It's like a tweet by a 10 year old
>ughhhh stupid boyyyyys
death threats? wtf pocahontas all worked up over?
Dubs say Hillary clinton wins
Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail.
Netherlands did it again
Pocahontas pegging Trump's rump
Dubs says you are a faggot
>*sigh Hey CTR, what's up?
I don't get it
He wants gun nuts to vote for him
What are people freaking out about?
Dubs say you're a cuck
He was talking about the NRA lobby being a powerful lobby stopping Clinton from destroying the 2nd ammendment.
He wasnt saying "Someone should assassinate her"
media just spinning his words
>losing to a girl
Isn't that the sort of phrase the regressives hate?
Well more proof Clinton supporters have no sense of humour
Dubs says kek wills it
HillShill detected
I figured as much
Do we really need 10 threads on this dumb shit?
Fucking mods need to do their job, at least prune down to 1 or 2
Two separate clauses.
"If she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks."
"Although, the second amendment people, maybe there is."
The implication is that there's something the second amendment people could do if Hillary gets to pick her own judges.
In fact, denying this also denies the same usage of the second amendment, what even the supreme court has backed up multiple times.
So which is it? Did Trump claim that the last resort is assassination, or does the second amendment qualify rights to bear arms only for the National Guard?
did they already had election?
Literally the same thread
Elizabeth Warren is my favorite nigger, don't even try to change my mind.
>He wants gun nuts to vote for him
After she wins the election and starts picking judges? It literally doesn't make sense as anything but a suggestion of violence.
>say hillary is losing to a man when he gets ahead
>be called a sexist
Crazy world we live in
I didn't know they had internet in teepees.
I am pretty indifferent about politics.
I was going to vote for Trump.
Now, I can't wait to vote Trump!
>or does the second amendment qualify rights to bear arms only for the National Guard?
You know thats not the only militia?
Makes more sense than
Why do women always make it about their gender? Serious question guys I need to know. Why doesn't it ever occur to these cunts that maybe people hate them because they act like children?
hahaha oh my god you virgins crack me up
Who else CTR here? xD
With the whole Supreme Court thing I think it should be law that when the president chooses them they should be from the opposite party.
It would be if the second amendment was read like Trumpeters are trying to read Trump's words!
Hillary has literally had people killed, go bake something pastry boy.
What's that? Couldn't hear her through the fire water induced slurring.
Swede is unstumpable.
Top kek
I guess I should be preparing my Trajinera, lads.
See you in the other side. I want chinese for dinner btw.
You or one of your colleagues posted this exact message in another thread under a GB flag. Or it's some pol shitposting I don't know about
Trump is a fucking plant Americans are too dumb to see it.
uhh sexist?
Is Warren retarded?
People are trying to force a meme
At this point I'm wondering if this past is becoming a meme in and of itself.
Ooo sick indian burn there feather head.
>le generic virgin insult
wow my mind is totally blow by the originality
here's your (you)
See, thats how I know you´re a shill. Nobody except the massive influx of CTR shits says
things like "trumpkins, drupff" etc etc.
>"Although, the second amendment people, maybe there is".
Judging by that line, he knows that there are people out there who are 2A supporters and would be willing to kill hllary. He never says that thats his interpretation of the 2A.
;) ;) ;)
This exact post, has been posted in over 6 threads, that I know of.
The shills are going nuts.
this is an incredibly sexist thing to say
is she insinuating that it is somehow embarrassing to lose to a female
as a feminist this is a big turn off
Guess what you swarthy American ape it doesn't matter if she killed people, PR is a thing, Trump aka the obvious plant says shit that can easily be twisted by the media. Literally anyone could've beat the dying satanic witch but you cucks chose the fucking orange reality TV shill whos voted and donated to democrats his whole life. Congratulations you played yourself.
>Cuts off right before he says "That would be terrible"
But of course.
She looks exactly like Jeb
>shill! he's a shill! SHIIIILL!
Sorry mate, just another channer who's been here for over a decade.
I'm sick and fucking tired of you jackasses ruining my community.
You want to say it's the jews, or the blacks, or the mexicans causing all of your problems, when it's none of those. It's you.
You cause your own problems, and if you won't see that, thenwhat, exactly, is the point of your red pill?
Dipping a blue pill in food coloring won't make it a red pill, it'll only make it LOOK red.
What I never understood about American gun owners is that they throw around bravado like "vote from the rooftops" and "an armed society is a polite society". This is obviously the kind of implied threat that Trump was referring to.
