Maybe anarcho-transhumanism?
I hate Canada.
Too late, zika monkey.
GTFO degenerate.
Isn't ancarcho monarmeme just a monarchy supported by the people, not much different from allegedly a lot of the monarchies of the past?
That's the anarcho feminist flag, foolish leaf
Also, /r/ that screencap of the guy who farted out of his dick in a public bathroom.
dumb frogposter
>Slightly modifying and condensing these points, I’d state that some of the more concrete principles of Anarcho-Monarchism are:
>1.) Belief in a natural, transcendent, moral, and spontaneous order
>2.) Belief in the imperfectability of Man and the doctrine of Original Sin
>3.) A rejection of egalitarianism, and the desire to divorce it from the noble virtues of equity, justice, and fairness
>4.) Belief in personalism – the concept of the Individual Person as he is, rooted in culture, family, custom, prescription, and tradition
>5.) Belief that liberty, freedom, peace, and private property are inseparably linked
>6.) A distrust of “Bigness”, whether it be Big Government, Big Corporations, or Big Labor
>7.) Belief in the political theory of Subsidiarity
>8.) Belief in the proliferation and variety of life, peoples, cultures, and systems
>9.) A desire for Anarchy, a fondness for Monarchy and Aristocracy, and a fear of and opposition towards democracy and all derivative totalitarian systems
>10.) A cautious and cool attitude towards, if not outright rejection of, the core tenants birthed in the Protestant Reformation, Enlightenment, Renaissance, and French Revolution
Seems alright.
National centrism
It is coming to Canada soon and it will change the world forever. Get ready for a brighter tomorrow.
Absolute monarchy. Everything else is bluepilled.
So, you mean you want Monarchy?
Because if you have a government or some kind of political structure that provides order, that's not anarchy.