The whole "CTR" and "Hillary shill" is a meme right?
You guys realize that it's just Sup Forumsacks trolling other /po/acks and are just going along with it for fun, right?
The whole "CTR" and "Hillary shill" is a meme right?
You guys realize that it's just Sup Forumsacks trolling other /po/acks and are just going along with it for fun, right?
try being more subtle next time, shill
Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail...
its obvious as fuck. Seriously fuck off already.
What the fuck is /po/ doing on here? Fucking losers, no wonder their board is dead.
Greeks are rapidly approaching Canada-tier.
Guys...? You're just trolling... right?
Go ahead and take this poll right now and see how right wing ideologies are the minority.
This board was taken over, its not a place of objective truth anymore, its now just Reddit shitposting.
Sorry, truth ran away to another board I wont mention, now you have your house of lies and deception v2.
This is a fascist board by majority in reality, and these are not Sup Forumsacks trolling us.
These are Bernies 16 year old non voters shitposting and our mods allowing it because for YEARS they have been trying to shut Sup Forums and Sup Forums and /fit/ and anything not-feminine down.
I've seen this exact sentence in 7 threads now.
Are you all sitting next to each other in cubicles staring at a SCRUM board?
user, I'm serious. Get your origami shit off my board.
I figure if I just keep posting it others will catch on and spam the shills off this fucking site.
Nice try CTR.
Oh look, them admitting their hate for us and their desire to subvert our boards in order to shut them down.
I wonder how a group with opinions like that would react to a mass raid of radical leftist shitposting teenagers.
didn't catch me the first time? fuck off shill
Probably by A banning people for reporting the shitposts to both remove the actual Sup Forumsacks and protect those destroying the board
>1 post by this ID
and B by posting ransomware viruses etc on the board and leaving it up for over an hour despite being bombarded with reports.
Dont get a ransomware virus from the Sup Forums mods. Be careful.
I'm actually voting for her and I like antagonizing retards.
ctr isn't real
prove me wrong
protip: you can't
Beware of Greeks Bearing Gifts
Yeah the delicious tears from trumpfags in denial is just too juicy.
ctr is not real
prove me wrong
protip: you can't
You're not fooling anyone with your concern trolling debt nigger.
you know their was a Hungarian on here that posted a gif of him opening up his paypal accountant with a 225 dollar donation from the clinton foundation right? he even admitted he was doing it for hillary and had to write the foundation a letter saying why he was suited for the job
It's fucking real. There is a 90+% chance that the Hill-poster is a shill, especially here but likely on Plebbit and Facebook as well. 2x4chan had a thread proving most pro-hill Facebook users were bots with stock photos so that site doesn't even have human supporters.
>Sorry, truth ran away to another board I wont mention
le 8gag army detected
Maybe you're right. Or might the real joke is pretending to be oblivious to the joke.
Either way you need to get off Sup Forums and pay your fucking denbts.
you have been deposited m'sir.
Sup Forums is the most important, influental and significant website on the internet right now. We're Killary's worst enemy. She sends hundreds of CTR shills after us but I will not yield.
This 100% does anyone have that thread image? I'll just go spam it in each shill thread.
Greek bro, i too vringe everytime i see poltards calling other people shill.
Even i myself did laughed by pretending to be a shill or creating some Hillary generals threads.
If CTR doesn't exist then why are there people who disagree with my opinions?
I've been here since fucking /new/ even during Romney shit this sort of shit did not happen as much. Yeah there were people having discussions in threads that were against Romney and Ron Paul but not this type of spam.
Go fuck yourself shill.
>realize that it's just Sup Forumsacks trolling other /po/acks
It's not in aggregate.
You must be new.
>Correcting the Record about Correct the Record
That's a big bonus coming to your acct
OP here
I wouldn't go to this board without flags though. So I'm not sure what your point is?
That's not how you sage.
I made 2 posts in this thread before you made this post, retard.
The fuck is "concern trolling"? I'm legitimately wondering if there's this many retards on this board.
Why the fuck would they hire anyone, much less a fucking Hungarian, to post on some Sup Forums board where there are tons of people who can't vote (non-Americans), and the few Americans are probably too lazy to vote and will vote Trump if they do anyway?
They'll get like, 100 votes for Hillary max from wasting time here, assuming they manage to convert a single person (they wont).