Gun owners clearly intend to fight for their rights, which is admirable, but whenever put to the task they backpedal. "W-what? No I never implied any form of violence. No sir, none at all. I fight with my letters to congress and with my vote. It is very offensive to imply we gun owners would hurt anyone"
Then a week later it is back to "The tree of liberty must be refreshed with the blood of traitors" and "when they take my gun it will be empty and hot".
The implied threats on their bumper stickers don't ever seem to match their actions.
I thought that was absolutely haram to SJWs?
>70 year old woman
>a girl
Why are women so demeaning to themselves?
Fuck of shill.
Trump spends $0 in tv ads, Hillary $52m yet she is gonna loose.
This dumb bitch is obsessive to a scary degree.
Also Hillary actually kills people, so there's that.
That's not a death threat. It's sort of inciting violence if you take it one way. But another way to take it is that Hillary wants justices appointed that will take away guns but 2nd amendment people would use their second amendment to fight such a ruling thus enacting the purpose of said amendment.
Yes yes, ive been here 10 years too blah blah blah. Ive heard it before.
overtly sexist comment by Warren, does she even realize?
Elizabeth Warren is quickly becoming my most hated politician outside of Hillary Clinton, Al Franken, Barney Frank, Chuck Schumer, Debbie Wasserman-Schulz, Barack Obama, Rahm Emanuel, Barbara Boxer, Nancy Pelosi or Keith Ellison.
So she's cracked the top ten
>It's sort of inciting violence if you take it one way.
The 2nd Amendment is a threat of violence. That's why it exists.
Alexander Hamilton and James Madison were very explicit in the Federalist Papers.
>"But I tell you what, that will be a horrible day."
That's the important phrase. He is not talking about an NRA lobby here. He's talking about American citizens using the 2nd Amendment exactly the way it was intended to be used, and the way the Founders said it must be used if a day comes when the Government tries to attack the 2nd Amendment.
It's a threat the same as a snake's rattle; back off and nobody gets hurt.
>Isn't that the sort of phrase the regressives hate?
Yes...especially calling a grown woman a girl
It is called Infantilism.
If I'm not mistaken the proper response is to be offended, demand an apology, request remedial sexual sensitivity classes for the offender.
Evening shift reporting in, this type of hip shooting comment is exactly why we need trusted, proven, calm leadership in the White House.
Hillary is the only yadda yadda, zzzzzzzzzzzzz
Thanks for correcting the record!
You have to play within the rules of decorum until decorum no longer matters. We're not there yet.
The aggressive rhetoric is more of a reminder that the people still have power. It's an empty threat until it isn't.
He's going to win. You know it. That's why they pay you to be here shilling.
Also Trump live:
He didn't say "The NRA is powerful enough to stop her" he said "2nd amendement people"
If you are a politician, and you let your words be so vague like that, you deserve to lose.
47 says you're a faggot
All Shill threads will become KEK threads if this post ends in 77.
He did say the NRA people. Read the full thing. He uses 2A people to refer to Scalia and the NRA.
>If you are a politician, and you let your words be so vague like that, you deserve to lose.
She really should have used better words. :^)
Bah, why let context get in the way of a good soundbite?
Go to bed Liz yur drunk
They aren't affiliated with a party. They are judges therefor they should be unbiased with their rulings.
how come every woman trump beats gets so salty
are they jealous of melania
6 million bucks worth of shills makes a LOT of threads.
>Trump says something outrageous
>gets media coverage
>comes out and states that the media is dishonest
"I was implying that the 2nd amendment people have to go out and vote if they wnat to keep their guns"
We have been over this and faggots still falling for it
Elizabeth warren needs to choke on a dick
"BAHHHHH GURLS ARE WINNING BAHHH" like a fucking 7 year old
2nd amendment literally stated that its there to help the people overthrow the government if they find the government to be against the people's interest.
Democrats have their own agenda, that's why they want to ban guns.
When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail. Same with the folks who make everything about race or sexual orientation.
>so I'll attack his character because of a statement of his i poorly comprehended and people are misconstruing
>please forget that Clinton has already sacrificed national security, lied on oath, passed classified information, etc. So many that she should be dead
I don't like her. I don't like trump and hillary as well tbqh.
I wish more people vote for Johnson
No thanks. I like my roads.
Nice Shill, Warren. How does child pussy taste?
>>losing to a girl
>Isn't that the sort of phrase the regressives hate?
Oh yeah, forgot about gamergate.
Feminists for decades have pointed out that phrase as being derogatory to women.
Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail..
>mfw I just realized Trump's strategy
he's turning the election into a battle over gun rights.
Everyone knows Americans love nothing more than freedom and muh guns
>Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail..
Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail..
stop copy pastaing xd
I was at rally today. There were 5000 people there. Packed house and hundreds left outside. The 2nd amend comment was obviously referring to Gun lobby in full context.