say what you want about Trudeau but the guy is handsome as fuck! is that the only reason why people voted for him?
Fucking leafs!
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He looks like a fucking woman...
No, they voted for him because we were sick and tired of his predecessor.
it's all good until the pozz gets you in the end
Is that even human?
He was literally voted in because of undelivered weed. I guess all those people in jail for marijuana offences are just going to have to wait until he takes just a few more selfies.
There were people I knew who were just turning voting age and do you know what they did? They asked on Facebook who they should vote for, and gave their vote away for popularity.
I doubt they even understood the platform or the deficits Trudeau said he was going to do.
Sexy asf
can't wait for the new conservatives to completely BTFO the libs next election.
The conservatives, though the clearly superior party, had their heads too far up their ass and needed that last election to bring them back.
with that jawline?
he's a shitty person but don't pretend he's ugly just because you don't like him
Oh come on, this is the same everywhere. We dodged a bullet in our last presidential elections, where a pro-globalist candidate aimed his brainwashing propaganda at young people and almost won. Fortunately the Czechs are still pretty based and elected Zeman.
The proof that looks mean nothing. Trudeau has looks of an ancient Greek hero, yet he's such a massive faggot.
Jonathan Joestar ?
A Romanian woman, you mean.
This is why the Liberals won. I voted ndp fwiw.
There is nothing wrong with Trudeau. I voted for him and I don't regret a thing. Y'all are haters and chronic masturbators. Moon man and Ben " I'm a racist piece of trash" Garrison has infected this board.
not as handsome as young Stalin
>the mind of the average female voter
Yeah, probably
You don't speak for me
holy fuck that man is gorgeous
>Trudeau has looks of an ancient Greek hero, yet he's such a massive faggot
in that respect he is like Alexander the great?
Are you trying to give me a seizure or PTSD? What is wrong with you and this board? G*d damn this board id full of ignorant assh*les...
His face is a lot wider than this now
Do people's faces widen with mid age? It seems common
yeah it dose
That's what (((You))) get.
Fuc*ing assh*le STOP RIGHT NOW! It is NOT funny! Your so immature you selfish egotistical jerk off!
>talk to a canadian grill
>she tells me that she is voted for him because he is hot and that lots of other girls she know did the same, and its like 2016 and other candidate was like literally Hitler
>loose most of respect for fucking leafs
You're right, my bad. Have this nice gif.
Yes. They put on weight as they age. Skin and muscles also lose some of their elasticity, and hang more flaccidly than young, firm skin.
Don't say that Rusbro. I bought a VDV Telnyashka from you guys and everything.
Honestly, there wasn't a single major federal party during the last election I liked the platform of. Conservatives were trying to sell the country out from underneath of us, Liberals were promising big but everyone knew the weren't going to deliver, not just due to their history of not delivering, but the fact they don't deliver and make things worse somehow by doing nothing. NDP are straight up communists and the Greens are crypto commies who think the only thing wrong with the country is we don't have enough wind farms and bike paths. Bloc Quebecois has the right talking points about preserving culture and their way of life, unfortunately they only give a fuck about the french portion of Canada and as far as they're concerned the rest of the country could burn down so long as it kept receiving equalization payments from Alberta. Canada doesn't produce anything anymore aside from maple syrup and smug fuck SJW's in the GTA.
This system isn't working, it's broken, and it's why we now have an ex-substitute drama teacher as PM. You know why he was a substitute? Because he wasn't even good enough to be a full time teacher, and now he's running the goddamned country based on his last name alone.
The country is fucked and I pray to whatever higher powers there are out there we get annexed by the United States, because we clearly can't govern ourselves.
Fuc*ing EW! You son of a bitch!you're lucky I don't get my Tumblr pals to go after you. K*ll yourself you piece if sh*t!
Handsome? He looks like a fucking girl!!!
I think you tried to hard to sell that one. 3/10 at best.
I dare you to call me a girl one more time!!
Sell what? Sell candy bars sell shoes sell stocks like your precious conservative party?
At least the conservatives would get something in return. Trudeau is more than happy to give our money away for nothing in return but pats on the back.
He he asks for nothing in return is the bigger man
i lost all faith in anything canadian when a bunch of fucking KEKS OF CANUKS voted the NDP in for alberta
Except for the fact he is running a country and not his own personal affairs. If he wants more Canadians in the poor house/ food banks so he can give money to foreign powers "in need", that's an issue.
I love Canada its so fuc*ing awesome. Home of poutine, syrup, beer, and bacon.
We also voted for him cause he's alpha as fuck. Watch him beat the shit out of a conservative dudebro senator.
When is he going to fight again? I love watching him move
Hope you have your vaseline handy
I love Trudeau. Fucking nailed it right in the face LOL.
Girl in the pic is kinda hot in homely way. 4/10 Would still fug though. Got more pics? or sauce?
>leaves the undershirt and pants on
JT is also the best North American leader and candidate currently
He is intellectual (almost on par with European politicians), bilingual, respectful, nice, handsome, low body fat, immaculate diplomatic and political image abroad, talks at a White person volume, is empathetic, has a substantial platform all about helping people and alleviating suffering. He is by far the most westernized colonial leader in this hemisphere.
He was ruthlessly grilled over a very minor "gaffe" about the Baltic nations which was misinterpreted. Meanwhile Trump spews factoids, vulgar gaffes, embarrassing retardation and gangster-like threats each day