>Leak DNC mails
>Get shot
Assange just suggested in an interview with Dutch television that Seth Rich (a DNC staffer) was the source behind the DNC leaks. He was assasinated a few weeks ago by the Clinton clique.
Seth Rich confirmed as DNC leaks source
Other urls found in this thread:
What about Shawn?
Is this not a big deal?
Dude how fucking stupid are you?
Hillary has gotten away with so much already, do you really think this will have ANY impact at all?
It's fucking done, the most rigged election in the US in history. Hillary could go on stage and take a shit on the US constitution and flag, and people WOULD STILL PRAISE HER FOR PERFORMANCE ART
You guys, and us as an extension, are FUCKED. It's ogre now, for real. Trump stands no chance in the face of Shillary.
I really really wish it wasn't rigged, but it is. Prepare your butts for war, once Hillary tries taking guns away its all over for the gubment.
What recourse do you have when the entire political and legal apparatus simply decides to -not- do their fucking job and apply the law equally to everyone regardless of status?
So the HRC campaign guns down the DNC staffer who leaked the emails and Donald Trumps comments on the 2nd Amendment make him dangerous?
Thanks for link.
He died for her sins
I wouldnt worry about it goyim
what ever happened to that lawyer who set up a fail safe if he was assassinated?
I'm pretty dumbfounded. The email crap obviously contained tons of illegal shit, but it's pretty hard for the average person who doesn't work in secure environments to understand that.
If Assange has legitimate proof that Seth Rich was the DNCLeak source, how is that something that can just be ignored?
seth rich is the russian haxxor???
Tja. When the interviewer asked, "was he one of your sources?", the slight nodding movement of JA's head speaks volumes.
Bumping this link for the love of kek
The only possible explanation is that every single iota of firepower is getting saved up for Monday, November 7th since the public's attention span is less than a gnat's.
>October surprise
The media would also spin this were this to come out any sooner.
That would explain why he is holding off on his newest leaks - they are reviewing what led to Seth's identity being spoiled.
he definitely let it slip that it was him, why else would he bring it up.
thats fucking crazy m8s
complain on the internet
I really think the Clinton Campaign is close to imploding.
Screwing over Bernie was just one 2x4 in the House Of Clinton.
At what point does all the damage, lies, deceit, murders, payoffs, fraud, paid shills, simply become too much and it all starts collapsing?
We've never seen a candidate so built on a framework of lies.
i feel like hillary is going to start ww3 sooner and trump was the 'let them fight' candidate.
let them fight meaning the americas let the european continent fall to shit.
1. Somethings got to give....
why hasn't alex jones mentioned this? or am i not finding it?
Wikileaks has put a token reward out too
Very fishy for Assange to imply that he may have been the leaker. Very
I'd watch this closely
Fishy like Assange is baiting, or fishy like he still can't reveal his sources (even dead ones)?
Holy fuck now even China is saying that we are corrupt. It is over.
You expose the Central Banks of the world to the common man of all colors.
When all the common men know that "Whom ever prints the money controls all users of that money," the fun begins!
Keep in mind if you go down this road: When the powers that be feel threatened they will try to taunt you into violent action. If you fall for that, they will have their excuse to take every more rights away from you and everyone else.
Keep educating as many people as you reasonably can. Don't fall for the Hot Head Traps that are trying to get you to explode with rage.
Fishy in that he thinks the official story is wrong.
Fix the problem today!
Vote Trump 2016~
>hot head traps
msm is baiting the hooks 24/7
What happens to you if I post this picture and it is permanately stored in your browser cache?
Well we all knew this. Hopefully others will now too.
Could it not just be a delayed reaction, and the head nod was just him listening to the question?
Suddenly I realize the weight it carries.
Haunting. Thanks for poasting.
WikiLeaks offering money for tips that lead to conviction - that has to be the first time I've heard of such an offer from them. Must be because they know something we don't.
This is fucking nuts.
>tfw you thought this was just a meme
>we want the murder inc. audience
chill down hilldogs
Wikileaks is dumping more hillary info in october. It will most likely be a link between her and weapons being sold to isis.
If they can realise info on this as well then October is going to be one hell of a month. November will be even better.
lol the """"official story"""" is that he was killed during a robbery
yet he had his phone, watch, and wallet on him, untouched
yet his body was bruised and beaten, before he was shot
The October surprise is going to crucify Hillary. Trump will win in a landslide.
screencap this
This is bullshit. There's literally no proof of this besides some internet shitheads word. Post again when you have actuall proof. Sage.
The media will ignore it and she will still win. We are a cucked, multicultural nation with no hope. It only gets worse after she wins
Julian Assange is an internet shithead?
Proof that he was murdered you mean? Ridiculous. You mean proof that JA suggests Rich was murdered by Clinton hit-men, just watch the video. The reporter interviewing him seems to think Assange suggests so.
Don't bet your eggs on it. We are all expecting a political earthquake.
The Russians want Trump to win. Why would they kill such a good source of ammo?
wikileaks and assange are household names now. Even if the lamestream media doesnt pick up on it people will know through twitter or their facebook feeds. Something like this can not be contained.
Jesus Christ you people are being retarded. You think it's more logical that the woman poised to be the next president of the united states, who has been the secretary of state and the first lady, had someone who might have said somthing assassinated than him being killed in a robbery in a crime ridden area? You're literally gobbiling all off assanges bait, you're gonna feel pretty stupid when nothing happens because Hillary dodn't actually kill anyone.
This just makes me want vote Hillary harder. It shows that she has the toughness to get rid of our enemies. I feel like Trump would shit his pants on difficult situations where someone needs to be vanished.
they are already setting it up that its the russians making stuff up
Interesting how it was already common belief that it was foul play before Assange said anything, faggot.
