Let's talk about Seth Rich, the murdered DNC staffer


Is wikileaks just chumming the water on this or is there a real connection?

When this happened I thought nothing of it other than "just another day in DC". He lived in a nigger-infested, but slowly gentrifying neighborhood called Bloomingdale. In the month prior, there were multiple armed robberies committed by at least two black males with a silver handgun always involved in the same nine-block area of Bloomingdale.

June 12th: popville.com/2016/06/about-the-police-activity-on-2300-block-of-1st-st-nw/
June 13th: popville.com/2016/06/another-armed-robbery-in-bloomingdale/
June 16th: popville.com/2016/06/not-a-good-night-in-bloomingdaleledroit-park/
July 5th: popville.com/2016/07/two-more-armed-robberies-in-bloomingdale-last-night/
On July 10th, Seth gets got: popville.com/2016/07/early-morning-shooting-in-bloomingdale/

The four prior incidents were muggings with property taken, but no one was injured. Seth was shot multiple times and all of his belongings remained on his person. He was conscious for a bit but no description of the perps ever made it out. Also, there hasn't been a single mugging or shooting in Bloomingdale since Seth's murder.

It doesn't get any more suspicious than this. Murder-for-hire? Opportunity killing in Bloomingdale during violent month already? I started on a timeline of when the leaks started happening, but so much has happened in the past two months that it started to make my head spin.

So...wtf, Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:


Way too convenient for it to just be a robbery. Also, bump.

Nothing, really? Fuck it then.

No, don't fuck it.


And then this pops up. Why doesn't WaPo dive into it? Does no one want to be a hero anymore? Figuring this one out could set them for life and put them on Woodward & Bernstein god-tiers.

unfuck it

>there were multiple armed robberies committed by at least two black males with a silver handgun always involved in the same nine-block area of Bloomingdale.

correct. but this was not a robbery nor does it resemble one. ((they)) want to steer the conversation towards robberies because the majority has no idea what is what

trying, and now here's another:

these fishy things are exactly the reason why wikileaks keeps pushing it and asks for further intel. lets hope that not all people involved got suicided and that they gather something somehow...

dunno if there are any golden info nuggets out in the open left to be picked up by us

WaPo is full of leftist shills. Even if they had cold hard evidence, they would keep it hidden to prevent Trump presidency.

imagine being someone with affiliations with the Clintons and Democrats

oh boy, you best hope you don't know anything about anything

"Join us...or die"


He mentions him and then says really nothing about him being a source. But I do like the game Assange plays.

I need to drop by the DNC HQ at quitting time soon just to see the general looks on staffer's faces. I'd be shocked if there were any smiles.

If there was ever a smoking gun...

This is like house of cards irl.

Wow, does she look completely evil in that pic.

I respected Assange a lot when he was just providing a neutral medium for whistleblowers to leak info.

Now that he's deliberately trying to attention whore and insert himself into US politics he seems like a fucking faggot.

recent story: fox43.com/2016/08/03/death-of-dncs-seth-rich-remains-a-mystery/

Look at the guy...there's no way he was a lib. He was trying to bring it down from the inside and ended up getting got.

He died for her sins.

he's always been an attention whore faggot though
but he does more good than bad, or at least he seems to if you have any democratic principles at all

yeah, as in the biggest takedown of corruption in the history of America

he's the source for the DNC leaks.

hillary lies
people die
her and bill have more bodies than the Kennedy's family

Who walks thru a shitty DC neighborhood at 4:20am while yakking on their phone? A DC neighborhood that had had four armed muggings in the past month? Seth was obviously a smart enough guy.

Why not corroborate the story with this "woman" and tell it in the paper to at least make the conspiracy angles go away?

Also, Dad "thinks"

Is that real? Did Assange really reveal the source?

if this is true, then of course he had the skills to put some emails on flash drive



NVM I watched the video. He did not reveal the source but hinted that it might have been him or someone close to that guy.


Assange brings Seth up in this interview without even naming him and the reporter takes it from there, immediately playing it down.

You are just mad that he's correcting the record.

Don't get me wrong I definitely think this guy is the leak I simply stated that Assange did not point Blank admitted it. He just hinted it by bringing it up.

I mean, if he was the leak, why would Assange hide it? Who would be hurt by that being open knowledge at this point? The guy is dead so it's not like they can kill him, Assange seems like a big picture kind of guy so I can't see him caring if they killed Seth's family. I don't see any reason to not out unless Seth was not the leak. Maybe Hillary was wrong and preemptively pulled the trigger on Seth?

To not scare of new whistleblowers. Assange did the right thing.

It's definitely possible that Seth Rich was the leak but also that Julian Assange has no actual proof/evidence of it. If that is the case, and if Assange made that claim without having any evidence to back it up, his credibility could be damaged.

Not sure what that matters though.

And before this dies, notice how the CTR shills don't blastpost on threads with actual news like this one so that it'll quickly fade away into the archives.

It's also after business hours throughout the country now. CTR activity dies down a ton on weekends/nights.

I was thinking, it's also possible that Julian Assange doesn't actually know the source of the DNCLeak at all. If I were going to leak something that dangerous, I would arrange a dead drop of a thumb drive without ever meeting anyone in person or revealing my identity.

Clinton did it


>It's definitely possible that Seth Rich was the leak but also that Julian Assange has no actual proof/evidence of it.

Bingo. Wikileaks provides anonymity to their leakers. WL don't know who leaked the DNC emails to them, but they suspect it was Seth.

mfw if it was clinton


Rot in Piss scum.

CTR shill detected.

>hillary lies
>people die

You people should have put two and two together when Bill was in the whitehouse was trying to fight off the drug trafficking charges in Mena Arkansas

>thread created 2 hours ago
>42 replies

Trying his best to stop shillary from ruining the country. A fucking faggot? I don't think so m80. He's in a position to make a difference and he's giving it a go.

He doesn't even live here and he's trying to save us from that evil bitch. Sounds like a good person to me.

There's another thread that has more post.Also accidental sage.