C'mon guys, we are not gonna confiscate your guns. We just want common sense bans on certain weapons that were designed to kill people in large quantities, better background checks and a registry of everyone who owns firearms. Is that so wrong?
That's the same thing, so yes.
Shall not be infringed.
Fuck off, commie.
No its not
He's going to win. You know it. That's why they pay you to be here shilling.
Also Trump live: youtube.com
>designed to kill people in large quantities
What if people in large quantities are coming after you?
>better background checks
Could be exploited, but it's not unreasonable
>registry of everyone who owns firearms
Why? Give me one good reason why this would be useful for anything other than taking away weapons easier?
>common sense
i.e. you're going to obfuscate the issue to appeal to low-information voters
>common sense bans
Nice vague buzzword to deflect the fact that you can't even describe what the fuck you're talking about
lol bump xd
>google image picture
>never posted on Sup Forums before
shills calling other people shills is 100% entertainment
>>designed to kill people in large quantities
>What if people in large quantities are coming after you?
To add onto that, how many rounds is too many?
Ex dee
Nice try retard
Thank you for Correcting the Record
the Weimer republic had a national firearm registry which Hitler used to disarm the Jews
>CTR spotted
here's your (((you)))
You're welcome
shall not be infringed, commie.
C'mon man. Think of how many lives could be saved if we just banned automatic and semi automatic weapons. And what, you want to keep them for some kind of outdated concept of masculinity?
Thank you for correcting the record
Fuck off CTR. You will NEVER have a foothold here. There is no hiding from the beacon of truth. The Path of Light leads to the tree of liberty.
Soon it will be time for watering.
Why is the staff at Correct the Record 100% white?
Can you refute my argument please?
When u can't carry the gun or aim it effectively, safely and accurately. Because it weighs too much because the awesome amount of bullets in it. That's when it becomes too many. Faggot.
M8 most criminal in US use Handgun
And everybody know you wan't ban 2nd amendment
so black market criminal have gun
regular citizen don't have it
Now remove your Race-mixing commie Fuck Face Pic
>shall not be infringed, commie.
shall not be infringed, commie.
>shall not be infringed, commie.
shall not be infringed, commie.
>shall not be infringed, commie.
shall not be infringed, commie.
>shall not be infringed, commie.
shall not be infringed, commie.
ecksdee xdxd
>a registry of everyone who owns firearms
fuck off
Universal Background Checks, which already exist, violate the 4th amendment and therefore by definition infringe on the second.
>bans on certain weapons
So you ARE coming for my gun then? Fuck off.
>not knowing full auto is already banned
>"small dick" shaming attempt
This is piss poor. You did not earn your $.05 with this post, CTR.
Disarmament of the people gives the government too much power, which inevitably they will exploit. Allowing the government to make restrictions is a slippery slope that will lead to disarmament and will ultimately cause more problems that otherwise would never have existed
That nigger looks like Admiral Ackbar
>not coming for guns
>also, coming for your guns
Automatic weapons made before a certain date are still legal to own. We need to ban those.
most crimes are committed by people carrying handguns.
Not your scary assault weapons you see in call of duty and die hard.
kill yourself
When there are less than 30 PoC in this country you can go ahead and ban 30 round clips.
wow thts not very nice xd
>Wants to pick a fight with the largest armed body of people on the fucking planet
Because they are too dangerous.
you have to go back, pic very related
criminals aren't very nice you limp wristed first world retard.
drown yourself in soylent
>for you
Immediately before the civil war, strict gun restrictions were placed by the Feds.
More Americans died in the civil war than any other
Yeah, it is wrong. What you call "common sense bans on certain weapons" are not common sense at all and entirely based on your own complete ignorance of firearms in general. Let me guess, the first gun you're going after is the AR-15 right? Well here's a news flash: The AR-15 is a semi-automatic rifle that fires intermediate cartridges that aren't even recommended for hunting deer.
Some of your other favorite bullshit is banning "high capacity magazines" which is easily circumvented by having fucking machine tools in your garage. Magazines are easily made and any dipshit can make them so restricting their sale is pointless.
There are already mandatory background checks in almost every state and you can fuck right off with your registry of everyone who owns a firearm.
Fucking slopes in the Philippines make fully automatic concealable SMGs with hand tools and sell them on the streets. The only thing you're going to do is disarm and monitor the people who SHOULD be armed.
