Being Red-Pilled part2

Being Red-Pilled, Part 2!

(previous thread: )

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We like religion because its Gods way of representing himself, but its an in-direct connection with God.
The actual value is God, not the religion.

But religion is very important of course.
(Im a Christian I might add.)

I mean like...I respect religion and that people believe in whatever they want to believe, buddhists, hindus, whatever, as long as they dont hurt innocent people.

Even though lets say Buddhism contradict God and Christianity and is a matter of fact Satanic if you go deep into theological stuff, I might still respect them. Because they probaby are doing what they are doing in a noble cause -Seeking God.

The Ying-Yang-concept for example.
In the Bible one can read "God is ight, and in him there is no darkness at all". 1 John 1:5
The ying-yang is not the same concept.
The ying-yang says everything has good and evil. God isnt evil so it doesnt fit.

Just by the one sentence of "God is light, and there is no darknes in him", 2 of the world religions are destroyed.

If you chose something that you want for yourself, because you seek God or you found the religion on your path seeking God then I think its good.

But if you are just born into something, whatever religion or thesis or belief system it might be, then are you really believing it? Did you chose to believe it?

Thats why I dont wanna be stuck on "religion" as it means too much for too many.
But I wanna really put my energy on "God".

Thats why I said I like God. God is the purpose that we engage in religion. Religion is one of the pathways to God.
But we want God, not religion.
I dont know man, Its a complex topic and I have a hard time explaining it in English.

normie friends are so retards

Also this was an answer to:

I love that painting of Christ.

He just seems so tired, so real; despite the fact that he was the son of God, he was, on some level, human- one of us.

Everytime I see that painting I think of it in some new way.
It truly is brilliant and never gets old.

The hardest part is watching your society crumble, and so little people care...

It sounds cliche but have you ever considered that if god is all powerful he might not give a shit about any of us?

He wouldn't have ever been that old looking. My Jesus never got wrinkles

Old art has gotten me going back to church

To be any god worth worshiping he's got to give a shit about us and what we're up to. Tho yeah it's probably passed most people's minds.

Exactly my point. I myself believe in god and respect religion for what it is and how it acts as a staple piece for community. But let's be honest, god doesn't care about us.

Thats very deep thinking.

I have thought that so many times.
But my conclusion is God gave humans free will to do what they please.

They can do what they want and they wont be stopped.

But that God doesnt show love is not possible in my brain.

Also I have another concept worth thinking about.

Think like this, the more powerful or important someone is, the less you meet or see them.
What do I mean by this?

If you have a friend who does nothing and lives at home, he will call you and annoy you.
Once he fixes his live, gets a job, moves out etc you wont see or hear from him as much.

The higher someone climbs in the socio-economic ladder, the less you will hear from them.
You might never might the CEO of a company you are working at.
You might never met a world leader etc.
Important people just dont show up.

The real ones with power you dont simply hear about.
The real billionaires dont show off, you probably dont even know their names.

The truly more red-pilled and powerful someone is, the less you will notice them.

Think about these humans who are so "anonymous".

Then think how little you will see or hear from God.

That God doesnt have love or love us, is un-computable in my brain.

Ian MacCormack

Bill Wiese Part 1 Part 2 - Dead Sea Scrolls OT | NT before 68 AD @30:00 - Extra Biblical Sources of Jesus in History - Biblical Archeology [Stones of Israel] With Don Patton Ph.D - New Testament Archaeology With Don Patton Ph.D - 06 - The Resurrection of Jesus by Tim McGrew

Go visit Europe and check out it's churches the art is all truly breathtaking.
My top 3 would be
St.Peters Basilica & Sistine Chapel (duh)
Chapel of St Mathew in Rome
Onze Vrouwen in Antwerp

The Catholic Church's patronage of the arts was quite something.

Anyone here remember those 2 big heated red pill threads last nite?

I think one have to truly understand "the free will" in order to understand Gods love.

He gave the world free will. Does anyone know what free will really means?
It means free will, no "common" interventation for issues be they big or small, good or bad.

What happens happens.
When you pray and believe, things might change and turn to your favor.

I think this life is a test, and there are observers.
Then they free will will be turned into something truly great in the after-life if one knows God.

Thats why it might seem God is "not caring", or uninterested.
I think God is omnipresent and caring more than our mind can concieve, but free will is eternally respected.

Without understandig free will, I dont think one can accept that God loves us.
Giving the world free will doesnt exclude God from caring.

He lived as you and died as you. He's not some stranger sitting removed from you or your experience. He subjected Himself to the same lose rejection and pain you endure in an effort to - among other things - assure you that you are not alone. You are not meaningless. You are the ends itself. You are loved.

