My delusions about burgers

You know, before I talk to many of you, burgers, I thought you were cool guys. I mean literally bro-tier. Same interest, same... idk, soul maybe.

But then I read Sup Forums and other western internet sites, and all I could see is eternal hate, dellusion. You all ready to betray your friends, you're chanting "USA" and accepting slavery by jew goverment.
You're supporting war, but you didn't ever experience real one.
You're calling everyone else as subhumans, telling that slavs are even worse than fucking roaches and niggers. And I remember picrelated, and realize that all of that is bullshit.

You're all lying fags deserve nothing more than sliced throats. I thought that "dumb burger" is just a meme, that IRL you're all wise guys, but then I saw this:

I'm done. I'm fucking done. No matter who the fuck you elect over there as president, it will be all the same. I will be glad to die knowing that you all do the same. You worth nothing more than horrible death. For all your shit, all crimes. I thought that all talks about "how bad you're all" is just propaganda or some bullshit, but it's all true. I don't want to believe, but you're LITERALLY evil on Earth, and you're okay with that.

I just want to wake up. I can't.

Other urls found in this thread:

have they found any lord eggs there? jesus will return and hatch his angel army. help locate the missing ones in russia while we look in utah.

So what are you saying Boris? We can't be friends?

>can't trust burgers

Gee, took you long enough.

>You're all lying fags deserve nothing more than sliced throats

I was just about to say I don't hate you Ivan but then you resort to violence so easily.

Maybe this guy was right about you.

Hey we were starting to warm up to you guys, we were even saying nice things about Putin and now you say these hurtful things.

Cool down, faggot, Sup Forums is the most sane place in american segment in the internets. They are little crazy about religion, but they understand the world politics well. Sup Forums secretly dream about peace all over the world, but they want all nations to live in their countries. Reddit and other libshit on the other hand are the true warmongers, who put the war agenda under the mask of political correctness and liberalism.

You're so delusional, my little liberashka.

Dont listen to this delusional libshit. He overwatched Holywood films and imagine that US is a paradise on Earth.

America has over 300 million people from everywhere in the fucking world. Odds are you will hate some of them but odds also are you will meet some you like. Personally I think Russia is great for not tolerating the sand nigger invasion of """"refugees""""

That's why we have every day "Slav/russia hate thread"? That's why they're really wish to nuke us? Or maybe that why they're supporting shitskins that fucking up ME, and then talking about how bad islam is?
Geez, they're source of all the shit.

Both of you are sub-human trash. Americans are mongrels and so are you.

Pure filth.

There is no consensus among Sup Forums users about Russians. Some hate slavs, some don't. I know it is hard for a Russian to understand, but in America people are allowed to have different opinions. It's that whole freedom of speech thing.

>Spotted the cuck.

America is the cause and the solution to all the world's problems, while Russia is just the solution.

>Spotted the cuck.
Did you look in the mirror or what?

Microwaving popcorn for your denial

But there's always majority. And as I can see that majority supporting bad muslims and all I said above. For example we have libshits that shilling for NATO invasion in Russia, but they got BTFO by other russians.
All pols, all petitions, the whole your goverment wish crash this world with no survivors, but you're still looking for excuse for them.


Can't handle the bantz?


t. Ahmed

Newfag spotted.

Why are you calling me Ahmed when it's your nation that has been islamic since its inception?

Took you long enough Russia what the fuck.

Must be your internet speeds, because we all already know this about Americans lol. Even in Primary School we are aware of the dumbfounding arrogance of Americans.

Stop falling for the new memes. Just because it has a flag of a white country or America doesn't mean a muslim, Jew, or even a white globalist scum isn't behind the post.

The Perception they have crafted does not necessarily match reality. Remember that (((they))) are working around the clock to destroy the white race and dividing them by having them at each other's throats is just one of their tactics. I've personally met good people from all races (except pakis) but I have never met a globalist, SJW, leftist, or cuc.k that wasn't absolute filth. That is our enemy.


Watch Americans suck you and Putins cock even after you say you want to behead them. Lmao they are so used to being the abused sex slave whore to Isreal they'll think nothing of it.

