Are DUIs(The Interstate Driver's License Compact) Legal?

Got popped in the state with the harshest laws(not my state), first offense, and THREE YEARS LATER!
Anyway, I just beat the shit out of the most advanced piss test my state could throw at me, using synthetic urine(w/urea!).

Feels good again. I feel good again.

Other urls found in this thread:

>Driving whilst drunk

I hope you wrap around a lamppost next time


no excuse for it

Hi Gavin.

I got a DUI in California in 2012 and I live in Florida. I paid a lawyer to get it reduced to a wet and reckless. I had to attend some class (in California) as a condition for the reduced sentence even though I lived in FL. I explained to my lawyer over the phone I couldn't do it and there is no equivalent program (that's transferable to claim anyway) in Florida. My lawyer said to do everything I can to attend the classes anyway. He called me on the hearing date and asked me if I did the class. I said no.

Idk whether I got it reduced or not. Doesn't matter I became a hiki shut-in neet that doesnf drive any more.

give a working class, previously immobilized, and emasculated, and worthless white boy a bump!

nice bait

>that doesnf drive any more.
good tbqh famm
i can't wait until your family who's supporting you die off and you starve to death

Would suck to get a DUI bro, I know some guy who has had 3 in CA - pretty sure he doesn't have a license now.

He's pretty sub-human.

I praise those taxi-app companies, saved my ass one too many times. If I get a DUI I'll probably never be allowed to join the military.

I'm set to inherit the house I live (paid off) I get $2k a month in disability and like an additional $400 in foodstamps

Make sure you pay your taxes wage cuck!

See... I'm a libertarian. No victim, no crime.

I never hurt a soul, the state acted in a preemptive way. Fuck that shit.

DUI laws are like drug laws, a money machine.

you can possibly get into the military with felon charges with military grant waiver

My only point, really. You are cool, user:

"most advanced piss test my state(Oregon) could throw at me, using synthetic urine(6.1 w/urea!).


High school history teacher that got a DUI when he was younger and has been sober ever since. No one got hurt. I don't see why you think everyone who gets a DUI should just be killed. Some people can turn their life around.

I dont drive unless ive had at least 6 drinks

Would be kind of hard to get during peacetime.

Wanna be an officer anyway, pretty sure it's even more stringent.

i hope you come and say that to my face, faggot!

Theres been 3 times where i talked my way out of it and would have blown over .08

cops are retards, remember that

little piece of chicken... i'm gunna get you

my cousin and his friend got killed by a drunk driver

its nigger tier behaviour

way to be safe

yet i have killed no man... little mushroom cunt

>No victim, no crime
So we should allow people to blow up bombs in open spaces with no people injured? We should let people risk other's loves because there's no victim until what you're doing affects someone? Fuck off

if you keep doing it is possible and your shit would be really fucked then

the guy who drove into them is doing over 20 years now he was 19 he got arrested

id rather die than do 20+ years in prison myself

what is the 2nd amendment

fuckin shill


stfu, little bith. Oldfags don't have concerns

chill lad

just dont ruin your life one day thats all i meant

i'm a bit heartbroken, that senpai isn't congratulating me.

fucking duh, but precrime...


probably my favorite one

>Driving equipment impaired is fine until it inevitably results in a horrific accident

There's a reason we don't let everyone drive. You're risking people's lives and your own.

Same reason we don't let drug addicts with a knife loiter outside your house.

Either you're going to go full anarchist and say that "yeah, sure that guy should be able to loiter outside my house clearly plotting how to break in and murder me in my sleep".

That or you're going to say "no" and make some shitty excuse how they're different.

hold a drunk driving demolition derby where you bring your own car

id probably pay to watch

i'm not watching that

idk, whatever

the auto in question... the REAL culprit!

you'll understand when you have kids and your daughter is out driving and she gets creamed by a drunk driver

My only point, really. You are cool, user:

"most advanced piss test my state(Oregon) could throw at me, using synthetic urine(6.1 w/urea!).


i'm 41, with a kid, nigger. lick a boot, faggot

>See... I'm a libertarian. No victim, no crime.

As a libertarian who got a DUI while being a young dumbass, fuck you, you're being stupid regardless if you feel the law is legitimate, there is plenty of evidence to correlate driving impaired increases the risk of your driving harming someone else.

Stop drinking and driving you dumb fuck!

some people are built differently. sometimes they stick, sometimes they fall through...
Sometimes little bits of chicken comment...

PRE-CRIME, PREVENTIVE, for the greater good! Twerk it, girl!

I'm Tom Paine.


