
>*Open door*
>Your whole family is on the room, plus some guy in a suit
>"user, we checked your browser history. We are really woried. We didn't put so much effort into raising you to end up with a white supremacist
>"We are doing an intervention"

What you do?

Other urls found in this thread:

Wouldn't happen. Parents are pretty red pilled

My parents are dead

Death to multi racialists, racial purity or death.

The freedom of the nation shall come!

>Implying I live with my parents still
>Implying I still talk to them
>Implying they would ever have access to my browser history
>Implying they would be able to do that on their own

Dylan Roof the place.

>implying my parents would care
My mom would be assblasted for a little while but my dad wouldn't give a shit. He'd just tell me to hide my power level and not tell my sister about it.

My parents grew up around niggers

They wouldn't care.

Turn 360° and walk out

Is your sister a coal burner?

Let me tell you about the jews


You're a cuck dad, and mom you're a race traitor. I'm off to gas the kikes now, don't wait up.

I tell them this
>Oh this isn't about the alcoholism? I would have swore my drinking would be more of a concern to you guys. Guess not.

Am i being detained?

Is that a meme in the UK too?

my entire family is dead

>this magically isn't a shill thread


tfw i dont have browser history other than some flash games

You'll be walking right into them dumbfuckel.


No. She's still a teenager living in a 90% white community. Never had a real boyfriend in her life. I'm a few states away, and if I find out she's dating a nigger she will know how high my power level gets.

My parents don't give a shit.

I'm not even white, this would be awkward.

The costs of having a redpilled faimily in Germany. Merkel must be stopped

Nobody loves niggers more than the people living away from them.

>We didn't put so much effort into raising you to end up with a white supremacist
ppffff mostly unsupervised child hood. look at me. i adult now

First things first, I ask my parents why they drove 1000 miles to look at my browsing history

Your basement is that deep? cool.

I''m surprised you didn't end up a cuck.

>family checks browser history
>"user, this white supremacy stuff can't go on"
>relieved that that's all they saw

>I-It was a virus mom! I didn't mean to download all those ethno nationalist pdfs!!

>implying racist stuff is the worst shit they will find in my browser history


>tfw I haven't seen my parents since 2011

At least my mother will finally be able to come visit this Autumn.

I don't live in cucked country and even if I did they would have to do "intervention" with my parents first. feels good having a redpilled family.

> "user we chek'd those sick dubs of yours."

Check. 'Em. Faggots.

lmao like my family cares enough about me to intervene anything

Parents who get so fed up by their kids watching porn are fucking stupid.
I smell trap porn
Thanks m8
Remember to delete your history

"oh sorry, wrong house"

>why did they call me "son"? i am a grown ass man, kek

crying pls i want a family

Go fap

Thank god they didn't find my fap material

It's astonishing how many newfags don't get this meme

You all clearly dont have a plan

They would never know about my political views as they would never make it past the massive amounts of weird porn

She already knows my views, and while she doesn't agree with them, we don't let it come between us. Same with my father.

me and my mom call eachother niggers quite often as jokes.... even my brothers. Grew up poor middle class to average middle class so we're all pretty redpilled. Also I'm Hispanic/white so my white privilege only goes so far.

I remember about two years ago, i went to a natsoc general thread. And then i went to the store to buy some food for my mother and my brother. And i forgot to Windows+L before i left. And then i came back, my mom stared at me and asked me if i am some kind of racist or nazi. I said my friend sent that website to me and i didnt know what it was.

And im 18 now.

Reading some replies, it looks like a lot of Sup Forums had absent parents.

My parents know and disowned me years ago.

I don't give a fuck, I went off, created a life and moved away, fuck you!!!

(Because I'm gay not a nazi)!

Laugh and walk out.

My parents aren't stupid enough to assume I'm a white supremacist just because I browse Sup Forums

>What you do?
Have I told you about the jews?

Ask them how the fuck they got passed my phones fingerprint scanner lock.

>Parents who get so fed up by their kids watching porn are fucking stupid
lol ok
Reminder that if you don't protect your children from porn and teach them of its evils you're a terrible parent.

>Implying they would need to check my browser history

I talk to my parents daily and quite openly. They know what I think.

You MUST guide them and all that crap.
But if you catch them and make such a huge fucking deal, it will backfire, and you will end up with insecure nu-male virgins.

I have generally red pilled, or at least reasonable family members.

My brother is pretty much a white supremacist in the way he talks, but all he says is simply facts about black crime, black rape, black dysfunctional families, and a bunch of shit running rampant in islam and judaism.

For sure, that sort of thing is a massive fear of mine about having kids. Trying to hard to enforce good discipline and having it backfire.

Spotted the shill

I really really really hope my parents don't check my browser history.

Don't invoke them senpai. Kind of hard to have non shill threads nowdays.

Same here. Dad browses Sup Forums too.

fuck Drumpf

Oh no

>some guy in a suit

Yeah some (((guy))) in a suit.

I've openly talked with my mother about the problems with niggers

I always remember to mention that black skin =/= nigger, although most blacks are.

>Imblying my parents don't think the same as me

God I love living in Eastern Europe.

Oh that'd be bad. Very bad. I'd be in a lot of shit.

>nazi salute
>then french kiss my mom

I really thought you'd be more upset about the whole pedophilia thing

Is that tradition or are you taking this site a little to seriously ?


Australian tier retardation in it's natural habitat

Are they good goys?


>be confused because all family members are dead
>360 walk out
>wake up




What did you expect?

I'm fucking jealous user. My dad is perfect for Sup Forums but he's too technologically illiterate to browse here. I'd love to bond with my old man over politics but he doesn't have knowledge of current affairs or history.

>not getting the ironic sub-meme replying

"but I'm asian, it's just for shitposting"

>not knowing that those responses were also ironic

>inb4 you were being ironic and proceed to reply to my ironic post

What exactly does trap porn smell like

Tell them to get the fuck out

the answer to life, ofc

My dad's would probably browse Sup Forums but he's very anti-social media. He hinted to me the other day that 9/11 might have been an inside job.

shut up mom, i'm being ironic.

They would ask me why I was looking at children's clothes before mentioning Sup Forums desu.

I'm not a white supremacist I just like the truth

I don't know . I don't hink i'm important enough to be monitored.
That and i can basically get away with worse stuff.

how the fuck did you get into my house? none of you have a key

and how the fuck did you break in to my computer?

spinach tart and semen

kek, this

Honestly? Blame it on pressure at school and society in general that pushes me into the arms of fringe groups. There's no getting out of something like that unless you shift the blame.

>9/11 might have been an inside job

That's barely a Sup Forums opinion. I have normie friends who believe that.

Out of all the things in my browser history I think a few Hitler pictures would be the least of their worries.

360 degrees is a full rotation, faggot. You'd still be going the same way.


patrician desu

get out of britain u fuckin paki.

I'd show them my reaction face pics and pepes

I use incognito search