Nope, we hate our government more than anyone else. I want our government reduced by 75% immediately, withdrawal of American soldiers from everywhere in the world, and brought back to US. We ant America for Americans. We would be happier if every single politician in the country, and most government employees, would drop dead immediately. We hate them.

Unite and conquer is also a thing, just FYI. The only countries which should unite are pic-related. Trying to integrate the rest is the jewish agenda.

Wow, that's a great comeback, cuck. Maybe the kebab will let you lick his cock clean after he fucks your mother and your wife.

Canadian on a Russian proxy? Jesus Christ...make it stop.

>not recognizing an obvious troll on par with "end women's suffrage"

Whatever. Go prep your wife for round two.

I also claim bavaria as "not white". I once lived there.

the only countries I would unite with is flanders and maybe luxemburg

suck it swedecuck

Okay Mehmet.

Our Russian bros don't "slice throats". That's how fags and muslims kill unarmed civilians.

Russian trying to lecture burgers, hilarious

>telling that slavs are even worse than fucking roaches and niggers
hey bro i never said nor thought that

You know, everyone's seen the original Swedish version of that picture.

You're fooling no one achmed.

Fair enough.
Well you're not a native so your opinion is irrelevant.

Not your hat.

Maybe that video was a joke, but decisions of people was real.

You have 2nd amendment. The power other countries just dream to have. And you're supporting (((them))), because "MUH MURICA", not seeing that destrys USA nd the rest of the world.

Just give up man, your country is a joke, your entire culture revolves around cuckoldry

Both are fabricated so I don't see your point.

PS: This doesn't happen to be you and your wife, does it?

>not realizing Jewish subversion when you see it

you must be new

all "slavs are not white" and "eye color threads, brown eyes = shitskin" posts are by kikes trying to divide and conquer white people. they've done this for years on Sup Forums

Speaking of culture...

Бpaт, remember that Americans are just as brainwashed as Russians when it comes to foreign policy. They are trained to hate each other (americans maybe more than russians right now) but here are many amerikanski who know that both sides are full of bullshit.

>when you're so mad you write out a 5000 word essay on how much the US causes your ass to hurt

Trumps biggest flaw is seeing anything good possibly coming from Putin that doesn't involve a knife in the back.

>all "slavs are not white" posts are by kikes trying to divide and conquer white people.
I suppose Nazi Germany was ruled by kikes then?

Kek some american hurt your fee's fee's on a Mongolian image board, and what do you do? Show just how ass hurt you are.... kek user I thought russians had thicker skin. Go fuck your pathetic self boris....

We can do this all day

the Nazis hated Slavs for sure but then again they had history with them, but what does that have to do with us?

>And you're supporting (((them))), because "MUH MURICA", not seeing that destrys USA nd the rest of the world.

lurk moar
do you even know where you are?

>youtube video
If you ask enough people in a crowd and omit the vast majority who give you answers you don't want, you can easily portray any idea you want. Classic marketing tactic. They don't show you the 200 they asked who told them to fuck off.

Stop with the emotional BS. There would be no problems between our nations if yours wasn't Communist and trying to bring about a world revolution.

You let Oleg Deripaska, Roman Abromovich, and Nathaniel Rothschild run your country, and they will end up getting us all slaughtered.

Speaking of pathetic. Isn't it rather pathetic how your soldiers are overseas fighting for jewish interests while their wives are being impregnated by Tyrone?

This how it should be. It is through adversity that we find strength. The U.S. needs a Worthy Foe to focus our will and strengthen our resolve. Russia is in desperate need of this as well.

I much prefer Russia as an adversary than as an uncertain ally.
May we meet some day on the field of battle.

War is the Way of Man
Man is the Means of War
Ave Nex Alea

This makes me sad. He's probably a Jew in the film. Don't cry Russia or you'll make me cry also


This makes me sad. I have had nothing but good to say about Slavs and Russia. I always took the slav-hate to be bantz.

