'We Wuz Kangz' meme is getting old

The more I think about it, the more I tend to think that actually black history revisionists are correct. Maybe all the ancient civilizations were black after all. Sup Forums is just memeing the shit out of it to lower people's awareness and cause they can't handle the truth.
I'm 100% polish and I'm 100% white. I just happen to side with the black people.

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wtf I hate facts now

>I tend to think that actually black history revisionists are correct.
So you tend to be stupid?

you pollacks are alright

but the reason most of you younger ones side so well with the "hip hop" culture is because your high culture was wiped by so many times within the last 100 years.

you don't understand your own history so you embrace the current "cool" history.

Polish people are alright, very cultural enriched (green point/brooklyn NY) but I feel bad for the future generation.

nobody gives a fuck what you think bitch ass white boy

we don't listen to hip hop

Hide Kangz threads.
Ignore Kangz posts.
Do not reply to Kangz posters.

History, as you may know, is always written by the victor.



now i see why the brits want your people gone

>Polish intellectuals.

Worse than rats. Every fucker from the continent needs purging.

I never knew Latvia was so based.


I don't side with blacks, but the white man wasn't always the best

First civilization of Sumer were for instance in Iraq

Blacks had their Mali Empire much, much later
They had so much gold that any other empire didn't had nearly as much
Guess what?

whatever you say, nigger.

They have experience with flipping off commies.

wow Poland I didn't think you had this level of troll in you. I'm impressed.

We had a WE WUZ get into a shoot out with police last month and the Dallas shooter was also a KANG

the meme ain't old

What has happened to you? ;_;

Somebody had to install that rainbow in a first place

What the fuck.
I am black lives matter supporter now.


Nigger tier logic by a susceptible low IQ driven mind. This is why everyone in your country is a plumber....

really makes you think.........

Even if they were right, it only proves how pathetic the Blacks have become; they were so gullible and weak as to lose their powers to another group of people without even struggling.

It has always been about Survival of the fittest, and the negro race just couldn't adapt fast enough to hold on to their thrones as "kangs n' queeeeeenz".

Fortunately niggers are just stupid, and perhaps less fortunately not smart enough to see how pathetic they really are as to have dominace over the richest land in the world and yet have done nothing with it but rage war and enslaving their kin.

>I'm 100% polish
>I'm 100% white
does not compute


>actually black history revisionists are correct

Keep going with it. Eventually you'll get into fire and ice people and sucking negro sperm from your fleshlight which you'll pay five hundred dollars an ounce for.

>Nobody cared who they were until they put on the mask
Cleverly hidden Bane posting?

A Canadian's Trip to Poland.

Ok so is no one white.....Jesus you guys can't even define it yourselves...too bad you haven't figured it out that "whiteness" is a Jewish invention of control.....dumb nigger


But whites are dying out. Your nations have been propped up and destroyed by Jews. Blacks, despite it all, are having a population BOOM. Whites...the "superior" race has negative birth rates.


Poles are 100% sarmatians.

that's what i'm thinking

when whites die out who will provide welfare and food stamps?

They were Aryan. Look up the Ainu

Yup, quite correct, I see it in kids too. All this "we want to be like J-Roc" shit.



So fucking what?

These civilizations were just bigger stacked stones than the ground level mud huts that you find in Africa TODAY.

They had nothing, they peddled simple good from near and far, some cities became bigger but were still only bigger mud huts.

So a nigger became the king of a city and this city happened to be prosperous? He had a few treasures and such, but they were still filthy desert people.

When you think of their "civilization" you think about the romanticized 1000 and 1 night stories. Reality was nothing like that.


The only two good polish bands are Włochaty and Mgła.

Nice fantasy you got there

The Blacks in America were slaves sold by the Kangz

It's like Carthaginians going WE WUZ ROMANS AND SHEID

wtf?! I hate Poles now!

does poland springs come from poland?

i just realize i have a ton of water bottles to drink

Lol wut
Great response skyler

>polack being a retard
nothing to see here folks

that's perfect

yea its Sup Forums troll they made a far less convincing one with we wuz fuhrer's and shiieeet

Very subtle, both the Moorish/Phoenician angle and the hidden Baneposting angle
9/10 I smiled to myself

nah it comes from maine the actual springs are named poland spring
t. new englander

I agree with this but just because its getting beyond retarded to need this thread every single fucking hour.

I don't see why whites want credit for everything and I don't know why blacks don't deserve something that can help them evolve to human.

Black people thinking they wuz kangs is better than black people who think they was never kangs, at least because they might find nobility inside of themselves and stop living as entitled animals but aspire to something better.

Your societies were all forgotten, all pagan beliefs made obsolete and you had no major achievements. Your peoples best kang was Carolus Rex but he was a Christian Kang, and you abandoned these principles for common secularism.

TL:DR You have a inflated sense of your past people too.

>I just happen to side with black people

So you're a race traitor, OP.

According to The Bible, African kangs were all destroyed eventually by Jews, so from that angle can't we see some common enemy with blacks?

damn i feel like a dumb polack now


Thats a worse meme than the "We Wuz Kangz" meme

coming from a HUEmonkey