If you think God doesn't love you, that's unfortunate, but it is not for lack of trying, or even the facts of the matter.

So I am left to wonder and ask in all sincerity, why would you conclude He doesn't care about you?

God bless. Great videos.

Also what I meant with being "critical" to religion is, I want to point towards God.
Why? I want people to be "cautious" about religion because it might be altered by someone with bad intentions.

Our innate love for God can never be altered truly.

That's a Russian portrayal Jesus.

Ruskies knew what suckitude was. They knew it backwards and forwards.

Reading Kierkegaard was useful for those thoughts.

I've had "those moment's" where I've been sure God or some higher power has been with me. I think it would be foolish to think humanity has figured out how the divine works.
But I've almost killed myself with drugs so feel free to disregard my opinion.
Far too much Ketamine, and DPH on a few occasions, together and separately. Enough to believe in god, angels, demons n' shit.

Yes. Being redpilled has made me happier. I now have clear business strategies to advance my skill and trade.

If I weren't redpilled, I wouldn't grow. Seeing the world's avenues with clarity has opened up new potential in me.

I'm scared Sup Forums. The left is winning everywhere... Muslims and negroes invading every country...

Everything good and redeeming about the human race came from white people. When they are gone the world will return to barbarism... When are you whites going to do something about it?!

Its the end times. Don't be surprised.

I think of god more from the perspective that god caused the big bang and set it all in motion, not exactly intending on the creation of man but it just happened anyway.

I don't believe in god granting to gift of free will, it seems like a convenient excuse put forward by the church for the lack of divine intervention which leaves me with the opinion that god either doesn't care or isn't as all powerful as we perceive.

Brilliant, many thanks.


You're welcome. I'm trying to gather information to support the Bible and its claims.

I think you'd look like that after fasting for 40 days and being tempted by Satan.

FUCK yea 69 double dubs!
I read the bible, theological and spiritual texts and like to meditate on my existence in relation to god. I will say that I definitely believe life is a test, I know there are observers, AND entities that subtly affect our lives.
The free will question was part of the reason I turned to drugs and the conclusion I came to was that it exists to the point that it cannot be disproved to one's self, and I believe that science alludes to this as well. You can become hyperaware of the subtle things that affect and try to control your thoughts but you can never fully lose control without making a choice to do so.
That is why I have no sympathy for people who use drugs and cause harm on any level.

>I think of god more from the perspective that god caused the big bang and set it all in motion, not exactly intending on the creation of man but it just happened anyway.

Yeah I know _exactly_ that feeling.

Watch this til the end, its only 4 min. "There is a broad spectrum of I know too much to be happy"

Though being able to create a universe and something is "random" is something, I no longer can ever stand beind.
Its simply isnt that way if you ask me.

Study Cell Biology, and tell me again something is made by "randomness".
A cell cant be seen with the human eye, yet is a extremely complicated biological factory.

I just felt my red-pilled-level increased a little from reading this.
Simply great.

I'd like to read Kierkegaard but i've no idea where to start. At least you're skeptical of your experiences and don't just take them for what they are.

>Though being able to create a universe and something is "random" is something, I no longer can ever stand beind.
Its simply isnt that way if you ask me.
I don't have any arguements against this because i haven't fully came to any conclusions myself.

>Study Cell Biology, and tell me again something is made by "randomness".
That somewhat implies that cells are something special.

I agree. My thinking is clear and precise after the redpill.
I'm committed to always improve myself without expecting to please society, to please women, to be poilitically correct.
It hurts to see the illusion die at first, but it helps you grow.

Agreed. It was really hard on my sedentary ways but I'm starting to see good fruits of being proactive and I'm happier as well.

The death throws of laziness and lies are cruel but the result is marvelous.

Although I'm still growing.

Nothing of religion necessarily has anything to do with the final red pill.


>worth worshipping



Prove to me that sweeping the Bible away from public education in the west hasn't been met with a immediate decline.

Man when I studied Cellular Biology, it was hard for me the think things are just random.

A human is a tremendous advanced biological organism, for such a organism to even exist and to function in such masses, an endless amount of random things need to occur, in an endless cycle in development etc.

Trillions of chemical transactions and processes take place in your body daily. Nutrients running in and out of every single cell, the blood stream, the rational mind.

The cell is the most beautiful thing ever.
It produces energy, there are mithocondrias, a membrane, energy-producing-units in it, ports around it allowing transportation of ions in and out of it, it uses energy in form of ATP, consumes, get rids of waste.

Man cells are the fucking master race.

Studying these things, being super-atheist, made be to believe in God. Isnt it funny? I was trying to go away from God, but it didnt turn out that way.

