Be honest, do you know anybody who's voting for Hillary?

Spoiler: you don't.

everybody I know supports her

Nah. In fact I've gotten into HEATED political discussions and everyone learned everyone else was voting for Trump all along.

The choice is obvious.

Maryland here.

Probably about 80% of the people I know.

Feels bad.

Where I'm from I've never seen a single Hillary poster, sign, or piece of propaganda. Only trump stuff.

Literally no one.

both my mothers because "he's racist, did you hear what he said about muslims?"
even though they both admit that they hate Hillary with a passion for being a manipulative bitch, they believe the media's claims that Trump is just a bigot

Fuck off back to the middle east Muhammad. You wish you lived in America.

massachusetts here

100% of everyone with the odd trump club in rural towns

Other than Hillary or Trump, who else has a 'chance' to win?

i might go johnson if i remember to register in time

weld is a total cuck though

I'm from California by the way. Everybody I know is either voting for Trump or not voting at all. I don't know a single Shillary voter.

The illusion is better than reality...I also don't know anybody who voted for Obama the second time...

You're a fucking idiot. Third party will never win.

My grand father is literally the only one I know, and he gets all of his news from fringe left wing websites and Facebook memes.

I live in Texas so...

Ohiofag here, I've only seen a single Hillary sticker on a landwhale's car. Everyone else is voting Trump.

>Being this new.

Literally no. Only one of the two will win...

In the last election only 1.7% of people voted for anybody other than Obama or Romney.

If you vote third party, you're helping Clinton. If you don't vote, you're helping Clinton.

I know a few people who voted for him the second time.
They were all saying
"He was only in for four years. Everyone knows you have to have two terms to make any real change"

They all regret voting for him now.

my gf has a friend that is voting for hillary because she wanted to be a special snowflake cause "everybody is voting for bernie and his supporters are mean" probs the only legit vote hillary got

Everyone here hates Trump

Are they planning on voting for Trump?

I'd love to see Trump win but I'm pretty certain the only way he can do so is to take the disillusioned Obama voters. The GOTV for republicans won't do it.



I dont think they exist unless they're paid to be

I've never met or even seen one

Yep and he's a fag.

I know a few

I only know 1 person who supports Hillary, and he's an immigrant who can't vote.

The Libertarians and Greens are the only other parties with access to 270 electoral votes.

this is fact

My mom.

I think my Muslim coworkers are (probably, I havent asked because I don't want to fuck myself). All the bernouts I know are voting Trump spitefully/reluctantly. My mom knows some people voting Hillary but they're all stupid middle aged women working in the public school system.

Time to get a new proxy, faggot

That made me kek. Have a (you).

Nope. Only those who used to be berners.

CA here
Iv seen a yard sign and like 2 bumper stickers .
No one here wants her. The majority that do are old people. SWJs and liberals would prefer Bernie or sooner just not vote.
And with normies, trump has the silent majority hands down.
Has CA ever gone red in an election? It's a stretch but I would not suprised if it does or comes close (the actual numbers, not Hillary rigged numbers)

Around here I see Trump signs, and even a few Bernie signs. I saw a man wearing a "Hillary" T-shit and it made me angry. But then looking closer, I saw it said "Hillary for Prison." I actually see more "Hillary for Prison" signs and stickers around town than "Vote for Hillary," I don't think I've seen a single pro-Hillary sign.

I know one person who would vote for her and he is a retard so...

everyone i've met hates Trump so idk, thye ask me but I tell them I dont care.

Everyone I know. They think I'm a Hillary voter as well. It makes me wonder if they're faking like I am.

I know people who will vote for Hillary not because they like her, but because they hate Trump and refuse to vote for a 3rd party candidate because they feel that a vote for a 3rd party candidate is a vote for Trump.

The entire nation of Canada would cast its vote for Hillary if it could.

Yeah, actually, I do. He's a hard core Clinton supporter.

Mine too. Funny enough my grandma is a Democrat who doesn't like Hillary, but my mom is stuck between Hillary and Trump, which is ridiculous considering they're completely opposite on almost every issue. She told me she will probably vote Trump "just because I've done a lot of research and I like Trump", but I tell her NO, you really should do your own research and not vote him just because I like him, look up the facts and form your own opinion.

I love her but she is very politically ignorant I think, but then I have to stop and understand that most people, especially older people are learning about candidates from TV and not from actual good informational sources out there.

I hate admitting it, but I was one of those assholes.
I'll be damned if I vote for anyone but the Republicans this time out.

>It's not raining where I live therefore there is a global drought

you right wing retards are really reaching now

This nigga knows whassup.

But i still see the possibility that *something* will happen that will cause Obama to suspend the elections.

>Brexit will never happen

Make your country great again lads.

Before I begin: Yes, I do know HRC supporters

You all are failing to recognize the silent majority of people that won't hardly say shit to anyone about the election before November, will take up their civic duty, go to the polls, say "Heh. Not THAT buffoon" and will vote for Hillary. It's absolutely what's happening.

This Canadian dude living in America, he got fucking mad at me when I jokingly called my Serbian girlfriend Svetlana saying I was being racist and sexist.

After he figured out I support Trump he turned into even more of an asshole.

My parents.

I'm going for Trump obviously.

Everyone in NYC. People actually threatened to kick my ass for wearing my maga hat in public. Some of the niggers got within knifing range too...



Pretty much everyone I know would vote Hillary if they could because the British media is a propaganda machine out of 1984.

I hear lots of people complaining about Trump or saying that they'll vote for Johnson, but don't know a single Hillary supporter. Even in Baltimore I see more trump gear than Hillary.

