Trump owned it

Trump owned it.

He spoke the truth.

He said what everyone is thinking.

DNC and Media are flipping out and spinning so fucking hard. It's hilarious.

Other urls found in this thread:

What did he say?

Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail.

Yeah, the uncucked masses will survive this shit. The media is a joke and they are shilling to the lowest common denominators that still use them as a source of news. Unluckily for them those lowest common denominators don't even vote.

it is truely sugoi

2nd amendment should be used as it was intended; to protect the constitution.

Basically that translates to GTKRaHoWa now

You sound like a child

if Shillary appoints liberal justices who try to grab guns, rise up with your guns

It's literally the next step if they steal the election for Hillary. She has zero support and we all know it. They leave us no choice if they take away our right to throw the bums out. Then the bullets start flying.

What did he say user?

You guys know you're just gonna turn this into an ironic meme, right?

Or is it already an ironic meme?

>0.7 cents was added to your account

Autocrat Trump would definitely protect the constitution.

>He spoke the truth.
No he didn't you slanted little cunt. Fuck off into your circle jerk faggot.

he would protect the parts that matter ;^)

That if Hillary is elected and packs the court with leftists, the only people who will stand and do anything about it are the "second amendment people".

All of our founding fathers were "second amendment people", and none of them had any qualms about going to war against tyranny.

this is an adult board kiddo. Sorry.

Thank you for
√Correcting The Record™

If you kill the degenerate half of the country, then the remaining government will be for the people, by the people. It just makes sense.

>slanted little cunt
Ausnigger with a proxy?

Its a meme, it's being posted in every thread.

Wow the fucking shills aren't even trying anymore and using copypasta

I hope Trump supporters arent genuinely so ignorant they think he actually wants someone to shoot Hillary, that wasn't what he said at all and the media are spinning it to mean something else.

"President Hillary Clinton"

Get used to hearing those words.

you'll be one of the first to starve

good goy

It's like... Fuck

They're so blatantly obvious, yet they don't care.

dead people can be no presidents. fuck off and die you jewish pieces of shit.

good monkey control

burn the witch


The madman is unstumpable.

In 6 months all of Sup Forums will be pretending they never really supported Trump and it was all ironic/trying to bring down the system/shits and giggles.

She's clearly going to be president, whether or not you found pictures of what might be an epi-pen, diaper, or whatever.

go back to your sandnigger hole and get bombed by hamas.

LOL, this ignorant motherfucker is done. There aren't enough uneducated racist xenophobes to win this election.

They're not even trying anymore

>implying the silent majority won't rise

You can't just rule over people. Ten thosuand years and we haven't learned this. If she gets elected, it won't last.

America's just not ready for an orange man to be president.

Sounds like what people said about obongo 8 years ago.

Anyone got the original?

I think the best political candidate for president is the one who isn't afraid to say, "if the system is corrupt then rise up against it, by any means."

Accidentally posted this in a new thread

>trump calls for hillary to be assassinated
>trump handlers shit themselves and try to backpedal as fast as possible
man you trumpshills have it rough

I'm voting for Trump because I'm never voting for the cunt. We don't need a Merkel here thank you, that woman is an abject disaster and I will do whatever I can to keep her out

so yes I support Trump. I don't care if actually tells someone to assassinate Hillary in exactly those words.

Too bad he hasn't said that. Instead he said a bunch of other ignorant shit.

>tfw get horny learning about mating habits of lizards

Not at all. Sup Forums was overwhelmingly behind Ron Paul (we tend to like borders and minimal interventionism) and Romney was widely derided.

Hillary! Hillary! Hillary! Hillary! Hillary! Hillary! Hillary! Hillary! Hillary! Hillary! Hillary! Hillary! Hillary! Hillary! Hillary! Hillary!Hillary! Hillary! Hillary! Hillary! Hillary! Hillary! Hillary! Hillary! Hillary! Hillary! Hillary! Hillary! Hillary! Hillary! Hillary! Hillary!

all the relentless fake outrage is going to backfire on the news media. people are going to be sick and tired of it by november.