>the Nazis hated Slavs for sure but then again they had history with them
Oh, so I guess they just said those things because they had some flings in the past?
>but what does that have to do with us?
Well you're in the same situation, are you not? You're just as mongrelized as the slavs. Here's what Hitler thought about your pathetic excuse for a country.

Sure, why not. My America folder has over 250 images.

Hate me or whatever you want. I don't care, you're a foreigner.
I don't like being enemies with Russia though. The world would be much better with us as allies.
That may not ever happen though.
Good luck with the apocalypse.

he isn't wrong

but you're headed in the same direction, Sweden is a small country and you've taken a large amount of immigrants relative to your size, your media openly declares to "blanda up" and all your white blonde women go along with it.

Sweden will be gone soon too, I don't see what point you're trying to make.


Sergei, нe пepeживaй, чyвaк. We will elect Trump and together with Putin and Johnson we will forge a northern alliance, cooperatively dominate the Global South and remove kebab.

Do not forget that we both have the same estimated (~12 million) number of non-white, illegal migrants in our country and that our white demographic forecast looks more grim every year.

I know a lot of 4chin will downvote this, but do not forget that Russia and USA can work together. Of course, we will still need to spy on you, friend.

I swear if you drag us into a war with Russia...

Say what you want about "burgers" op, we both know the deal. Tomorrow you will be here. And the next day. And the next. You will continue watching US movies and TV, and playing our games. You will continue using our websites.

If you really hated the US you wouldn't even be here. Why browse a US chan? Or, you do hate us and are a faggot with zero conviction who is unwilling to back up his words with actions.

Regardless, one overall thing is clear. We don't give a fuck if you hate us or love us, because you will always be a loyal customer. Trump could kill your president on TV and you would still use YouTube and drink Diet Coke. You have no morals and no conviction. You are no better than a sand nigger Muslim claiming to hate the US and wanting it's destruction, while using fucking Twitter.

You could prove me wrong and never come here again. You could demonstrate you have conviction and grit. But you don't, and you won't. You couldn't boycott the US for 15 fucking minutes, let alone 24 hours.

Suck my dick and thanks for supporting our economy nigger bitch.

I don't give a shit about any country with no Enlightenment political framework.

I'm sure there are chill dudes everywhere in the world, but the societal environment of you neo-totalitarian countries can get fucked.

Not all of us support jews and nigges, of black and sand variety. America has some serious fucking problems right now from the FED, to shadow agencies, to our welfare system. Many of the citizens are fat disgusting slobs with no value to life or the world. But dont think for one minute that all of the US is nothing but moronic slobs worth less than a good mule who love to go fuck with other countries when its not our business.

>he has to save his anti-american rhetoric
Sweden cuck is literally a meme, there's over 100,000 results on Google alone. You're going to run out soon meanwhile I can make twenty threads and still have left over, lol

>taking Sup Forums at face value
C'mon Russia. Learn to banter with us.
Russians on this site are usually pretty cool, and STALKER is one of my favorite games. We can work through this.

>but you're headed in the same direction, Sweden is a small country and you've taken a large amount of immigrants relative to your size
The difference is that we can still reverse it, you can't.
>your media openly declares to "blanda up" and all your white blonde women go along with it.
Yeah, except that's not true. Are you incapable of rational thought? If our women are being raped en-mass, what does that suggest? Well let me explain since you seem to be quite stupid. It suggests that they don't want to have sex with these non-white trash, and thus the muslims/niggers' only option is to rape.
>Sweden will be gone soon too
Not at all. Snap out of the Sup Forums meme-narrative and come back to reality.

thats /thread

>Liberals sign petition to NUKE RUSSIA so America will Stay World's Superpower

You could literally get people to sign a petition to get a ham sandwich on the ballot here. Some will just sign any petition, but most who do that either just do it to get the person off their back, or they're mouthbreathers.

You would also be shocked at the amount of anti-Russian propaganda that we're being bombarded with here. The MSM is doing its very best to rile the US population against Russia. (I fucking hate propaganda.) The average joe has little clue what war with Russia would actually mean and it seems that our ruling elite are the same in that respect, because they (the ruling elite) have it in for your country.

