> thinks white people are inherently superior
> shares this opinion in shitposts on the internet
> will never be as successful at ANYTHING as Simone Biles
What's your fucking damage, Sup Forums?
> thinks white people are inherently superior
> shares this opinion in shitposts on the internet
> will never be as successful at ANYTHING as Simone Biles
What's your fucking damage, Sup Forums?
>AYO, why deez medallions dun come wit chains.
stupid nigger blow it out your ass
>starts training at age eight
i wonder how successful she'll be as a gymnast coach after her muscles aren't flexible anymore.
its funny how gymnists are small cause early training of muscles decreases long bone growth.
The greatest Olympic athlete of all time BY FAR is a white American Male
>black athletes are superior
>only successful blacks athletes are from white countries
Explain that dipshit
What happened to her face
Mmmmmm, does it rustle your jimmies to see the US represented in Rio by a strong black woman? You might not want to watch fencing, either.
Fast twitch muscle fiber.
Wow niggers sure can run fast and jump high! I'm sure their intelligence reflects this as well.
Literally BTFO by France.
Embarrassment T B H F A M.
jesus christ she's ugly.
How could anyone live in a country where 20% of the females are hideous niggers and the rest are obese?
Of course blacks are naturally physique. That is why we used them as slaves. Oh, and thanks for correcting the record.
We wuz Olympians n shiet
Seriously this.
Herp derp. Keiron Perkins won 3 or 4 golds for Australia in the 90s.
He now works selling mobile phones.
Gold metals don't mean anything in the real world.
Niggers wins something because white tell them how to do it
> Sir, you've got a call holding on line one. Says he's calling from Jamaica, about something you posted on the internet? Claiming to be Usain Bolt, fastest man in the entire world?
literally who?
blow it out your ass you stupid stinking nigger
White countries like Jamaica?
I think you mean ex-slaves.
they sell for about 20k on ebay.
price will probably be lowered as more niggers and 3rd worlders with no other way of making money win a greater and greater portion of them and thus flood the market
Actually, gold metal is pretty valuable.
I'd guess about $1400 per troy ounce.
Phelps has more medals and is white.
Try again.
Whites dominate swimming
Yes it's got him a few medals, all time great athlete. No Michael Phelps
they can't run a country for shit
They aren't solid gold. Just coated like chocolate coins.
And 20k is less than 1 years min wage.
what about the males?
>> will never be as successful at ANYTHING as Simone Biles
at least we will be more successful at not looking like a fucking ape
She looks like an ape.
Come here and try living in a society where the majority looks like her instead of shilling for race-mixing on the internet.
You'll want to go back in a week.
> muh Michael Phelps,
Yes, but you're NOT Michael Phelps. You're a dumb little shitposting cumstain, sitting in a moldy basement, and you STILL think you're better than something like half of the US Olympic delegation just because of the color of your skin.
Basically, you're all a bunch of racist idiots.
i think they're bretty small to
>no one over six foot
I could probably bench more then her
Does that count?
I know right, it's great isn't it. And she's so young too, kinda makes me want to market the shit out of her and split the profits 80/20 and tell her that she's gonna be a star.
It's alright, let the little nigglet be a star, but who do you think really runs the show?
>he thinks Sup Forums actually seriously believes in white supremacy
You must be new.
Hahahahahaha that fucking mongoloid face
Someone needs to learn
Cheetahs can run fast. Are they superior to humans?
Pathetic having the strong dump nigger winning for you at the Olympics.
>Your a bunch of racist idiots
Congrats, you're here with us
But she lost embarrassingly to the French fencer.
And It's not like athletes contribute to the advancement of society in any meaningful way anyways, and what's there to take pride in if you're from some multicultural soup? Racial pride makes a whole lot more sense than being proud of something achieved by someone who happens to be living within the same borders as yourself
Shes not Michael phelps either, or usain bolt. She will never earn enough money from sponsorship to live day to day, and all the time spent training instead of learning is going to leave her poor, with a failing body as she ages.
I'm sorry I can't ve some self-loathing cuck like you. Maybe if you took some pride in your race you wouldn't be so angry at people who do.
>white countries
fuck off with your white brand wewuzianism.
>contribute to the advancement of society in any meaningful way anyways
What's your contribution to society?
I just watched Serena Williams get destroyed by this weak chinned cracker from ukraine. Literal nigger tier eastern block.
Dumb nigger.
Can someone explain the American nigger muslim meme?
It's some sort of "lez go back to da time wen we wuz kangz" crap because da evil white man forced Christianity upon the slaves, right? Not like that makes sense, since West Africans were hardly muslim
>train for entire life to get a 20,000 dollar metal coin
shiggy wig, when they turn 30 its all over and no life skills hits hard
You're not her either, what's your point Tumblr? She's not the first gold medal winning black woman or anything anyways.
>No Michael Phelps
Usain Bolt's great. you nutriding faggots
I said he was an all time great, dummy, but he's not even a diverse track athlete like Carl Lewis, just a fast Jamaican
>all the time spent training
>with a failing body as she ages.
What you posted is the opposite of how being /fit/ works
I'm not talking contribution, anyone who works a job, pays taxes, and circulates money back into the economy technically contributes to the society. I'm talking societal progress
And It's that case, the answer is none, I've also never claimed to be the hallmark of white superiority as OP claimed that nigger is
those medals must be for picking cotton well.
good job Tameka!
Tokashiki is my Olympifu
>gibs me dat athletic scholarships
>dindu nuffin pity points
>white guilt letting errors slide
am I missing something? I know shes black but she wouldn't even be on the podium if not for the white people who feel false guilt letting her through...
wow, a nigger is good at swinging from trees if they have a White overseer training them. Next you will tell me niggers are good at basketball.
Also will remind you, both the niggers choked under the pressure, don't even belong there. They literally kicked out the White girls who won the nationals to stick niggers in there.
This is hardly the West biggest's problem, just a symptom of jewish cultural marxism destroying us.