Colonial Risk

New map with luxury resources like in Sid Meier's Civilization. Players receive a +1 bonus for controlling one of each of the fourteen resource types. Controlling more than one copy of a single resource type grants only one +1 bonus.


Republic of Buenos Aires
any colour

Seljuk Empire
Land along Eastern coast of Caspian Sea (Turkmenistan)

Kingdom of Spain

'The Brotherhood'
Northern south america.

>Colombian White Supremacists

New players are welcome to join.

Fill Iberia, ignore spills.

Capture nearby sugar and gold

any spils towards annexing patogonia

Peace treaty? We could form a mighty empire working together.

Expand to the right- try to go for that coffee resource.

Sail to the firs in canada

>Emu Army
>South Western Australia

capture tea below caspian sea and move to nearby silk, spills take slaves

Yu read my mind fellow white man, lets set the dividing line at the peru Ecuador border, i will also let you take northen brazil

Reminder that you only need one copy of each resource type.

Fill Iberia, spill the Caribbean.

Try to fill Columbia territory.
If I have extra points, expand into Mexico.

Textiles in us and cotton

Fill paraguay and the resource in bolivia, any spilss towards cleaning up SA

fill Australia

Keep an eye on Seljuk. He's in prime position to expand rapidly.

New players are welcome to join.

take silk and fill middle east

wait so do I get bonus for every resource or just having all types/ and multiples of one? if it is having multiple then that means only the brotherhood should really have a bonus, right?

Finish Iberia, fill the Caribbean

didn't wait for my roll? same roll as last time, spills take Turkey

Go for that gold above me.
Spill towards that sugar.

+1 for controlling one copy of each resource type with the maximum bonus being +14. Roll again for this turn.

fill the rest of australia

Fill paraguay bolivia
spils towards fixing southern borders

Textiles spill cotton

okay, cool sorry. does the last roll count?
roll for same plus turkey as spill

If more spill toward gold


Fill the Caribbean.

Go for the gold

Try to go over and colonize Nigeria.
Spill to fill Mexico.

Advance up to the eastermost point of brazil
spills towards outhern borders

>Expand tru east europe

take turkish coffee, egyptian cotton, and yemen spices in that order

Fill Australia (including Tasmania) then sail to New Zealand, if extra spill Papua new guinea

Please, you two, work together. We don't want Seljuk getting huge while you two fight each other.


Fill the Caribbean, spill Mexico.

there's also Greenland and Australia. neither seem to have any threats

Fill the balkans spill to italy and remaining germany

Go for gems in canada

take egyptian cotton, yemeni spices, and russian gems

Expand my Nigerian colony. Try to get the slaves and Ivory.

I don't want any trouble, Spain. Let's not fight.

grab the south island for new zealand, then take papua new guinea and the indonesian islands

Hey m8 wanna set up france as frontier?