Really makes you think

really makes you think...

But muh deregulation and muh free market is more efficient at providing services

Capitalism on suicide watch.



It's not about who provides the service, it's about how much it costs at the point of use and what options are available. The NHS is a nationalised system and yet of course it still gets equipment from private companies.

I flat out don't give a shit if sick kids die of cancer, I don't want to have to pay for your shit

Why are they having kids they can't afford to look after?

It's single-payer system is supplemented through the private option as dentistry isn't included in the NHS. Everyones covered, even tourists.

The UKs system makes so much sense. Too bad we can't adopt them like your soial security type of college debt payoff within 10 years if you earn more than x amount of money.

Can we do what the UK does already? (except Mussies though)

[teleports behind you and slices your head off]

Wasn't even a challenge.

It's not even edgy. Why is it my responsibility to pay for other people's shit?

>no choice between illness and health
Are you fucking retarded?

>Food is not a consumable good […] there is no choice between starvation and eating
>Housing and gas/electricity are not consumable goods […] there is no choice between freezing and keeping warm
>Drinking water is not a consumable good […] there is no choice between dying of dehydration and staying hydrated
So where can I pick up my free shit Op? I need them all to live after all, more so than healthcare in fact!

>Can we do what the UK does already?
It's costing us something like £110B/year and rapidly rising, and yet it's still being stretched.

The initial investment in purchasing the hospitals, staff and other equipment on top of the high maintenance costs would make it prohibitively expensive in the US. You should start by breaking the stranglehold your insurance companies have on the industry.

>muh equality

>we shouldn't let weak low IQ faggots die

Nice one kike



As in terrorism hyperbole here

And liberals should never be allowed near the power to tax and spend.

wtf i hate economics now

>not having universal healthcare
Fucking lol, what a third world shithole

Not caring that a child dies of cancer is the definition of edgy, brother.

How could that be done?

And whats a good replacement in your opinion?

This actually happens all the time here. The "free" hospitals kill you off because they don't want to take care of you and the private hospitals charge you daily, what most people make monthly. All cash, all upfront, no terms to pay it down, go fuck yourself.

he has the right idea but wrong approach

in a fully developed capitalist economy everyone has a multitude of medical care options (insurance) at their disposal, if their utility maximizing choice can't cover what they need then it's because of budget constriction, state can then try to intervene to guarantee a minimum level of coverage for everyone but at the cost of maximum efficiency

the biggest problem to individuals though is information assymetry, it's very hard for a regular consumer to find out what's the best combination that maximizes their utility or even if the company is about to go bankrupt and leave them out in the open, while on the other hand companies have very sophisticated data that helps target consumers that will increase their insurance spread, so the market is naturally unfair

So you donate 100% of your disposable income to charity?


Donating something shows some care. Donating nothing shows no care. Saying you don't care prevents showing your care.

>free market
Medicare/Medicaid are over 450 Billion non-market dollars alone. That's not counting the state programs figures either.


I didn't say donating something. I said do you not donate 100% of your income to making sure poor kids in the USA or africa or wherever don't die of cancer?

It's a difference between not caring at all and caring a little and that little care does more good than no care at all.

>be evil privatized healthcare
>provide poor service for expensive costs
>get out competed by someone who can provide acceptable service for a reasonable fee

>but muh evil capitalism

More importantly:
>not a spook

You would rather spend money to shit post on Sup Forums and jerk off to traps than prevent kids from dying of cancer.

Get fucking raped. There is no reason for you to steal my fucking money when you won't even spend you own fucking money