Why are they such elitists?

Why are they such elitists?

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When you're the best you have to be.


They earned it

You know it you fat fuck.

>the best
That explains why you lost the Revolutionary War to us all those centuries ago.


because we earned it lol

>when yanks pull "muh revolutionary war"

yeah what about the other centuries of history you fucking dumb burger holy shit if anyone's elitist with fuck all good that they've done it's the USA.

forces was streched thin across a war with france...kicking the shit out the zulus and colonizing australia and NZ

we couldnt spare the man power to deal with the upstarts in the new world

be glad we got greedy and didnt divert all forces to quell the rebellion m8

>he's bringing up the revolutionary war again

user, deciding to protect our Caribbean interests instead of pursue continuous colonial conquest in the face of a war against every single other world power on the face of the Earth at the time was a strategy that let us later grow into the biggest empire this planet has ever seen.

If anything, "losing" the revolutionary war was the best thing that happened to us.

Brits were fighting more important wars at the time and had a mad King.

America's success is only down to Anglo law, culture and blood anyway. You really think you'd be so great if you were descended from the Spanish? You should be grateful for such capable parents.

He had to go and ruin the thread with his 3rd grade opinion...

you made a name for yourself bombing sand niggers and gooks with cutting edge tech

we picked fights with russia,china,france,germany,spain etc

they dont ask who has the uk fought...they ask who have they not?

all the black countries on this map are the ones we have never fought with....long live the legacy of the old empire!

I love the Netherlands.

Thank God it's NEW YORK and not NEW AMSTERDAM

we still hold our west indies colonies also

we own the door of america even today.


we did get a lot of trouble for supplying goods to china and then destroyed them when they were not grateful.

>France began providing arms and ammunition as early as 1776 (the war started in 1775). In early 1777, months before Saratoga, the French sent American colonists 25,000 uniforms and pairs of boots, hundreds of cannons, and thousands of muskets -- all stuff that the colonists would've had a hard time surviving without, and all stuff they had no access to on their own. And that was just the tip of the iceberg: From supplies to advice to military reinforcements, France exercised all the fiscal restraint of a drunk businessman at a strip club when it came to funding the American war.

>France provided a whopping 90 percent of the rebels' gunpowder. Let that sink in for a second. Without France, the entire American Revolution would have devolved into a bunch of dudes swinging their muskets as clubs within weeks.

>Still, the most important French contribution to the revolution (or, if you're British, their ultimate dick move) was the least visible to Americans. As mentioned, the reason France pampered the Patriots was always selfish. They were out to weaken the British forces -- particularly their naval strength -- in order to take the fight to them, perhaps even conquer them. That's why, for much of the Revolutionary War, the British ships tasked with kicking America's ass had to survive 12 rounds with the French navy before they could even think of crossing the Atlantic. France gleefully fought the British, eventually teaming up with Spain, declaring a war, attacking from all sides, and even setting up an invasion force. In those battles, America's independence was a fart in the desert.

CHINA BTFO,britain wins!


Feels great that the French fucked themselves in the ass to make sure you fuckers won

You were a proxy war

We are the best country in the god damn world.

God Save The Queen.

>we have never fought Sweden
How was this possible?

Pretty sure the cucks had a history picking fights when they still had the viking blood going wild

lose a colony for our arch rival to bankrupt themselves

fair trade desu

Son, you've got way to fall

nah we never tangled with em

we firebombed their neighbour denmarrk or norway? always get em mixed up desu

alot of their civilians died lol

payback for daneslaw i guess?

Because we can

We were at war with them briefly when Napolean forced the Swedes to declare war on us, but they didn't do anything.

>>all those centuries ago.
>barely 2 centuries


And lost it. You only get to talk about the view when you can see it. At this point you are a sad shadow of your former self and your arrogance astonishes the world. I myself concluded that the only ones you people are trying to convince of your elitism is yourselves, because you arent fooling anyone else. The muslims have made a living exploiting that. You're all nothing.

the people still believe burger

we fell and hit the ground hard after we bankrupting ourselves stopping the krauts taking over europe

we dusted ourselves off and have begun the long climb back to reclaiming the throne you have been keeping warm for so long

the ground has already began to crumble under your feet...make america great AGAIN is a slogan for a reason

even the ex colonies await our return

>An American mentions someone else's arrogance astonishing the world

>all these fannyroasted Brits
It's just like the American butthurt when someone brings up 9/11. Drink some tea and get over it already, you lost. It's not a big deal.


When you accept we lost to the French and Spanish.

how is she balancing herself with no effort?
i-is she a ninja?

The world would be a better place with an Anglosphere in it. Still, the history of an empire that owned 3/4 of the world, even if its fallen from former glory, is totally worth more than two skyscrapers that were easily rebuilt and were destroyed by your own government anyway

You're right. Good job beating the largest empire on earth with only your courage, resolve and the help of the two other largest empires on earth at the time.

Did we lose though? Nope. We're elite because we're quality, something Americans will never understand. You can't even tailor your clothes properly, you're just overgrown infants. If I said that to you in person you'd probably threaten to shoot me because you can't use words. Boo hoo little piggy.

