ITT we theorize why Drumpft keeps shooting himself in the foot
ITT we theorize why Drumpft keeps shooting himself in the foot
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I am changing my support from Donald Trump to Hillary Clinton.
Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail.
1. he's a plant
2. he doesn't actually want the responsibility of being president
3. he's an absolute idiot
I'm going for 3
>implying he has
obligatory sage
>1 post by this ID
He should start selling Trump Breads, because he is TOAST!
trump isn't real
prove me wrong
protip youcan't
shill alert
We don't need a theory, i have the truth
> presidents are no more than zionist puupets
> they pick their two candidates but already have one decided
> elections are there to further deceive and divide the masses
> hillary is selected to be president
> she gets pushed by all news outlets
> she needs actual support so it doesn't seem so fishy
> other candidate makes themself look like a fool to hurt their polls
Thats the jist of it
Every pres is a plant
He's right. Trump has been low energy for a while now and keeps making himself an easy target.
I think he's just trying to pull out at this point and doesn't care about the presidency after seeing what you really have to go through to become one.
All shill threads are to be converted to shrines for KEKs greatness. Bless me KEK.
>He should start selling Trump Breads, because he is TOAST!
Pretty much this. Trump is here only to appear as if she has any opposition, or going further the rabbit hole, expose the crimethinkers.
>confronted with the truth, the frightened drumpftling is helpless. It's overwhelming inadequacy and lack of a triple digit IQ forces it to mumble the same automated response they have to everything that makes them upset
He's going to win. You know it. That's why they pay you to be here shilling.
Also Trump live:
i love all these shill threads its create here have a bumperino
To be honest I don't think he actually wants to be president.
I mean just look at how he's running his 'campaign'. It's the laziest campaign ever.
My theory is that he's just in all this to promote his business. He's essentially running a marketing campaign.
One thing is for sure though: Trump is not stupid. He knows exactly what he's doing and how to draw all attention to him. Remember there is no such thing as bad publicity.
It's a shame though really. How he's willing to betray all his supporters and hand over the White House for his own personal gain. Hell, in hindsight even El Rato seemed like a better choice.
I really hope I'm wrong and he has some tricks up his sleeve, but I really doubt it.
Assange is the only thing carrying his campaign right now.
I think he's more worried about losing money from his businesses now that he's labeled everything negative by the media.
Fuck Assange.
If he has anything he should come out with it and stop cock teasing.
Maybe he's doing it for monetary gain, I don't know, but I think it's better that the information is coming out slower since everyone in the US seems to have ADHD and would forget about everything the next day.
If he's constantly releasing information against her then people are reminded more often about why they shouldn't vote for Hilary.
He's got nothing. He's just an attention whore
he has a lot of stakes in boot companies and he is under the impression that if he buys more shoes he will be making more money
people need boots
What is more likely, Trump sabatoging his own campaign, or the liberally media ramping up its bias and slanderous reporting right after the convention?
He is losing his judgement as he ages.
I have a theory. Perhaps this is classic Art of the Deal. He says something controversial and outrageous and gets 24/7 media coverage. Then, after a day or two, he will claim something like "what I was saying was that the Second Amendment people will vote against Hillary."
The result? He got a free opportunity all over the media to make his name synonymous with the Second Amendment, thereby appealing to voters as the gun candidate, and forcing Hillary to appear to be the anti-gun candidate.
Classic Art of the Deal. Say something outrageous, gets major coverage, articulate the comment, and dominate the media. Hillary won't be discussed for days.
It's actually brilliant when you think about it. Trump is controlling the conversation and tricking the media to give him free publicity. People reading and watching the news will now associate him with gun rights and Hillary with gun control.
After this blows over, he will have manipulated the media into giving him free advertising. He can say "I'm the pro-gun candidate" all he wants, but it is tactics like these that reach every American.
Pro-gun Americans won't care about what he said, and many moderates will be able to accept the comments when he inevitably clarifies them and insists that he was referring to votes and not murder. He successfully brought gun rights to the national conversation. He gets the added bonus of making the media look bad.
He will call the media liars, and accuse them of making it seem Iike he was talking about murder when he wasn't. It plays right into his narrative that the media is corrupt, incompetent, and untruthful.
The media will be giving him free publicity for weeks. They will think that they are hurting him, but even the most liberal sources will be helping Trump solidify himself in the minds of voters as the sole pro-Second Amendment candidate. Hillary will be irrelevant for a long time, and she will be forced into the role of the anti-gun candidate, more than she already is.
Call me a tinfoiler, but my theory is...
He's a rich dumb spoiled narcissist with an ego the size of the moon. That personality can get you far in business, but in politics you have to at least PRETEND not to be a complete ass.
He didn't write a word of The Art of the Deal. His ghost writer has come out and said so.
Doesn't mean he didn't read it.
Keep reading
he is not the 28D yu gi oh genius you think he is
art of the deal wasn't written by him
he is going to lose
save your pasta for some good OC and not to defend a blowhard think skinned narcissist
He's playing 47289342834-D chess.
>he is not the 28D yu gi oh genius you think he is
Never implied he is, he is just using the tactics outlined in the art of the deal, which is a smart move since the media obviously eats it up. It's happened multiple times and he keeps doing it.
