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Is reality starting to set in? Are you starting to realize that all your support, rallies, generals, and memes were for nothing?
Its going to be another 8 years of Left wing rule in America and there is nothing you can do but cry about it.
Tell me how you think Trump can win, if you are still in a state of delusion. The collage could use some more posts.
>yeah idk if hillary wins things are gonna be pretty bad hehe gun joke
not exactly the same thing pretty close tho ur right i think ur on to something
I guess he's realised at this point he can't win and he's just doing all this for shits and giggles.
If some crazy redneck goes and shoots her now, Trump is in a ton of trouble
Trump is suggesting what any good American would: if the president elects biased judges to allow their laws to take hold in America, the people have a right to invoke the second amendment and to rise up. He's saying those will be the American people's only options left once Hillary becomes president.
If hillary and her appointed justices try to infringe on my rights I will not hesitate to vote from the rooftops. That is what he is talking about.
You stupid leaf mongrel. The president doesn't rule. Congress has been conservative for most of Obama's two terms you inbred monkey cretin shit fuck nigger.
Sup Forums where were you when DJT redpilled all the stupid libs on how the constitution worked and basically told them he's the only thing between them and the great race war of our time?
CTR shill
you are scared. you are desperate
you are pathetic. nothing you do makes a difference. Trump will win.
kill yourself
Hillary deserves the death penalty, she rigged the election and armed ISIS among 15 other disgusting things all worthy of capital punishment.
Youre joking when you say that, but you literally do make me sick to my stomach and I couldnt wish worse tragedies on every last one of you disgusting scummy fucks.
Why dont you just vote for the "Kill the white man" party huh?
Vote for genocide, vote for a fucking shotgun in the chest.
Yeah good luck faggot, you haven't got a chance when the government literally has drones, tanks and highly trained marksmen
The American boner for rising up against the government and overthrowing it is fucking hilarious. I want to watch a bunch of morbidly obese dumbfucks trying to attack the army with their shitty rifles
This was an assassination attempt. Trump should be behind fucking bars, he is a lunatic
Not debatable
Trump is an evil man we cannot let him in the white house
It's become real hard to differentiate between inept shills and sarcastic shitposting lately.
Some of you hillary supporters are alright.
Trump is literally proving why we need more gun control.
Liberal >>> Cuckservative
No they aren't
Good. I can join the God Emperor's army to defend my second amendment rights.
who doesnt
probably time to kys
It's funny how the media says his comments could be dangerous if heard by the wrong person...
so they're repeating them on every channel over and over again.
These hateful remarks only confirm my vote for Hillary. Never Trump!
Honestly at this point he is trying to throw the election.
>assassination attempt
ohhh yep you're right trump's little comment there is the equivalent of him literally trying to kill her sorry senpai desu
Guess how we now you are a trans-gender-nigger-faggot.
stfu retard hes talking about the NRA and other gun rights groups who have massive spending at their disposal to litigate
>not debatable
> le epin drone/tank/army argument again
Here's your reply.
>only 8 years
Republicans will not recover from this before demographic changes make them unable to win elections.
Awww poor little pussy liberal
But it's all fine and dandy when someone wants to kill Trump right?
That is legit my biggest worry.
> oh man we gotta take in all these REFUGEES AND MEXICANS
> better place them in all of the swing states
Then 8 years later.
> remember, republicans want to break up your families
And right wing parties in the USA officially end.
Ok bud, i'm sure there's millions of neckbeards ready to rise up form their mum's basements and take the White House
Is this the man we want running our country? We can not allow Dangerous Don to get in office. With comments like this one and the Khan fiasco we can't let a man who fires off like this to lead us.
Hillary going to have seizures during the debates lel
Which is why it's not something any American looks forward to, and is why Trump is using it as a point to say: this is why you should vote for me.
Read between the lines, bruh.
Hillary will be a 1 term president. Paul Ryan will run in 2020 and beat her with by comfortable margin.
It'll pale in comparison to Europe being completely overwhelmed by the Islamic birthrate, but I guess that's a topic for another time
The people have all the power and government wargames show a loss every time.
The power grid is completely vulnerable.
No he doesn't taken out of context. Hillary should have been shot for being a piece of corrupt shit along time ago anyway.
Trump is going to take down the Senate and possibly the House with him
1 army trained sniper could disable the entire power grid and plunge the entire country into anarchy.
>La la la I can't hear you la la la
see this:
100+ years ago she would be dead already.
That pivot is coming any day now amirite guise?
>$.06 has been deposited into your account
where did you come from?
you must go back
Yet defending child rapists and demonizing a 12 yr old rape victim makes you proud.
Jesus Christ, I watched him say it and it's literally nothing. It's a real stretch to even suggest that he could have been suggesting anything other than making sure she isn't elected by voting in a bloc against her. The Jewish media needs to be eliminated.
Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail.
We need this
Thanks for correcting the record.
