He's a fucking shill, isn't he?
He's doing virtually everything to make himself unelectable.
He's a fucking shill, isn't he?
He's doing virtually everything to make himself unelectable.
Other urls found in this thread:
>he ever wanted to win
you fell for it?
He's going to win. You know it. That's why they pay you to be here shilling.
Also Trump live: youtube.com
None of it was ever real. Cleared the floor of legit candidates, yes?
Like carlin said, this country was bought and paid for years ago.
People literally watch too much shill news
my dad was freaking out about Trump saying stupid stuff and i asked him what exactly he said wrong and he kind of just spaced out for a couple seconds and went quiet
I'm not a shill. It feels like his campaign is unravelling after a few weeks of real momentum. He's supposed to be moving to the centre right now, bringing in new voters. Instead he's floundering.
Been saying it
wow politics have a bump xd
Over here they can never give a specific example about why Trump is bad.
b-b-but the BBC said so
This is what pisses me off so much. It was incredibly clear what he had to do. Trump is a smart guy, he knows what he needs to do. He isn't doing it.
hahahaha xd
Trump is deliberately trying to sabotage his own campaign. He's still playing the role of a cartoon villain, to help one of the most reprehensible people in American politics get elected to office. This whole election is a scripted media farce. We're just awaiting the coronation of our next ruler hand picked by the corporate oligarchy. I will still go out to the polls and vote, but deep in my heart I'll know that my vote doesn't really matter. Our nation has vomited forth the two worst presidential candidates in American history. It's almost like we are under judgment from God and are in the process of receiving his wrath.
Yes. I'm not a shill, I've been cautiously optimistic Trump could have been our greatest President in modern history. But, no, he's a fucking Jewish shill, and I'm not even surprised.
Fuck this guy. He's going to drag down any future Nationalist candidates with him. I can only hope he also destroys the entire GOP, so the neocons all fuck off, too.
Seriously, though, fuck this guy. Now I get to watch fucking Hillary on TV for the next fucking decade.
Johnson is the real Republican candidate for 2016. Don't vote for the orange-colored Hillary shill.
Thank you for correcting the record!
>Hillary "Literal Lizard Person/Homunculus" Clinton is going to win because Trump can't go one minute without cocking something up
I remember last year, when it became obvious that Hillary was the only actual candidate the Democrats had. I thought a Republican presidency was inevitable. Yet, somehow, Trump keeps falling for every bait, trap, and fabricated controversy (yeah, I'm sure he called upon those gun owners to literally kill Hillary) the Left sets up for him. Losing to this fucking robot simulacrum of a human being is going to be the shame of the century for the GOP, if they even survive past 2020 without being torn apart and reformed into a new right-wing party.
op pls dont be so truthful
when will you homos learn
>wants to defend the second amendment
>suddenly that's bad
Can't you CTR shills come up with better bait?
>He's a fucking shill, isn't he?
Fucking this. I'm a centrist that dug Bernie but also would've gone for a strong conservative. I thought for SURE Hillary would be in the corner getting pummeled by now since Trump had the "true patriot" appeal going for him. All he had to do was harp on Crooked Hillary's scandals until November and pivot ever-so-slightly to the general.
The primaries were the time for his crazy shit and trolling. He's supposed to be showing right now that he's presidential. Instead he's almost chasing scandals.
>Trump is a smart guy
Source ?
He's a fantastic self promoter, that's different from being smart. He's basically a big orange Kardashian
I used to scoff at the people who claimed he was only in the race to help her win.
But think about it, how do you elect the most disliked candidate to ever run for president?
You create a worse candidate.
Maybe Trump got a MASSIVE favour in the pipeline that requires him to secure her candidacy. And a simple endorsement wouldnt cut it, but making her look like the better candidate will.
Any, ANY conservative with a very trustworthy and consistent record would beat her easily. Instead they picked Trump.
How do you think that nutjob Cruz is gonna look when Trump loses? Can you imagine his cunt "I told you so" face? He's gonna be the big brave hero after all this, the one who stood up to the man that may lead the American right into the biggest landslide loss in a generation.
Not a single Rep candidate was worth the presidency. Great fucking job GOP.
Trey Gowdy 2020
No candidate is worth the presidency. This election cycle is a disaster.
True. Not even the smaller parties.
Why are almost all the candidates fucking senior citizens? 40 is old in Dutch politics. You would be hospitalised for dementia if you would ran for MP here if you are 72.
If she goes 2 term you will have an EIGHTY YEAR OLD PRESIDENT what the fuck, US?
Hillary can say she's going to murder Trump and his family and wave around an Uzi 9mm at a rally and the press wouldn't pick up on it because THEY'RE the ones bought and payed for.
Trump just gets overexposed by the press because, like he said, they're biased.
Sage and hidden, sorry CTR
how is he unelectable?
hes not graceful
but thats about it
i agree with him on almost every point that matters
on everything hes said nd not what the propaganda the media has spread has been saying he said
immigration needs to be more heavily regulated
the second ammendment needs to be unrestricted
trade deals and foreign policy needs to be simple and bottom line as to avoid confusion and loophole bullshit
russia should be an ally and not an enemy
our true foe is china
hillary clinton is grossly unqualified to be president
There's been an interesting change of direction in American politics. In 2008 it was Obama's fresh face and calls for "change" that won him the presidency. Suddenly America is putting its faith in a group of 70 year olds.
Thanks for the bump friend.
>"hillary clinton is grossly unqualified to be president"
says the reality TV star and draft dodger about a politician who has been in politics for more than 25 years