I can not comprehend a world where God wouldnt love us, Not saying that Im right and that I know, but sry can not comprehend such a world. My innate feeling tells me he do.

Why would humans be a side-effect of him creating the world? I dont think we are the side-story, we are the main story and the world is the side-story!

How to get to the "growth"-part of the red-pill-phase where you can develop as a person =/?

I created you and you disappoint me. your a mistake.

of course you right, not just correlation, but causation

but unrelated to the ultimate red pill

Start with Fear and Trembling, then The Sickness Unto Death.
Not skeptical of my experiences, but definitely not sure what they truly were.

Good thread brother, when thoughts flow freely and shitposting is minimized Sup Forums can be a pretty good place.

Building your house on sand isn't a wise idea.

I can understand where you're coming from and why you'd think that way. I'm just to much of a pessimist and i'd rather not take a risk of trying to enter "gods kingdom" when i could be trying to make a difference in a world that i know is real.

Okay i will do. Thank you very much.

I subjectively believe that I stand in relation to god and can make a subjective claim of his and my worth. I'd argue that if something is not worth worshiping it is by definition not god.

the final red pill is not about metaphorically building a house

It's basically claiming ownership of your self

A mind without foundations and something to lean on will collapse in on itself.

Who really knows, I know neither more nor less than you.
Whatever one believe is their truth.

In India they think cows are holy, so for them they are holy.
In the West we make pepper stake from Cow meat.

With all the shit going on in this world I cant let go of this way of thinking, its all I feel I can trust in a sense =/.

Please watch these, if not now, save them, but please be sure to watch them sooner or later.

peppar steak*

both unrelated to the final red pill

Do you know that testimony where that guy can speak without vocal cords?
>doesn't specify anything
>i-its unrelated anons!
You're sounding like CTR.

>Good thread brother, when thoughts flow freely and shitposting is minimized Sup Forums can be a pretty good place.

When the human mind is free and allowed to improvise, the world becomes great.
God bless

>Do you know that testimony where that guy can speak without vocal cords?

No, never heard of it. I can just seach youtube for it, but have never seen it.

What about it?
Post it if you find it.

I won't watch them both tonight, but i will get round to it tomorrow. I believe we're both just embodiments of sisyphus finding a reason to keep on pushing that boulder.

I'll look real quick.
Okay here it is.

>You're sounding like CTR.

oh please
spare me

He blinded me with Science!

Fear is both your god and your religion as well as your bluest pill

Science originates in Christianity and the Bible.
These meme where you have to chose between "Christianity" or "Science" have been pushed for generations know.

Science is to understand Gods world.

Watch videos in this post: Specially the last one


Its a great video.

Not trying to derail the video here but, here is something about Sid Roth that makes me feel he isnt "honest".

>Science originates in Christianity and the Bible.

science is the "scientific method"
which hardly comes from the word of god

watch this and thank me later :)

>muh sky-daddy!

Well I've wondered if he was being honest. I just don't know.

I dont mean in this specific video, I mean him in general.

I always had a bad feeling about him in general. There is something in his tone which isnt sincere. Am I wrong?

>science is the "scientific method"

Well it did until the Frankfurt School came in and it became more of a "Jewish """science""" method"

>which hardly comes from the word of god

See above.

Going to sleep, local time is close to 3 AM.

God bless all!

You aren't wrong. I get the same vibe from him. I guess the Holy Spirit is giving us discernment concerning him. Good spotting that.

no it didnt

but im not at all disputing that the Almighty created all that science wishes to understand.y

God bless you too. Thanks for staying up so long.

To me im sorry guys i know it's boring just saying this in this non-/soc/-manner or in a vanilla Sup Forums thread and makes most people recoil right away at this, because it is the NUMBER ONE LIE--but there is no pill but rainbow pill. Gay men are the "reddest" (pillery is Satanic), rainbowiest rainbow pills there are. The only pill there is. Muh muh procreation. Nah. Nobody said I can't procreate. Reading about stuff is so fun

has anyone ever been so far to even.....

What are you even talking about?

You should only brag about being red pilled if meet one of the following criteria:

1) You are a successful banker/stock trader that takes advantage of said red pill, knowing that the it is impossible to fight the system, but still making it work for you.


2) You live completely apart from society and all of it's utilities/products, living off the land and not answering to anyone (unless of course they come asking, then you are most likely screwed/need to fight...good luck with that).

Being red pilled and still living an average/normal life is fucking pointless; you'd be much happier if you went with the blue pill.

Though you could always become a liberator of freedoms, but the general media may have another name for you if you go that route.

>You should only brag about being red pilled if meet one of the following criteria:


also both criteria are subjective