I wonder what that would feel like on my penis..

I'm gonna vote for her just to spite your shit thread famalamadingdong

Reagan took California in both the 1980 and 1984 elections. Bush 41 took California in 1988.

Man I remember watching that video like every night back when I was in middle school if you know what I mean.

It's because Hillary supporters are low energy people. They want more of the same degeneracy and it's reflected in their lack of enthusaism in her campaign and eventually their lack of motivation to show up to the booth.

All of my friends.

I need new friends.

If my choices are between a crook and a dictator, I'm going for the crook.

Guy who got swindled by Obama twice here.

I believed a Democrat with full control of the house and senate, however brief, would allow for the passage of some of the more idealistic and forward thinking "socialist plans of the left"

Turns out that didn't happen. They capitalized on it to forward their power and line their pockets. Whoops! I thought I knew that all along? "Politicians are all corrupt snakes" I thought this. What went wrong? How did I get fooled?

>"Yes we can!"
>"Change we can believe in"
Right. I thought a nigger of all people would oppose the system. I truly believed this.

And he didn't even legalize weed...

Yes I'm voting for Trump. I only hope to God he is real change. And I suspect he is based on his talks to congress in 1991. I've done a lot of research this time around, and believe Trump is the real candidate.

God bless America.

If myself counts then yes.

I hope you're talking about Hitlery Clinton, pal.

I am voting for Hillary.

Not a single person and I talk politics with everyone.

Yup. Family, friends, myself.

yeah, me and everyone i associate with.

One or two but I've already gotten at least five times that many at work to vote trump if they vote this year. we need to get out and correct the record for real. MSM and CTR's bullshit narrative does not survive the light of scrutiny.

Not a single person of course I don't associate with liberals and I work in the oil and gas industry which is overwhelmingly conservative.

Probably about 70% of the people I know

>Hillary is literally a crook
>Trump maybe somewhat vaguely represents a dictator, but only because of the media biasing this, and the crowded Trump rallies with lots of loyal fans chanting his name out of excitement

why are you going for the crook again?

>no u

I know some black people that support hill, but they never vote, not even for Obama. So I don't know anyone who will technically be voting for hill.

>if you're not voting you're helping Clinton
>if you're not voting you're helping Trump
Which one is true?

Because I know what she'll be doing at the end of her second term. Stepping down. I doubt a blowhard like Dump even knows the meaning of the phrase.

I live in a blue state and I don't know a single person and haven't even seen a bumper sticker or lawn sign.

Literally every person in my family outside of my immediate family. We're the one enclave of conservatives in an extended family of insane college town liberals. Every single one of them have blocked me on faggotbook

This guy right here. Some weenie that gets triggered by a tweet is not someone I feel can handle the responsibility of international diplomacy.

Implying there's going to be a country left


Yeah that shit got old, and I genuinely don't know what you mean. You imply that Trump will just not leave the office when his time is over or something? You genuinely think something like this will ever happen? The secret service or the American people will just let that slide, and Trump will restart the ovens and gas all non-whites and start WW3 etc etc, hm?

Are you just trying to Correct the Record™? Cause I dont believe any person would honestly believe in this

Lol, why?

I do know one guy, but he's from San Fransisco and is about the most stereotypical rad-lib gay guy you could imagine.


One is a naturalized britbong and the others have lived in the leftist college elite world for decades.

They made NBC's "The Apprentice" the GOP nominee. I think there's a pretty wide margin for what they'd let slide.

Feels bad bro.

He conned most of the world tbqh. People across Europe were hoping he'd win and were glad when he did. I myself was pretty optimistic about the future of the US and hoped it would become more aligned with British politics and allow us to build on our 'special relationship' but it turned out to be absolute bullshit.

I don't know if Trump will be any better at all, but I know Hillary will be worse. I truly hope for the sake of your country and for the future of the West that Trump is the real deal; if he's not then at least we can rest assured that we (not that I have a vote, obviously) did our best to change things within the system but got played, again, by that system.

Good luck Burgerbro. God bless the eternal Anglo.

Commiefornian fag here.

90 percent of the idiots here went from Comrade Sanders to Shillary Shitton because "Muh Vagina".

Me and literally every single person I know.

Exactly the reason why I said 'chance,' cause 3rd party never wins anything in national elections. Do 3rd parties ever win anything at local elections?

Why would they go from Sanders to Trump?

*Why wouldn't they

Because apparently everyone who votes for Hillary knows and understands the future for our country.

Yeah, because I really want the US to turn into the next Sweden.

In California, yeah plenty

My mother but she's been obsessed with that cunt since forever. There's no talking reason with her.

My mom's voting for her because she's a woman.

The only person I know who has admitted to being pro trump is my drunk redneck uncle, I have a few old co-workers who will probably vote for him but would never say they actually like him. Must suck it live in tiny shit towns like you trumpfags

>Open borders- This alone will destroy our country
>she gets tens of millions from Soros
>500% increase of refugees
>lefty Supreme court, Not economically lefty just socially, big biz will continue to rip the populous off even more so under hillary
>More taxes for us
>more spending
>one trillion dollar refugee plan
>She wants the TPP, If that's passed it's over
>she already has google,facebook,Yahoo,Twitter,and reddit to delete and or censor bad press about her.
Get ready for hate speech laws! Also her kill list goes on for pages, the DNC deaths ring any bells? She takes bribes. The list goes on

I am

That doesn't answer my question you faggot.

Why would Sanders supporters, upon Sanders losing, decide to vote for a candidate who stands for the exact opposite of what they wanted?

I went from believing the women get paid less than men meme to them having their voting rights revoked less than 6 years.