I heard my 60-year-old father refer to John McCain as a "cuck" today.
I hope you fucking idiots are happy with what you've done to this country.
I heard my 60-year-old father refer to John McCain as a "cuck" today.
I hope you fucking idiots are happy with what you've done to this country.
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Imagine what else we can do!
Based dad. Shame his son's a faggot.
Ahahahaha!! Sup Forumss motto:Remain and expand
Keku Ackbar
>I hope you fucking idiots are happy with what you've done to this country.
I hear it in the wild too.
Cuck has become the white "uncle tom."
>join war just to feel good
>Surrenders to their world chinks
>Chinks let him live only because his daddy is important
100% cuck
You are now aware you live in a world were right-leaning votersnow believe:
>Mitt Romney
>Paul Ryan
>John McCain
>Ted Cruz
and other high-up GOP members are RINOs and that Donald Trump is the conservative hero here to protect their values and party. The fucking delusion.
Only once here but it was hilarious.
your dad sounds based, you sound like a fucking cuck though
Shut up, cuck.
I heard it from my 16 year old brother who doesn go to Sup Forums. I was so wierded out when i heard it. How did cuck become a thing? How does it get out to the mainstream?
We're literally meming Trump to the presidency.
Sup Forums is super influential, guys. A bunch of semi-intelligent guys spending countless hours manufacturing memes on the internet, those memes spread, suddenly there's a shift in the political climate and Trump is the GOP nominee. We almost rival the Jews now.
and it's only gonna get worse
OP is a fag
cuck is a common insult in tons of langauges
>some guy in my neighborhood yells "top cuck"
"Cuckold" is an ancient English word. "Cuck" is a new Sup Forums-driven corruption.
We should just end the human race now.
The west is too permissive. Too leftist. We're ruled by an elite of effete intellectuals.
That's why it's such a great insult. It fits the spirit of the times. Calling a white man a cuck in this day and age is the same as labeling them a coward, traitor, etc. because they dutifully conform to a status quo that doesn't even hide its contempt for them.
Perhaps you did not appreciate what a collossal piece of shit John McCain truly is.
> John McCain
>get shootdown by commie Russian over korea.
>get his ass propelled by asian farmer in jail
>totaly not a cuck and a war hero.
A shame he has a cuck for a son.
this is the most Sup Forums image I've seen all day.
there is always room for improvement
you remind me of foxs news
Its not the fucking conservative party, its the REPUBLICAN party
>"Look at this guy son, what a cuck."
>"I'm paying my bills son, looks like the bank is trying to cuck me."
>"Don't drink all of my tea or you're gonna get cucked."
never should have showed him Sup Forums 2bh pham
>anything but ultra cucks
Honestly just go join the Dems, faggots.
John McCain is a Saudi shill.
Your father knows whats up.
>60-year-old father refer to John McCain as a "cuck"
>hope you happy with what you've done to this country.
Yes. If a 60 year old man calls out a shit tier vet for being a cuck that allowed himself to be captured and imprisoned by the enemy something right is finally going on for once.
The storm is coming.
Your grandpa sounds like a cool motherfucker. Pity his grandkid is such a pussy bitch cuck. Can I hang out with your grandpa and get some beers with him? You don't deserve him
that just means your dad listens to Rush or surfs the conservative treehouse
10/10 would have a beer with your pops
It's pretty true. All McCain can do while Trump drags his service and congressional records through a huge pile of dogshit is stand there passively and take it.
He wants to be reelected, so he gets to watch Trump rail his career with a thirteen inch black cock.
>one of my seemingly normal friends sends me the build wall trump Pepe picture from kikebook because he thought it was funny
Everyone here seems to underestimate what this site can actually do
we woke it up. your welcome cuck. you clearly dont know what an idiot is if you look in the mirror and say "NOPE NOT ME" because yeah you. fucking idiot cuck.
Why wouldn't we be happy?
We're making it better.
>"Don't drink all of my tea or you're gonna get cucked."
Wtf? is he saying he's going to fuck your girlfriend if you drink his tea?
This is the most Sup Forums image I've ever seen in my life.
>I heard my 60-year-old father refer to John McCain as a "cuck" today.
Your father sounds like a real man. Gonna suck for you when he starts calling you cuck too
>I hope you fucking idiots are happy with what you've done to this country.
tickled pink, desu mi familia
I sat on a flight with a 69 year old who loves Trump. I explained to him what being "red-pilled" means and who Pepe and Kek were and he thought it was amazing. He may even browse Pol now.
Absofuckinglutely are, and your dad's right, mccuckk is a fucking cuck and he will hang for his treason.
Goes on to have photo-ops with terrorists and shills for giving them more weapons.
i kno that feel showed my little brother Sup Forums worst mistake ever he told his sunday school teacher was "wicked pozzed"
This is the most Sup Forums image.
This is Sup Forums.
John McCain is a cuck in the trustiest sense of the form. He might as well be a democrat.
>I hope you fucking idiots are happy with what you've done to this country.
extremely B^)
I hear it from my coworker who recoils when I mention Sup Forums.
One of these days I won't be able to suppress that little 'Strayan at my shoulder.
>"Don't drink all of my tea or you're gonna get cucked."
Is your dad British perchance?
>Being that Alpha
Calling someone a "cuck" or "shill" is just so satisfying.
To be fair, John McCain IS a literal cuck. Back in 2000, even George Bush and his campaign had a strategy to shame him for being a BBC cumslave cuck raising his wife's lover's black daughter.
My son's entire 7th grade english class got in trouble for chanting "cuck cuck cuck" at their limp wristed substitute teacher
>Mitt Romney
Hyper super cuck raising his wife's lover's black child
>Paul Ryan
Mega cuck
>John McCain
Uber cuck raising his wife's lover's black child
>Ted Cruz
He's not that bad, kinda cucky for Israel but at least his daughters haven't tasted the BBC. Yet.
When you say shit like this it's hard to take you seriously Sup Forums. McCain's daughter is adopted of Bangladeshi descent.
my sides
I have giggled like a retarded athmatic schoolgirl for literally ten minutes now.
I'll keep you updated when it stops.
>tfw my friends know about Sup Forums and maybe would use "cuck" as a joke in groupchat but they never use internet shit in real life because they aren't meme demons
thank you god