Other than Trump auto winning.
What happens if Hillary dies before the election?
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Obama is already planning to stop the election
if they cant rig it
what if they put Bernie instead of her, for health issues?
i really don't think bitch will go as far as to die on podium while debating Trump, allthought it might be epic
same black dude?
Well there's that... But I meant what is supposed to happen.
that guy is always there
Another DNC convention to pick a candidate
>She's dying
>Wikileaks is going to expose her crimes
...says increasingly nervous Trump supporter for the seventh time.
That would go badly for them; bernie bros are disillusioned now and her other supporters don't like Sanders.
What if both die? They are pretty old and senile.
Will El Rato raise from the ashes of the GOP to rule with iron fist?
What if Trump fuck assholes show up at rallies with strobe flash lights, air horns and whistles trying to trigger her into a seizure?
Maybe these fucktards should be prosecuted.
I've been trolling Clinton for a long time because I really don't like her, but after today there's no fucking way I can support a psychopathic lunatic like Trump. His idiot maniac supporters will do anything to get him elected.
I have a feeling Cruz wouldn't let the dollar/dollar standard fall and start a world war like Hillary
The dnc picks a replacement.
can they do that?
Only thing I'm nervous about is her coughing on Trump during the debates and giving him the herp.
Bernie is even easier for Trump to demolish
And he already cashed out
Never in a million years commie.
Whoa buddy, it's not like he called for assassination of a black man like Clinton did in '08.
he's her handler, medical handler
Bernie already cashed out, but Bernie was polling higher than Hillary in the hypothetical general polls...given the current state of Trump's mouth, it's likely Bernie would have a similar or larger lead than Hillary does right now.
hmmm wonder why they didn't go with Bernie then, considering he actually won and all.
Then I win the office pool. It's up to a few thousand now.
Polling better than hillary
with who redditors?
Well if you're a 2A guy, you know what to do. (go out and vote)
Republicans don't interfere with liberal speakers. Republicans will allow the most extreme leftist an opportunity to speak.
Attempting to silence opposing viewpoints is solely a leftist tactic.
Very true, wouldn't doubt we see some BLM if things are getting a bit coughy for Clinton.
I'd bet the super delegates get the pick, and I'd bet they'd go with her VP choice.
I have a BBQ
It's weird how we all thought Bernie was going to die when it was Hillary all along. Was that part of the controlled opposition scheme all along?
> What happens if Hillary dies before the election?
They will replace her with a double, or make a cybertronic meat puppet of her, like they did with bill.
the fat nigger becomes president
>"keep talking..."
I was hoping CTR would be lighting this post up, but I guess it's past quitting time. Maybe tomorrow.
This going on Jew book...
>...says increasingly nervous Trump supporter for the seventh time.
says the CTR shill for the eight-hundredth time
If she dies before the deadline: the Democratic party will meet in a smoke filled room to pick the next candidate.
If she dies after: The ticket remains unchanged. If she wins, Kaine is sworn in and he can choose to nominate a Vice President. If he chooses to leave the VP slot empty, the Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan becomes President upon Kaine's death. If he does choose to nominate a VP, it must be confirmed by both the House and the Senate.
Yeah the DNC would either choose Kaine or Biden. More likely Kaine since he's already the VP nominee.
keith olberman has a small penis
Obama would push Biden to run and want to control the justice dept and all judicial appointments to keep his social justice agenda alive
A bunch of midgets come out to gawk at the house that fell on her, then start singing before coercing some poor girl to wear her shoes.