Why can't Trump just not say dumb shit?
Why can't Trump just not say dumb shit?
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now that's a good question
try harder shills. the 2nd amendment is her to stay
Sometimes I feel like he's saying this stuff to deliberately get Clinton elected.
Why don't you, and the other proxy fag, kys?
Because he's working with Hillary to take the Republican party down. I think he went rogue for a while after it was clear he won the Republican ticket, but after the Khan shitstorm he realized he can't win, so he's shilling for Hillary again.
Why would he do all this? Because the Clinton Foundation pays their cronies and shills big bucks, hence all the CTR shitposters on this board.
>mfw Sup Forums has been unknowingly supporting Hillary this whole time
Yet his poll numbers go up every time he says something stupid.
Such a weird election.
The problem is that there is only one Donald Trump.
Over a long enough time scale, a million Donalds at a million keyboards would eventually produce something intelligent.
I didn't know these levels of chess existed much less that a mortal man could play them.
Because he's a Hillary Plant and now he's trying to lose. We told you he would do this, you didn't listen.
Free media attention. It's still working for him.
Who cares if he says dumb shit?
Hillary Clinton destroyed the country of Libya and then laughed about the leader of that country being lynched by a mob of terrorists, then she paid those terrorists to go to Syria to try to do the same thing to the leader of Syria?
Who gives a shit if Trump talks like a baffoon?
>Trump just not say dumb shit?
There's no cure for Trump.
all he suggested is that 2nd amendment people have political clout and could push back against hillary's administration
its not that he says stupid things
its that the media wants ANYTHING THEY CAN SPIN
because he doesn't just say what you want to hear and lie
Go to Real Clear Politics leaf, his numbers aren't going up.
Because he's literally a dumb shit.
now THIS is some gymnastics and spin to try and change the intent of his statement.
Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail.
he says dumb shit.
Thing is, that "dumb shit" is stuff similar to what Hillary has said.
The media and Hill take the bait hook line and sinker, and then Trump reels them in when he reveals this.
>why can't Trump
because he wants to lose. he never wanted to win. he'd have to be legitimately retarded not to know he's saying all the wrong things. therefore he knows what he's saying is destroying his campaign. meaning he's choosing to lose because he wants to. or he's literally to retarded not to know what he's saying is legitimately stupid. meaning he's too div to serve as president of the free world. pick one faggots.
He's got literal autism.
Because people who threaten regime changes have got to say things to stir the shit up sometimes.
because he is trying to lose. His only purpose was to firebomb the RNC
What if trump is a Clinton plant?
>make joke about Killary leaked mails
the media needs to get purged after Trumps election
He's gone off the reservation
>it hurts my feelings so it's dumb
PC culture is dying
Get used to it, brown bois ;)
Nothing he has said is actually dumb tho, when you like a guy for speaking his mind, you cant dislike him when he speaks his mind,
cuz your dumb ass easts it up
With no survivors
do people just not notice this?
If Trump wanted money he could have gotten a fuckton more by playing the Republican game than whatever Hillary would be paying him. Why ruin his name when he could have done the Koch brothers and Republican establishments biding?
Normally, when quoting spoken word in an article, you clean up their diction. Repeated phrases are removed, as are "umms" and "uhhs". Immediate clarifications are applied.
Spoken word tends to look bad when put into writing.
CNN does this for everyone. Well, everyone EXCEPT for Trump.
> "Hillary wants to abolish -- essentially abolish the Second Amendment. By the way, if she gets to pick, if she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks. Although the Second Amendment people, maybe there is, I don't know," Trump said.
For anyone else, that would look like this:
> "Hillary wants to essentially abolish the Second Amendment. If she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks. Although the Second Amendment people—maybe there is." Trump said.
There's literally nothing wrong with that statement.
> Ugh, Trump wants people to protect their 2nd amendment rights!
Good luck against a feral brown mob without your guns.
Who cares? Defeating cuckservatism is more important than Hillary.
It's not mental gymnastics whatsoever. Literally just listen to what he says without going into already assuming he specifically means political violence. Thanks for correcting the record though
>She says Bill called the Reverend Jesse Jackson a 'Goddamned n****r'
It's only dumb until Hillary gets assassinated, then he's president.