I'm to the point now that I feel that a large armed revolt would be necessary if we started a war with you guys. I don't want to get nuked, and I know that it wouldn't be for the benefit of the American people if we started one.

>The difference is that we can still reverse it, you can't.

you won't, you neither have the will, nor the means. You are all cucked beyond belief, our left wing is too right wing for your country. You have no weapons to defend yourselves, you have low birthrates, your own women choose to fuck and breed with the invaders because Swedish "men" are all male feminists, aka beta cucks.

You're done, Sweden will not last another 25 years.

>Sweden cuck is literally a meme, there's over 100,000 results on Google alone.
It's a meme because you Americas project your problems on us. You're worse in all aspects.

Also, 50% of SwedenYES consist of drawings (you've already provided plenty). Most of my images are actual events.

> you
Sup Forums isn't one person. I thought you were bro tier also. It's ok if you want to sperg out. I will be here when you're done with your autism fit.

I don't need to post videos to support my point. When you're done being queer, I'll be here.

I've always liked you guys russia bro, I greatly respect russian culture and you guys aren't cucked like us.

How do you Russian bros feel about Alaskans? The born an raised ones not the dindus, spics or lower 48 whites that immigrate up here.
Met plenty of slavs here and they've all been really nice people, if a bit stand off-ish at first

>you won't, you neither have the will, nor the means
I don't care for your gypsy predictions.
>You are all cucked beyond belief, our left wing is too right wing for your country.
Why is this coming from an American? Also, we're still the whitest country on the planet. I've got science to back that up if you want.
>You have no weapons to defend yourselves
See pic-related, delusional burger. Also, since when do you need guns to overthrow a government? This is the 21st century.
>your own women choose to fuck and breed with the invaders because Swedish "men" are all male feminists, aka beta cucks.
I already explained this in Are you senile?

>mfw when Blanda up seemed so stupid and ridiculous that I never clicked the threads

>mfw I always thought it was a meme

>mfw when I google it for shits and giggles and it's a music video on Liveleak

Sweden is the most feminist nation on Earth, this is the death curse of any civilization. Your men are no longer men, your women are no longer feminine, you have a massive amount of immigrants in relation to your population that breed more than you. Seems to me like you just cant grasp demographic change.


I had a friend from middle school to high school who was Russian.
Nice kid, good family.
Not all us of are bad. Some of us see the hypocrisies. Still, I'd like to see our countries being own better terms in the future.

I just don't understand why Americans think they are in a position to talk shit.

>actually taking any Sup Forums banter seriously.
You fucking slav snownigger!! topkek

But seriously tho American govt is literally the most hypocritical jewtocracy in the world.
And the people are so bluepilled it's pretty hopeless.

AND YET as we say in Russia, 'hope dies last'


>Sweden is the most feminist nation on Earth, this is the death curse of any civilization.
Actually the death curse of any civilization is the jews.
>Your men are no longer men, your women are no longer feminine, you have a massive amount of immigrants in relation to your population that breed more than you. Seems to me like you just cant grasp demographic change.
This, coming from an American. I just can't do it.




>video has 581 views
>being a big enough weeb to know it even exist

Bless you russiabro, invade us please. We will open the gates and shove it up north.

Yeah except it wasn't.

>implying random gopniks in decaying post Soviet steel mill city #2434 wouldn't be just as willing to sign a petition preemptively nuking America

Come on nigga

>when you blacken a white bitch its important to go balls deep thats when you truly blacken them, they stay blacked

lmfao wtf is this nigger smoking

also, if you have a 7 + inch penis it's anatomically impossible to go "balls deep" into a vagina. You literally hit a bone at that point. That's why I'm always out 1 inch.

Poetic but pointless.
Only together can we defeat ignorance and ze Juden and terrorists. If we can do so much apart imagine what we'll achieve together.

>50% is drawings
It's like you live and breathe delusion

You showed the Haley BBC lover pic.
America BTFO.

How will I ever recover?!

>mfw I Blanda up to recover

Question, why do white people care so much about being white? Why do they look at black people and natives in such a different way.