So, you deny evolution then do you? How about you kill yourself.

Tell me how leaving issues up to the states makes him an autocrat. Ill wait. Might be awhile.

These are two extremely different cases and people.

Why is Correct the Record only staffed with white people?

A fucking bong having an opinion on anything "suitable" in the states. Choke on your tea and god fuck the queen.

Nice copypasta

That piece of shit certainly knows how to push deniability right to the edge. Suggesting that someone should assassinate your political rival ought to be enough to land you in prison, but he kept it vague enough that he's probably safe from that.

I don't think this is any worse than claiming the election is rigged, though - that is basically an attempt to bring America's elections down to Africa-tier, where every election has a clear path to civil war.

it's pathetic to witness the spin machine fabricate an event and reaction kek

this awoo is very cute

Remember when Hillary talked about Obama getting killed back in 08?

Non sequitur much?

But that's exactly what he said.

Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail.

>Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail.
Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail.

>Jesus Christ, this person is not suitable for the role of President. They are a fanatic and a partisan, and belong in jail.

the whole "trump's gona lose"- meme is so god damn forced and shitty

Hate when shitty meme magicians try their hand at our noble craft...
All their meme's are shit!

this right here?

So Trump literally called for the assassination of his political opponent and you idiots still trust him to have his finger on the nuclear button? Wow...

They cant handle the Trumpede

19th underwater Majong. Now, if the media calls for stripping away the second amendment he can say "you see folks! These people are tyrants who want to take away our constitutional rights! So much for Mr. Khan and his constitution!"



Don'you mean "media continues to call for stripping away the second amendment" user?

Well not exactly, but it can certainly construed that way.
Honestly the way I took it was he just wants people who support the 2nd amendment to get out, and vote.


Jesus, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail..

The Left in this country has to be the most sensitive pussies or the biggest scumbags I've ever seen. They will twist and distort anything you say.

This country is finished.

If we were ignorant enough to fall for the media's lies, we wouldn't BE Trump supporters.


In politics, this is what is called a "dog whistle". It is a phrase that will be interpreted one way by the public, and another way by those in the know.

When a politician says "Second Amendment Solution" to x, they mean "Someone should step up and shoot x in the face"

It's not a dog whistle when everyone interprets it the "secret" way.

kek. how much media outrage was there?

>they mean "Someone should step up and shoot x in the face"
You don't know that though.
Also when is all the times this scenario you speak of happened?
You know just for reference sake, because you're implying it happens a lot.

We don't say slanted

Lol Trump totally owns! lol


I'd be proud of you but since your a leaf I know your liberal intent by your ambiguous post.

The meaning of course as I said here

This dog don't hunt

There's no confusion about what this means. Some years back in Nevada, Harry Reid was running against a Tea Party loon named Sharron Angle. She said the same thing, that the Harry Reid problem needed a "Second Amendment Solution".

Her supporters knew exactly what she meant. She was telling them that somebody should step up and shoot Harry Reid dead. She lost the election from this and other Trump-level fuckups.

How this was a bad move? Anyone who believes in the founding father's principles agrees 100% with Trump

Demcucks need not reply

Holodeck parrises squares with no safeties engaged

Link, niggers?

Trust me a lot more people need to be shot including Hillary.

That's why everyone is in an uproar.

"If you throw a stone into a pack of dogs... The one that yelps, is the one that got hit"

The system is corrupt to the core. Panic has set in.


crct_4ch_pol_2a_responses: "Jesus, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail."

100% agree

This is the year we've been waiting for for over 5 decades.

Thank God for Donald J. Trump

MSM are on full damage control it's funnny as hell

This is just another nonissue blown up by the media and hysterical libshits. His statement would be utterly uncontroversial in a sane world. The Crone has been responsible for the deaths of countless millions at home and abroad. Fuck her.


Don't come to our country then. Pussy ass shitskin.

Why don't any of the shillniggers post the actual vid?

I just saw this exact post in another thread, here CTR Shill, take my reply and get some $$$


quit being lazy.

If you guys aren't enjoying the shitlib tears rn I don't know what you're doing with your afternoon.