Thread for discussion of Anti-Communism, Far-Right, Traditionalism, and European Identity. Share links, reading, videos
> "But in the face of these obstacles, blows, intrigues and persecutions, assaulting us from every direction, having this terrible feeling of aloneness, having nowhere to turn, we opposed all this with a firm determination to die. "The death team" is the expression of these inner feelings of the legionary youth throughout the whole country, to receive death; its determination to go forward, through death." -Corneliu Zelea Codreanu
Do not engage with OP in any form! This is a paid shill post, its only purpose is to flood this board with pro-hillary shit. Leave this thread immediately, DO NOT REPLY AT ALL, even if OP tries hard to bait you. They are being PAID to waste your attention.
ADD THIS USERSCRIPT TO GREASEMONKEY (FIREFOX) OR TAMPERMONKEY (CHROME): raw codepile net/pile/zDLkPQNw (replace spaces with dots)
lol the ideology utterly failed and cratered, let it die instead of trying to frankenstein it you wehraboo fucks.
>unironically trying to spread propaganda, while calling it propaganda.
actually just kys, you're beyond help.
Adrian Flores
What the fuck does natsoc have to do with Hillary, you newfag leaf, and what the fuck does Canada care about US elections? Get fucked poowindaloo. You have to go back.
Camden Cook
>lol the ideology utterly failed and cratered It's literally the ideology of the US under FDR, you historically illiterate trash. You're so brainwashed by ZOG propaganda, you think that war was fought over ideological difference.
Oh, but I'm certain you already know all about any "delusions" I'd have to share with you. Surely you can enlighten us about how FDR's administration was on par with a nat soc type regime?
That's definitely a new one for me, and it's unlikely I'm alone on that.
Kayden Wright
Oh look, you got a little "anti-stormfag" folder. You're not a shill at all.
But this is not true. Nazism was about the supremacy of the "aryan race" over others races, others whites included. They considered the slavs, blonds people with blue eyes, a race to be enslaved or eliminated.
Benjamin Lewis
Ideologies don't die, that's just silly. We might as well say Communism is dead because the USSR fell. Have a windmill friend!
Dylan Martinez
>Nazism was about the supremacy of the "aryan race" over others races, others whites included More Jewish propaganda. "Aryanism" was an ethno-linguistic racial identification. See "Indo-Aryan Migration Theory". 'Whiteness" is a modern liberal (Jewish) racial classification based on aesthetics and appearance, just like Nordicism was -- that was the racial identification often confused with Aryanism. Aryans include all Europids, east and west, including some central asians like non-arab Persians. It's funny how these Jewish propaganda myths seem to eternal. All public education is full of such dildo myths. >They considered the slavs, blonds people with blue eyes, a race to be enslaved or eliminated. Quote the paragraph in Mein kampf where he says this about Slavs. I'll wait.