How do you figure?
Because they are bullet hoses and some of them have shoulder things that go up.
Fuck you idiot cars kill more people than rifles. Go ban cars you commie shit.
Anytime any government bureaucrat (or they little faggotty pathetic minimum wage shills) says they're not going to do something?
Oh, you can bet your last dollar that's exactly what they are going to do.
"If you like your health insurance plan, you can keep your health insurance plan"
"If you like your guns, you can keep your guns"
"If you like your faggoty little shills on Sup Forums, you will not be able to get rid of your faggoty little shills on Sup Forums"
So are nuggers. Let's make a deal. Ban both guns and non-whites.
Here's a (you)
>1 post by this ID
Sliding away
>and a registry of everyone who owns firearms
ill fucking kill you
Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail.
what is the man in this vine saying Sup Forums?
What is the mane to the left of Trump saying btw?
>gun control
>good thing
what's a slide?
Sure kid, sure
Gun control in other countries did not manifest a decrease in violent crime rates
Most gun crime is comitted by illegally obtained firearms
We already have comprehensive background checks for gun retailers
US violent crime is on a steady decline despite increasing gun ownership and relaxation of gun laws in most states
Gun ownership is not correlated with violent crime either among countries or among the US states (total gun deaths are, slightly, because of suicide)
lol a legal full auto M16 is $25,000 + $200 dollar tax stamp to the Fed + a fed. Bg check + you need your Local LEO to sign your paper work and get finger printed.
They are tightly regulated and have never been used in commission of a crime.
Conversely, the Columbine shooters included one pump action and one break action shotgun in their arsenal, both of which were illegally cut down for better concealment.
I would also argue that the ready availability of semiautomatic rifles has actually saved lives.
The few bombings here in the U.S. and multiple IRA bombings in the U.K. show that a determined mass murderer does not have to resort to firearms to kill. Firearms do make it easier. But they also make it more likely body counts will be kept to a minimum. The shooter will likely be stopped before completing his rampage. The Dallas shooter had compiled bomb making materials, but decided to use a rifle instead. Imagine a car bomb sized device placed on the parade route. Imagine an Oklahoma City for every mass shooting. If sandy hook had been a bomb instead of a gunman, the number of dead would have been far higher than 26.
Meanwhile, violent crime is at an all time low in the U.S. despite the fact that gun ownership is on the rise. the only place crime has spiked is in gun control havens like New York City, Chicago and Los Angeles.
>"We are not coming for you videogames." Said the (((liberals)))
>they came for my vidya and "enriched" them
You are going to take my guns
name 1 incident where a legally owned machine gun was used in a crime
Not many at all (maximum of 11,000 per year). Certainly not enough to move the needle enough to agree with your proposals, none of which have any authority behind them, legally speaking.
last time was in 1969 and it was owned by a cop.
pal, every retard 13 year old and his granny knows how to make a bomb
Endowed by your creater with certain INALIENABLE RIGHTS
go look it up
The irony is he liberals were the defenders of video games just ten years ago. The SJWs have completely taken over the left, to the point that the left now is against practically everything it used to support.
computers are racist
we're not coming for your guns until we're coming for your guns baka
>Is that so wrong?
> Is that so wrong?
Yes. Yes it is. VERY Wrong in fact.
Liberals and conservatives aren't what they used to be. Both of them are good goys who suck isreali cock nowadays. I mean, Trump may be close to a few jews but he is against the jewish media.
When you make a bunch of junk threads in order to draw attention away from other, more important threads. Drumpfkins think we are part of an evil conspiracy trying to disrupt Sup Forums's planning.
Kek drumpfkins think they can stop us taking their guns.
>Automatic weapons made before a certain date are still legal to own
Only by those specific owners. And that law was passed in the 1960s so they are all old as fuck.
To transfer or sell them cost fuck tons of money.
Please tell me how youll take them.
There are 300 million guns owned by 100 million gun owners.
youll get them to surrender this property? especially because the majority of the police and military wont support such and order and if anything would side with the people.
I honestly wish liberals would try so we could overthrow the corrupt disgusting mass that is DC and start fresh.
Easy. Most people will turn them in if we make them illegal, and we can just do routine checks on people suspected of still owning them by listing them as "potential terrorists"
>libtards actually believe
Happened in australia.
we are not Australia
pls no more boomp this thread xd