People are murdered in robberies a lot. Just because some people died doesn't mean there's some huge conspiracy going on, occams razor my dude.
hahaha, sure thing buddy.
0.03 has been added to your bitwallet
Thanks for ctr
People in robberies have their belongings stolen a lot, when someone killed in a "robbery" still has all of their belongings, it reeks of foul play.
Occam's razor that, my dude.
>Seth Rich
why are you even here? would you say you feel strong about "correcting the record"?
>it was already common belief that it was foul play before Assange said anything
By conspiracy theorists on the internet. Seriously, just think logically for a second. If Hillary was a dangerous murderer there would be a lot of evidence to convict her with as we know she's not very good with secrecy or security. There has been nothing to suggest thst she's killed political oponents, that's lunacy.
Funny as fuck, the establishment are so fucking stupid sometimes when it comes to assassinating people.
It's like the MI6 agent/spy that was found killed in his own suitcase, they said it was suicide and he wrapped himself in the case.
Just can't get good assassins these days can they? All dat gibsmedat and they still fuck up. Useless shits, I'd get the job done better and work for less cash!
After you shoot someone you gotta get out of there, they probably just booked it. That's why they call it a robbery gone wrong.
No faggot, I wouldn't have said "common belief" if it weren't common belief. I never said anything about Hillary, I only said that the murder was more than just a robbery.
You think logically for a second, if this guy was robbed, why the hell did he still have all of his belongings?
No, they just know what we have suspected. Clinton has people assassinated.
Yeah because Hillary's been shown to be tech savy enough to think to hire people to manipulate information on the internet. Neck yourself.
Bullshit, you're implying too much. You're the one invoking Occam's Razor, but you're making too many logical leaps
No one is saying hillary actually did the murder, you fucking tard. Like she just sat on the 15th floor of a building accorss the street and pulled up a sniper rifle...
No, the obvious theory is that she hired a hitman, or someone involved with the dnc hired a hitman, which would have been done off the black market, most likely depweeb, and would be untraceable. The bigger conspiracy would be that she had members of the fbi or cia paid off, but occams razor suggests the first. Its not that crazy at all, when you think of all the shady people that are linked to the DNC.
>You guys, and us as an extension, are FUCKED
yeah but how are we fucked just because an incompetent criminal gets elected? it's happened before and we were fine
Who knows, I'm not the giy that tried to rob him and I'm not gonna try and know his mentallity, it just makes no sense to think it's more likley that someone was killed in a presidential conspiracy than a normal failed robbery that happens thousands of times daily. Who knows, it could have been a gang initiation or somthing.
At which point are you going to realise that I never said that Hillary was involved?
All I said is that the official story doesn't add up. He was supposedly robbed, yet his face, hands and knees are bruised, he has two shots to his back and all of his belongings were still on his person. It's incredibly suspicious and the official story doesn't add up.
The fucking deep web lol. So we think that Hillary Clinton, who wasn't even able to keep e-mails or rigging secret, is able to and has had people murdered by paid assains and paid off multiple government agencies AND kept it all secret with no one leaking any info? It sounds pretty out of the realm of possibility compared to a more logical explination. I'm not saying she's a saint, she's far from it, but she's not a murderer.
How can God continue to allow this evil woman to prosper? I have faith in God. Something tells me his justice is coming soon to this evil woman.
Of anything it's indicitive of shoddy police work, not some conspiracy
>implying people keep a paper trail for murders
Even for a shill you are fucking retarded
The sheer number of people who have died around her is evidence enough of her guilt
Phone, wallet, money credit cards, all left at the site of the crime.
Victim had efensive wounds and appeared to be beaten, or, tortured before death.
Yah, fuckin robbery, shill the record.
You really don't want it to be anything more than what it supposedly appears, do you have a reason for that?
Will someone please find me a CF or DNC check written to snopes?
Snopes was legit back in the day, which only made them a prime target for this kind of shit.
they had a segment about it today with Joe Biggs
I hope so. Otherwise I may just end of going full fedora.
It doesn't have to be her it just needs to be some government official or officials who are going to great lengths to protect her.
Spotted the CTR shill.
I just want you to know something.
If this man was murder as part of a conspiracy, and then here you are defending his killers, then you are also guilty of his murder.
There's a special place in hell for you.
You and all your evil cronies will face judgement
Hillary is a murderer. Everyone with even half a brain knows this. She has others do her dirty work. Have you been living under a rock?
Killed in a "failed robbery" but wasn't robbed of anything? If you're going to take somebody's life in an attempt to rob them but leave their wallet and jewelry despite being easy to take since they're a corpse that's not a failed robbery. That's not a robbery at all.
Stop it with this jewish robbery theory. You fucking kikes with your forked tounges like to spin lies into truths and pray on the ignorance of others in an attempt to cunningly persuade them of what you want them to believe. Yes you yid shits are good at it but it doesn't work on everybody. Fuck I hate you ashkenazi circumcised cocksuckers so much. Give us one good reason not to cause a real holocaust. There are at least six million reasons to make it happen for real this time. None of that Zyklon B pesticide unviable inefficient shit with wooden doors that aren't locked or hermetically sealed. Or my favorite, diesel exhaust. Lol
Not an argument friendo, and do you really think that no one would have come forward and said somthing about Hillary by now? There is not even enough evidence to put her under suspicion, much less incrimidate her beyond reasonable doubt.
See also Enjoy your time in hell you human garbage
Where would the shoddy police work have been? In that he still had all of his belongings on him, or that he had bruises all over himself? It's easy to leave facts out, but to intentionally add false information to a report? Really?
Why is our government so corrupt? Is there anything a citizen can do to fix it?
She actually has been accused of murder by several people, including relatives of her victims
Also Tick-tock fucker.