Also I don't see how saying CTR and Hillary Shills on this board don't exist and that it's just trolls makes me pro-Hillary. If anything I'm saying you'd have to be a troll to shill for Hillary.
Anyway, from the looks of it there are people who know this is a troll/jump in on the troll (honestly it's sort of tempting like says) but there's a scary number of dumbfucks that think it's actually real.
Not saying CTR doesn't exist outside of Sup Forums. I wouldn't be surprised at all if they spent time "correcting" more mainstream messageboards like Reddit. I just don't think they'd waste time here.
But reddit has ten times the traffic the whole of Sup Forums has
>I've been here since 2012 but fall for blatant trolls
Sure thing buddy
hint: it's the mass influx of redditors
the_donald put Sup Forums in the spotlight
And it seems they are here to stay. They come here to post things they can't on reddit. Can the donald be destroyed?
I'm sorry I'm getting really sick of it. The mods really aren't doing there job when it comes to this spamming shit that CTR or these whomever. This is shit is just as bad as fucking pony or avatarfagging. Its one thing to have some trolls throughout threads but this fucking shit is on another scale of fucking shit.
It's actually just the rest of Sup Forums trolling this very easily triggered board. Now that the echo chamber is no longer safe, everyone here is on edge about "shills" and "liberals" "raiding" their safe space. If they only knew that it's pretty much just the rest of us having a laugh at the expense of all the stupid paranoid fucks on here.
November is going to be glorious. I'm sure a lot of the posters on here will have to fuck off to cripplechan and reddit where they belong, after the severe ass pounding they're going to take.
People who have been here for a very long time know the difference.
JIDF shill
Yes, of course it happened. And obv it would be a Hungarian.
These shill try so hard and only cum stains are left on their lips.
Its like they work for jidf
It's both. Traffic to this site jumped up right after CTR was hired to correct records.
I can confirm that its both. i make fake CTR looking threads sometimes. im sure im not the only one
>People who have been here for a very long time
I love how all you r/thedonald cucks now pretend that you've been here a long time.
>JIDF shill
Then why are threads being deleted?
nice try shill
Can someone make one of these but for CTR?
>le echo chamber maymay xD safe space SJW xD xD
I like faggots like you who try their new buzzword theyve learned last week
literally name me 1 politic place on the whole internet who is more diverse politcally than pol
The problem is the massive r/thedonald reddit shills I agree with you on that point. Hopefully they'll go away for good after november
Appears to be auto response. Some ctr programmer getting an easy check probably
Probably because no one want's to read the 20th thread that day about the imaginary organization?
What is CTR?
If that was the case then the same would be happening to CTR shill threads "TRUMP BTFO" constantly. Go eat shit.
Get educated newfag
>we SRS whales are actually the true Sup Forums!
Sure thing redditor.
Yeah, I really don't understand how people fall for it.
The whole ">1 post by this ID" also makes no sense. Do people not realize that IDs are thread specific?
I don't even call people out on the stupid shill comments because I feel like a lot of people are in on the meme but there are definitely a lot of people who believe that people are paid to come to pol and post. Kinda sad really
>No one wants to read the 20th thread of x
It's not the mod's job to decide what gets discussed when and how often. That's censorship you fucking mongoloid. If people wish to talk about the thread or new pertinent information the thread will take off, if not it will slide.
When mods are deleting threads, there's a clear red flag.
So no, that's not how it works you fucking shill
>0.2$ has been deposited into your account.
>imaginary organization?
Did you even bother going to their fucking website or Googling it? What did you expect that Sup Forums just made the entire thing up and is counter shilling for "lulz"? Are you actually brain damaged? Your reality that you've substituted is even more fucked then what's actually happening somehow, which is odd because usually people opt for the least fucked and least complicated fantasy when constructing one.
Either way, you're a moron and this is the definition of a shill thread
>No new sources
>Nothing new to bring to the table
>Just a post and an opinion being asserted
>N-N-No g-g-guys b-b-believe me, it's it's it-i-i-it's all fake, all r-r-rolep-p-plaiyng, guis-s-sss.
What the fuck is an srs?
Also, cool Reddit screencap bro, I'm sure you've never been on there right ; )
crct_4ch_pol_2a_responses: "Jesus, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail.
Hi Rebbit.
>You guys realize that it's just Sup Forumsacks trolling other /po/acks and are just going along with it for fun, right?
Jesus Christ, this woman is not suitable for the role of President. She is a fanatic and a racist whore, and belongs in jail...