Why was he there?
Hey Hillary Shills
What is he guilty of?
He's pretty extreme. Afghani's are just fucked up people.
His house hold rhetoric drove Mateen to where he was and to what he did
Wow, her campaign is finished lol, guess I'm a #TrumpCard now
Are you saying conservative rhetoric is bad? Who would have ever thought that.
well he does work for the Voice of America. I guess thats why he's there
so you are saying that people should be criminalized on their opinions alone?
He is shameless isn't he? I know it's not American custom to blame parents, but he had something to do with his kid's action. Mainly he raised a kid with fucked up moral.
Damn shill, that was almost as good a joke as pokemongotothepolls.com
free country, nigger
Not but it goes to show what side they are really on.
no it doesn't. guilt by association is the stupidest idea you could ever support.
He didn't understand that your son has to kill other brown people before you get the check and photo op from the DNC
Stupid question from a stupid canuck.
And how so? If a young black kid with no record starts hanging out with a bunch of felons, what do you think will happen to the kid if he sticks around long enough?
Just typing this really made me think. WOW!
>Unironically thinking U.S citizens actually have freedom.
So how's summer going? You next year of highschool should be better. The older boys don't make fun of the sophmores as much as they do the freshmen.
>his son did something bad, so naturally this man that has no committed any crime or even a social faux pas should be subject to bad treatment
Bump. Deserves more attention from shills circlejerking over Trump's 2A comments.
And if Trump was a muslim sympathizer I'm sure he would be at his rally too.
son kills dozens, less then two months ago, decides to head off to a political rally.
He's guilty of being a shameless fucking muslim.
Sins of the... son, I guess?
literally tumblr argument
what the hell happened to pol, everyone acts like retarded
Has anyone actually proven it was him and not just another Arabic guy who looks like him?
Sorry for the logic...
Supporting the Taliban.
so white people all all automatically guilty for slavery because they are white? is that what you are saying?
The candidate's campaign staff hand select the people who sit behind the candidate. The idea is to display the target audience or demographics that candidate speaks for.
The Hillary campaign is TRYING TO BAIT TRUMP. He's doing the right thing by not commenting and just letting the media point it out so it backfires on her by making Americans believe she wants anti-American crazies to support her.
>equating Islamic fundamentalism with American conservatism
Go get tested.
Hillary: the choice of deranged murderers and their parents
that's not him kek