You want to hear something funny?
He has literally three more months of stupid shit to say.
>his poll numbers go up every time he says something stupid.
Because he's incapable of doing so. This lack of a filter may have been endearing when he was up against Ted Cruz or Jeb Bush, but in reality,Donald's been a ticking bomb. It's just a shame I have to mop up half of the crap he says.
You see, I'm a staffer with the Trump campaign, at Turnberry at the moment. The campaign is literally falling apart. Trump and Pence are growing more bitter towards each other behind the scenes, his advisors are all considering jumping ship, and Trump himself is starting to crack under the weight. I've personally been delivering more and more pain medication to him over the past few weeks ever since the Khan business . Whatever poker face he had in the public eye before this week is likely going to fade away very soon, the presidency is literally giving him full-on panic attacks and dangerous blood pressure. I've heard him screaming behind locked doors about how he can't keep up the charade anymore and that he has absolutely nothing ready for the debates in terms of a strategy or range of issues. Pence is probably going to leave the campaign by the end of the month anyway, likely followed by the bulk of Trump's advisory team, leaving him dead in the water, because this man doesn't know politics to save his life. He knows he'll bomb at the debates, he knows his poll numbers are slipping, he knows everyone with any common sense in his own campaign is getting the fuck outta dodge before it crashes and burns.
We're screwed, fortunately. As I've heard recently, Trump has already drafted his concession speech for the election.
Why can't you take any criticism towards Trump? You (and other Trump supporters) immediately deflect any judgment towards Hillary.
Yes, Hillary is a lying piece of shit, I know this. But so is Trump.
>talking about Hillary getting elected and the destruction she will do to the country
>mention in passing that the 2nd amendment always allows a government overthrow as a last resort
>media freaks out
Your thinking is too one dimensional. All these little gaffes and controversies *help* Trump in the long run, he's playing the media like a fiddle. Hillary is going to get destroyed, I'm talking 1984 election night levels. Screencap this so you can feel retarded later.
Why cant you?
Everything up to the debates is literally nothing. If Trump said he wanted every nigger to die and if Hillary said she wants to ban all guns, neither of them would have any problem with their voter base. Once the debates happen, that's when shit really hits the fan. If you can't make it through the gauntlet that are the Presidential debates, you will not make it to the White House. If you back out, you're a coward who obviously isn't fit for the Presidency, if you fail then God help you.
utter horseshit. CTR shill go away.
he has to say stuff like that to appeal to his core
Wow, great post, thank you for correcting the record.
...in this strange, terrifying universe where up means down and cardinal directions can lead to any point on the compass!
because if they take any of his words away people can throw a temper tantrum about how they manipulated his words
if they print what he said verbatim, people can see for themselves what a fucking retard he is. there's no conspiracy.
how many shekels do you have to earn before hill dogg lets you tongue her gaping anus?
you can't make cow out of burgers
I really think that you Trump boosters need to dispel with this fiction that everyone who criticises Trump is a shill.
If she said all these things, shouldn't Sup Forums be supporting her? Seems like she holds a lot of the same views
He'd be at 23,000% by now if that was true.
>Why can't Trump just not say dumb shit?
Seriously, it's not like we were all weren't already thinking it...
The problem is that he doesn't know how the US government works. "Second Amendment people," as he refers to them, don't vote on Supreme Court nominations.
Fucking hate roleplay
The problem is she wants to take our guns and shove millions of mexicans and "syrians" into the country.
He is a masterful genius.
He is saying ambiguous stuff for the free media attention. Come the debates, he will have so much material to convince people how dishonest they are.
where did she say she wants to take your guns?
>m-mu-muh gubment wantz to take muh gunz!!!11!1!
I love this meme
this makes no sense. why would trump run at all if he never wanted to win?
>inb4 he's a clinton plant!!!!
>inb4 he's increasing his net worth or building his legacy
half of the country thinks he is a racist and sexist now, dont give me some bullshit like he did this to help hillary or make money
he wants to win, i think he is just going with his gut, and his gut tells him to fuel media frenzy
Because being politically correct is the tool of the left, once you start dancing to their song, playing their game, you'll never see the end of it. Look at bernie, the most cucked PC man you can find, and yet the BLM chimps STILL found a way to get triggered and he lost.
