So Trump literally just won the 2nd Amendment vote (a large voting block) so why is CTR acting like this was a mistake?

so Trump literally just won the 2nd Amendment vote (a large voting block) so why is CTR acting like this was a mistake?

>why is CTR acting like this was a mistake?
Because you might believe it.

Because the gun freaks were never going to vote for the Hilldawg anyway, you cretin.

Because this isn't the republican primaries anymore. You have to play for moderates or you'll never break 40%.

Not just CTR is acting like it's a big mistake, everyone besides safe space Trumplets are.

You just never leave your safe space so you wouldn't realize.

are you implying moderates dont support the 2nd amendment?

>not attacking something that Trump says
Are you fucking retarded?


crct_4ch_pol_2a_responses: "Jesus, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail.

Because it's about what people hear and not about what you said or meant especially as a presidential nominee.

Hit supporters are literal retards so the chance that one of them will now want to actually shoot Clinton are quite elevated.

Because they need to jump on literally anything they can spin to try to smear him, in an attempt to get something to stick.

Trump is the one polling best with Independents, last I checked.

Nope, everybody I know who is pro-Hillary is still pro-Hillary, everybody I know who is pro-Trump is still pro-Trump, everybody I know who is undecided or not voting hasn't changed their mind. This is nothing, only blind leftists or people who stand to gain from manufactured controversy think otherwise.

Most Americans are pro-gun control. He's fucking lost. Even the ones that are pro-gun will turn against him. He literally just publicly stated he wants you to kill Hillary. He's such a buffoon. But fucking dangerous.

>Most Americans are pro-gun control

kek not even close retard

Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail.

"Do you favor or oppose a law to ban the sale of assault weapons and semi-automatic rifles?"

Favor Oppose Unsure
% % %

51 46 3

74 23 3

30 66 4

48 49 3

>UK flag
We need everyone with a British accent to start telling Americans that the second amendment is bad.

More than half want gun control.

No we need you to tell Americans that they need gun control. Just do it user.

Did you read that of Das Speigle or whatever state run media you have?

>words are dangerous

>stating we should use the second amendment as it was intended

>adding that will be a sad day if it ever comes to it.

why do I even respond

Incorrect. 72% of Americans think anybody should be allowed to have a handgun, and most independents oppose gun control in general as well. And polling terms are often vague or misleading, like just saying 'gun control' or saying 'assault rifles'. Indeed, one could say Trump is pushing for stricter gun control, since he wants to fix background checks.

Because they have to cover up everything else he said in that speech and never let it see the light of day because it would absolutely destroy them.

Because they're being paid to.

The most hilarious thing is the media and the puppet masters leading the shills don't realize most people dislike hillary quite a bit. So I don't see the value in helping people think about hillary being shot, many would probably think it should happen.

Too fucking bad, I hope they enjoy dying.

only 12%, according to Pew research

but we lost the gun control vote and they are the majority


Let's be real here Sup Forums. This man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig. and belongs in jail.

Let's be real here Sup Forums. This man is not suitable for the role of President, He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail.

TBQH they care the most, on I read the story and not only was the story pretty fair to Trump, the commenters seemed pretty amazed that he said it and hyped.

its lowkey amazing for Trump and now he owns all gun lovers as a voting block.

Trump should raise +2 in polls ironically.

Does it matter? Gun control is coming. After today, Hillary has won. Doesn't matter, he literally said we should kill Hillary. Not even Hitler would dare say that,

He finished. Even if he manages to twist in some way, as he always does, that it was interpreted wrong, the people heard it, the media reported it, its in peoples minds.

>Gun control is coming
then so is war, this shits been brewing for too long

Probably to cover up the fact that terrorists support/attend Hillary rallies.

Anyone dumb enough to interpret this as an order to go shoot Hillary already supports her because they fell for the last 20 fabricated scandals.

Gun control is an issue that would result in civil war.

As it should, it would be like if the government tried to end freedom of speech or freedom of assembly.

There would be and should be war to stop such tyranny

Of course, lord trump belongs in prison for being prejudice, yet shillary's poor handling of military situations getting people killed, defending rapists and attacking rape victims, supporting the leader of the kkk's political campaign, ruining a 12 year old rape victim's life by manipulating her, and deleting incriminating federal emails illegally apparently shouldn't put her there

This is genuinely upsetting.

Wikileaks has information that Hillary is helping out ISIS, takes money from Saudis, countless "suicides' trailing behind her, now a fucking father of a terrorist supports her at a rally.

And normies are none the wiser.

I doubt it. War will only come about when resources, food, energy, or water is low. I don't think people will go to war. Marches sure, but not war.

I dont think you understand, the 2nd amendment in the united states is as important as free speech.

It would be like if the queen got on the tv and announce that she was revoking Parliaments power and that UK citizens now had no right to private property

Its a big fucking deal BIG fucking deal, let alone impossible.

People would simply refuse, but if somehow it did have enough support to be passed into law half the states would resist, with weapons if necessary

you have no idea.

Trump is a fucking genius.

>You can't do that!
everyone around him screams. Haha. It merely hasn't been done before!

Welcome to your new world, SJWs...

Helldawg's lapdog MSM is always waiting for orders from Podesta or another syncophant to tweak the ongoing anti Trump narrative. The spin on this is obvious. It's also misdirection so folks won't think about the number of people she's actually killed, the fact she's unfit due to blood clots in her brain, the Clinton Foundation money laundering, the damning contents of the wikileaks emails (both as Sec of State and DNC leak), the fact that Democrats around her keep 'dropping dead', her seizures and brainfarts, her collusion to cheat Bernie with the DNC/DWS/MSM, her past of poly-substance abuse, her lesbian affairs, her abortions, her.........................

Worst candidate ever

>none the wiser
not even that. most of them know, they just don't care


end your life.

Moderates don't have guns so most of them don't care what happens to it.

You're Scottish, aren't you?

>9:11 am