>Dangerous Don
at this point i cant tell if you're a real shill or someone mocking shills
remember to sage guys!
I am still literally shaking over this
Personally I think youre too much of a coward, and youl keep telling yourself that not enough other people are for it, so you just wont do anything to start it.
>1 army trained sniper could disable the national power grid
I can't even comprehend what it must feel like to be this retarded
Ha ha, reddit pretends to be a Sup Forumsack.
I bet that cap gets you many upboats, damn stormfags and their democratic process, were communists, you actually thought we wanted fair elections? HA
ctrs looking for an inch and making it a mile
This is such an obvious example of taking something out of context.
He goes on to mention the NRA twice and has a paragraph devoted to talking about their political influence. Obviously he means them by "second amendment people".
I never hated someone so much as I hate both Hillary and those shills, they KNOW they are helping to destroy one of the few last good countries on the world and they do it for fucking 5 cents a post.
they wouldhave been terrorist if they had lost.
ugh CTR is literally browsing Sup Forums
The (((Clinton campaign))) knows we are the last paragons of free speech and truth, that's why they're coming after us
Yes you read that right, Sup Forums is literally so influental and powerful that hundreds of CTR shills have been sent here
But I will not yield and neither should you
Fuck you, user.
Totally unbiased source
>The (((Clinton campaign))) knows we are the last paragons of free speech and truth, that's why they're coming after us
This is why she must be stopped. Because if she wins she will want revenge against this place and everyone who posts here.
>36D chess
Well actually you do, and you also apparently dont know how to read.
Did you need help with that one?
1. The US powergrid could be taken down by a series of "surgical strikes" with the exception of the texas grid. By surgical strikes, a few marksmen (IE US army tier Marksmen - the min requirement) hitting certain spots on the grid would fuck a lot of the miliary and government because they need the grid more than bubba and friends do. Additionally, while ALL government agencies have backup generators, they will be hard pressed dealing with the resultant LOOTING and the OTHER MADNESS that would come with the power outages. This would effectively create another front for the military. It would also TURN THE PEOPLE AGAINST THE GOVERNMENT QUICKER and PARALYZE THE GOVERNMENTS PROPAGANDA MACHINE. Worse still - the key points of the US powergrid are PUBLIC OBTAINABLE INFORMATION and not only are the points TOO MANY TO BE EFFECTIVELY GUARDED - THEY ARE NOT GUARDED ANYWAYS.
So yea, learn to read what the professional says, retard.
Who doesn't?
She's hated by most of the country.
>the army will willingly side with he wrong in a case of national security
lmaoing at your life brit boi, a coup would happen, the president or whoever was a threat, and even thought that the military would just do whatever they say, would be killed and held hostage and taken out of power. the military, the men and women who fight for our country fight for the people not for a man in office. if tanks were ordered to go one way to kill civilians they would just as quickly turn to the person giving those orders.
Not national but a small team dispatched properly and efficiently could have the grid down in hours. They plan for this.
However, big brother needs it more than John and Anna. Chances are, many Americans already go camping and can function without electricity. Better to keep the grid on, and not have a massive chimp out on national proportion.
There was an user that posted a bunch of shit that would happen and a bunch of ifs for if we ever had civil war. He was on the team that planned for that shit. Someone bump with the picture of his posts if possible.
Yea and so would Nelson Mandela.
So whats your argument? Be extremely brutal, and burn tires around peoples neck with gas in them as a means of execution or else you wont have been brutal enough and will get demonized when you lose?
y-you too
the natural recourse of the cornered, rabid animal is to attack
you cannot reason with true retardation
>Read article
This article if full of shit. It doesn't say anything about him killing someone. He was literally saying the 2nd Ammendment had to be protected and people need to protect it by not voting Clinton. Fucking CNN bastards.
Finally a candidate who wants what I want
He's going to win. You know it. That's why they pay you to be here shilling.
Also Trump live:
I enjoy watching trump lose.
Hillary for President!
Literally the worst thing Trump has ever said in his life. And the worst thing any Presidential candidate has ever said. Nice work donald. You fucking idiot.
How will trump beat hillary now?
What will happen now once hillary is president?
>Hillary for President!
Not if her poor health kills her before the election.
She will keel over dead on her own. I saw even the mainstream news talking about her health problems today. They are preparing the public for something. My guess is she'll somehow try to weasel her way out of the debates.
>How will trump beat hillary now?
The debates. He'll rip her a new asshole.
>What will happen now once hillary is president?
Civil War. Or if lucky, she passes away from her poor health. She's looking even worse everyday and she might not last any longer if it get worse at a rapid rate.
I think it's great because he is suggesting something outside of the degenerate political process. This shit has been a facade for too long. Let's have a coup already.
im bumping this thread bc its politically related xd
HIllary literally said the same shit about Obama when she was running against him the first time. She literally referenced the Bobby Kennedy assassination...