>art of the deal wasn't written by him
Doesn't mean he didn't read it.
>he is going to lose
Never implied he is going to win.
>save your pasta for some good OC and not to defend a blowhard think skinned narcissist
Not an argument.
Because he already knows Wikileaks has some shit to drop come October. He can basically say whatever he wants and become president.
He just can't fucking stop his mouth from running. Even when he has a script, he goes off script. He's addicted to playing the crowd, making the con, being a pro wrestler. He can't be controlled, he's easily baited, and it's ruining his campaign.
Trump wants to lose, he's scared shitless that he might actually win. That's why he's saying all these stupid things.
Nobody wants a job if they're not qualififed. I don't want to be a surgeon and Trump doesn't want to be president.
being this obvious
you mean why is most of the media putting out nonstop propaganda desperate to stop him
>smart move
yeah pretty smart, lots of exposure, except for that whole "9 points down" thingie, and if you think he or Assange have some "dirt" that will make people change their mind about not voting for a orange bufffoon, then I got a bridge to sell you
He isn't some media savvy wizard "playing the media": he is a fucking idiot. Christ, don't you people remember 2012 how much of a fucking idiot he came out as after the whole birther crap? nobody takes Trump (politically) seriously outside of this echochamber and r/thedonald
Let's be real here Sup Forums. This man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail.
Just start reporting the obvious paid shill threads.
>trump says thing
>media reports him saying completely opposite of thing
>haha trump just can't stop screwing up can he guys :^)
nothing he said was a "gaffe' it just gets spun as bad as possible so CNN can repeat it endlessly.
The more he lowers people's expectations of him, the more he will gain after destroying Clinton in the debates. He knows that a late lead is more beneficial than an early lead.
>muh safe space
>everyone who calls out trump for being an idiot must be a shill
>trump says idiotic thing
>(lets not even assume he meant to say what was reported, but I digress)
>media """"twists""""" his dog whistles
If he wanted to refer to people from the NRA/whatever using their voting power, he would've said so. Instead, he used the dog whistle tactic, which works for the intended audience but NEWSFLASH other people do pick up on it as well
you know it, you fucking trumptard
>he doesn't actually want the responsibility of being president
It's this.
Because he's a bit too arrogant...
You seem to be thinking you are talking with someone who supports Trump. You're not.
I just have a higher appreciation for his tactics which have worked time and time again all throughout this election. You should understand, Saul Alinsky knew you should never underestimate your enemy even if they are behind. Think back to BREXIT. The same kind of polls said remain was about where Trump was, but low voter turnout fucked the whole thing over. Us Democrats have an incredibly low voter turnout, so using fear on our own convincing people that he is gonna win would be a smarter alternative to encourage them to go to the polls, but we're not. We're too caught up in being ahead and baiting these assholes here. Trump, however, is selling his image well. No one honestly thinks he's gonna win, as you said. That's the problem, we need to think he is gonna win to overcome out largest problem.
Spamming of the board, sponsored or not is against the rules, but you already knew that.
>Trump, however, is selling his image well
he isn't tho, and that renders your trumptard wall of text invalid. but keep pretending you aren't a trump shill.
Who enables Muslims to murder Americans?
Are you trying to imply that serious discussion goes on here? The board literally revolves around the same bait and shitposts being spammed
You didn't read it all, did you? The image he wants isn't exactly a good one because he wants us to be calm and not expect him to win with his outrageous claims.
You make no arguments or say anything of importance. I doubt you are actually part of any movement and are instead in it for the keks.
>spend months and months pissing off everyone who isn't an uneducated white xtian male
yeah I'm sure that's going to work, eagerly expecting as to what drumpf pulls out of his magic bag
This place is a pile of shit, but there is always room for discussion in certain places. Some of the best political discussion came out of the early Zero Hour General threads, which died because ZHGOP fucked off. You can find good discussion, but you have to fucking look for it. You contributing to the shit only makes it shittier, which is counterproductive. Then again, I don't think you even want to speak about anything serious. You're only going through this shit to laugh, not to advance yourself as a character.
Again, refer back to my BREXIT example. Same thing happened and Farage backed the fuck out, until he won.
>, not to advance yourself as a character.
>thinking Sup Forums can advance character
CTR shill.
No u
Discussion can advance your viewpoints and help you ground your opinions better through debate. This is the perfect place to do so, since there is no censorship bias here. Give me a better place
exactly senpai. the guy is over 9000 interdimensional steps ahead
you bastard
>dog whistle
do you know how I know you're just trolling
You're right. This sounded to me like a dog whistle to the far-right and militia types. However, because it is a dog whistle (and a good one) it also can be interpreted as "Second Amendment supporters)
wtf I hate trump now
>outing yourself as an outsider
Trump is a rothschild zionist just like Hilary. He was put up to the job so that Hilary will be elected. No one ever anticipated he would come along as far as he has, so he has to try really hard to not get elected, that way Hilary (the chosen one) will become president.
We have no real choice in the USA, the Rothschild Zionists own everything major, the news stations, the banks, and the highest seats in politics. No matter who wins THEY win, but they do really want Hilary. So they tell Trump to look like a buffoon so that he won't get elected.