What if it's just a ploy to get elected?
Yup he's a plant and saying dumb shit gets him media coverage all the time , despite what he says about being treated unfair he loves his name being talked about.
How much do they pay you? Is it per post or per reply you get?
everyone who thinks Trump is saying dumb shit is a shill.
unfortunately, about 55% of voters in swing states are shills.
>what is the AWB
>Hillary Clinton just couldn’t bring herself to say on ABC's "This Week" that Americans have an individual right to own guns.
>Stephanopoulos also asked Hillary on Sunday about her support in 1993 for a 25 percent sales tax on handguns. This is enough to add a hundred or more dollars to the price of a gun. Clinton wouldn’t say if she still supported such a tax, but she appeared to justify the proposal by talking about the costs of gun violence
> On Sunday, Hillary also pushed the idea of making gun makers and sellers liable for guns which end up being used in crimes
>55% of voters in swing states have a close relationship with hillary clinton and the democratic party
this is what you just said
I think he never thought he'd get this far
>We spent our meme power on this fuck who can't stop saying dumb shit for two days
The man is a genius and basically you're fucking stupid.
It's obvious you know nothing of the man, and that's sad.
We already know everything about Clinton, and you're not even giving Trump a chance.
>Vote with your brain, not your heart.
We openly say it, Killary pretends she never says things like that, thus she's a traitor and the only thing worse than an enemy is the traitor. She would gladly throw all her shills out of a helicopter if Soros said he would wire over another $300k.
They're friends, it's a personal favour he's doing, they may give him something else if his services.
>They're friends, it's a personal favour
There's no such things as personal favors in politics. It's all quid pro quo, or to advance an agenda.
He's going to win. You know it. That's why they pay you to be here shilling.
Also Trump live: youtube.com
It doesn't matter what he says the media will spin it and cut it to suit their agenda. The only way to win is for America to show the media they are sick of the bullshit.
he doesnt want to be elected.
>it doesn't matter what he says
Drumpftlings, everyone
They really must be paying you alot if you're still here
>So pol is completely full of people who spam slide threads and shillposts that theres no point even refuting right before the election
>And that Hillary has a program (CTR) that is designed to "confront online attacks against the democratic front-runner"
>But all this is just a coincidence
Holy shit shills are dumb
>Takes a single sentence of his out of context
>Totally not a strawman
Shills, everyone
Donald Trump is an obese degenerate who spent his massive inherited childhood wealth on a plethora of embarrassing failures, is actually a complete asshole to regular people and has politically switched sides all his life to whatever whimsical monthly flavor he favors. He became a meme because he was caustic towards other lukewarm GOP rivals and because of populist rhetoric of "closing the borders" despite there currently actually being a net emigration to Mexico from the US, and the fact the US will become majority non-white by mid 21st century due to legal immigrants and their birthrates more than illegals. Trump will not do a thing to stop that despite Sup Forumss projection of their wishes on him. His base is now packed with the same fat, scooter-bound, Jew-loving neoconservative gutter trash that squealed for Bush. He provides a plethora of reasons to hate him to both the left and the true right, leaving now only a hollow husk of kosher conservatives left to oink for him. He is vulgar, fat, boorish, anti-western, uncultured, loud, obnoxious, friendless, diplomatically disastrous. The Donald combines every vile and ugly thing about the US, every flaw and downside, in one fat humanoid form with none of the positives.
It's obvious that he meant second amendment people could vote for Trump election day to prevent Hillary from winning. Why are people blowing this out of proportion? Trump might fuck up now and again but if anything it makes him seem more human.
They pay you too much. Go back to r/nocontext plebbitor.
atleast we make out own meme's unlike (((some))) who get their spoonfed through le comedii centrale...
The "le donaldJtrump ain't gona win by a landslide"- meme gotta end.
>private vs. public remarks
Trump supporters are too retarded to understand this simple concept.
Trump hasn't said anything dumb.
He just says common sense things that the media spins into a controversy in a vain attempt to get Trump to silence himself.