Who would you rather live beside, American rednecks or the British underclass.



>have either cancer or hiv
literally this.

America thinks they're worthy of prestige because of how often they have to tell us.

We know it simply for the fact you're speaking our language, you literally say it for us lmao.

>but can we keep language pls

>English (simplified)




It's just a flag at this point. Any chance of British Nationalism was lost at some point in the 20th century, and I'm most certainly not elitist in 2016, our country is a shithole.

>britbongs are STILL triggered by this


i hear canada has a serious mental health epidemic....an entire region of it thinks they are french!

sort it the fuck out canada

How hard is CTR trying to turn flags against each other?


USA may as well join the BE again if they elect shillary kkklanton kek.

>Americans are still PROUD about this

One word. Nam.

that many traitors in one picture

First post best post

Remind me who's had the bigger empire :)

its just bantz

we take the piss but if shit went down id be the 1st to support the yanks desu

You guys were in control when you tried to expel them, it's your fault.


You mean the man with the biggest BALLS that ever lived.

they're butthurt because they're hasbeen.


Better than a never been I suppose.

you can potentially harvest infinite energy from all the corpses of your ancestors rolling over in their graves from what your generation brought upon your country.

You think that they are elitists


But really they are cowards

They only know how to cheat and steal. If they wont support their hierarchy, where creators and discoverers are under them, they will be afghanistan-tier beggars in a decade.


if you are gonna meme do it like this m8

ivan pls

American rednecks desu, it's pretty depressing here.

>muh poor injuns
>muh poor niggers
>muh poor nips
>muh poor gooks

That image is fucking white male tier, come on bong.

Taking pride in something they didn't doo, nothing unusual here

But he didn't have an ar15 with him.






imagine getting broadsided by that thing fuckin ell m8

>Brits couldn't even win against squat niggers armed with sticks

Whereas the Dutch managed to beat both of them at once.

that was the `1st battle when they got caught with their pants down

the 2nd battle we won...it was the british version of custers last stand


about 140 men held out against 1000s of savage nigger warriors and survived

rednecks seem pretty funny, and I fucking hate chavs
So I'd go with the first

Put it this way, you aren't called Great America.


>random event that happened 200 years ago
>does not realize this proves my point precisely

God save the queen

Like you fucked yourself in the ass in WW2? (And WW1 a bit)

You all owe your lives to the French

>Mfw my country starts the industrial revolution

WE NEED TO GET ALONG DAMMIT! This infighting among fellow whites (at least I hope white not shitskin) needs to stop, you wonder why all these "refugees" niggers and shit keep gaining is traction is because we are too busy sitting around on our asses arguing over anglo vs burger or what have you. We need to stand together and wipe out the subhuman apes and secure a future for our white children. After that has been accomplished we can destroy each other as we please, but until then please get along.

We have the power to back up our boasting, any chance you want to brag about taking over the modern world chap? Face it. You have been cornered onto a tiny island with a govt that actively works against you and you refuse to see the anti UK point that started america.

we're arrogant because we have to be, you're arrogant because you want to be


Listen to this history lesson. You guys got fucked hard twice in a row.


All eurofags need to be knocked down a peg. The smug european meme will end by my hand

Until you faggots realize how god damn not special you are we can begin. Fuck europe. Fuckin ungrateful assholes.

It's just a bit of fun calm down m8

may has cleaned house desu

and we are re arming

i hope nato gets scrapped so we have an excuse to build again

we renewed trident for a reason

we aint destined to fade away into irrelevance like france....fuck that!

> pls do not give out my secrets

Rule, Britannia! Britannia, rule the waves!
Britons never, never, never shall be slaves.

When Britain first, at heaven's command,
Arose from out the azure main,
This was the charter of the land,
And Guardian Angels sang this strain:


The nations not so blest as thee
Must, in their turn, to tyrants fall,
While thou shalt flourish great and free:
The dread and envy of them all.


Still more majestic shalt thou rise,
More dreadful from each foreign stroke,
As the loud blast that tears the skies
Serves but to root thy native oak.


Thee haughty tyrants ne'er shall tame;
All their attempts to bend thee down
Will but arouse thy generous flame,
But work their woe and thy renown.


To thee belongs the rural reign;
Thy cities shall with commerce shine;
All thine shall be the subject main,
And every shore it circles, thine.


The Muses, still with freedom found,
Shall to thy happy coasts repair.
Blest isle! with matchless beauty crowned,
And manly hearts to guard the fair.

Rule, Britannia! Britannia, rule the waves!
Britons never, never, never shall be slaves.

Cuckslovakia got rekt by the Nazis and then by commies. Double kek.


Why is the russian flag upside down?

>tfw you love america and the west, thought you were bros but then came to Sup Forums and realised everyone hates you

Why do you have the flag of Great Britain labeled as the flag of the United Kingdom?

I bet his balls were also made of wood

We aren't elitist we're simply better than everyone else.

its just flag bantz m8

we love each other really