It's not even that user, its just being a realist, the law exists, why would you want to involve the state even more in your life and wallet, now if you owned a piece of property like a farm or a ranch, feel free to drive as drunk/high as you please, its your property so you can make the rules, but public roads are different.

fair enough. it's been a struggle is all I'm saying, as pre-crime is an industry.
ask your mom's boyfriend what America was once like.

Let's remember the Spartans here.

Spartans were full citizens of a society. Helots were the slaves that were forced to serve.

There were a million ways a helot could be enslaved, but in the end, the helot was found wanting of the values that could make him an asset to his community.

That's what you do when you cannot moderate yourself in America: you become a helot, the good folk of society will enslave you and force you to work for them regardless of what you believe.

Tl;dr: Act like a nigger, get treated like one.

have you ever seen judas priest live

i think they are 10/10 live

wow then this is really embarrassing

reading these posts i thought i was talking to an edgy 18 year old


i hit my head a lot, outdoors

fugit, SLAYER!!!!!!!

is op from a letter agency?

>a DUI thread

Well, this isn't conventional but at least I have a place to share my recent experience. Am 21, was at a friend's bachelor's party, got really really fucked up, tired, it was 4 AM and I decided to drive home for some reason. I generally am high functioning when drunk and decide against driving drunk but that night, for whatever reason, didn't even think about the fact that I was hammered.

Drove home, realized I left my phone in my friend's car, started driving over there, got pulled over for speeding (10 over lol), she smelled it, got arrested.

I think the experience varies but I never realized how terrible it would feel. A lot of loneliness, shame, despair, looking at an extended license suspension, large fines, possible jail sentence. Thought my life was essentially over.

I was finally convinced into getting a lawyer and got a lenient sentence. Only 6 months license suspension, fine, and 3 day DUI program. Things feel a lot better than they did when this happened a few months ago.

I understand these laws are set up to dissuade you from a dangerous activity that CAN result in harm, but it is still something of a witch hunt and focused anger. I've always been a really careful driver, never been pulled over, but now I've got this shitstain on my record, while people who speed, weave around, and lackadaisically treat the roadway like a playground will continue without anything punitive. Just seems weird.

You say that until your family has to pay out the ass for your wreckless behavior

There's also the possibility you'll be maimed and spend the rest of your life an invalid having to eat meals from a tube, if you're looking for selfish reasons not to drink and drive that is

I got an OVI in a DLC state. Just moved to a non DLC state.

Feels good.

Oh and how much tax money will I spend to keep you alive once you maim yourself?

you sound like a liberal woman

high five

>420chan memes

hello, junkie

I'm just saying man, don't be arrogant

Slayer flies?

o mus
s tis
t nt


'fucking tell me what to do.

>I understand these laws are set up to dissuade you from a dangerous activity that CAN result in harm, but it is still something of a witch hunt and focused anger. I've always been a really careful driver, never been pulled over, but now I've got this shitstain on my record, while people who speed, weave around, and lackadaisically treat the roadway like a playground will continue without anything punitive


i think they should treat faggots who drive crazy on the road the same as driving intoxicated honestly

some of the shit i have seen people do driving is just as endangering to the public

You sound like an alcoholic.


in fact:

but I'll be walking...

why do you keep double replying to me you stumbling drunk

>allowing emotion to drive your reasoning
Also nigger tier behavior. In all seriousness though I am sorry that happened. It sucks but would you hate cell phones if someone driving distracted by their phone killed them?

it would have been better for him to crash and die alone than take 2 others is my reasoning

i never said drunk drivers should be preemptively persecuted

if they crash and die alone it is what they deserve

by "keep" do you mean 'once.'
go off somewhere and have a cough

He said he has a kid. If he isn't trolling on that part then he's probably put the kids life in danger by driving around drunk with him in the car.

he didnt say he was driving with the kid in the car though

Fair enough. I won't argue with that. I actually would have rather died than to kill someone else and survive. Fortunately no one got hurt and I am grateful for that to this day. My sobriety is essentially my understanding of how badly I screwed up and trying to become a productive member of society.

That would actually be pretty fun until you watch 10 people horrible kill themselves because they're all drunk as fuck and don't give a shit

He's more than likely done it before

wtf? you fools think pic is related? Slander.

no you said you were 41 and had kids nigger thats why the other guy said it



Got a DWI in NY last year.
>1000 fine
>3 years probation
>piss test every 2 weeks
>insurance for car is sky high now
>IID installed in my car
>criminal record for life

tbqh it's not worth it, I'm a retard and now I have to pay

you hit the nail on the head, DUIs are a completely political witch hunt. DUI laws highlight two major inconsistencies, first that when driving drunk you are culpable, but you are not of sound mind to consent to sex or contractual agreements. Second, that shitty driving is somehow worse when alcohol is the reason instead of just poor judgement.